Objective: 59% of Viennese day care children have a first language other than German. Lower proficiency in the second language German might be typical in multilingual settings, but might also be due to language disorder (ICD-10:F80 or comorbid). Diagnostic practise in Austria focuses on second language evaluation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Nonword repetition tests (NWRT) can be useful tools together with other assessment procedures for diagnosing a developmental learning disorder in bilingual children. Concerning typically developing children, however, the link between NWRT performance and language development is still unclear. The present study contributes to this discussion by investigating the link between language-dependent NWRT performance, language development, and language exposure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Both imagery rescripting and imaginal exposure have been proven to be effective in the treatment of chronic nightmares when compared to a waitlist condition. Little is known about their comparative efficacy and their efficacy compared to an active control.
Objective: The aims of this study were to compare the two treatments to one another and to positive imagery as an active control, and to explore covariates of the treatment effect.
Background: Due to demographic changes over the last few decades, the number of multilingual children has grown rapidly. Many of them face problems in learning their second language. Similarities between linguistic manifestations of stages of second language acquisition and an impairment of language acquisition cause a diagnostic dilemma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The UN Refugee Agency has reported that an increasing number of people are being forcibly displaced worldwide. Despite this, global health issues, especially initiatives focusing on physical and psychological conditions of refugees, are still rarely considered in medical curricula. Furthermore, there is little evidence regarding the experiences and possible related psychological strain of medical students who work with refugees.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
May 2019
Aspects of global health are becoming increasingly relevant for doctors of future generations. However, medical curricula rarely include courses which focus on global health or forced migration. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether students are at risk to develop psychological strain, after being confronted with highly burdened or even traumatized asylum seekers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis consensus paper provides an overview of the state of the art in research on the aetiology and treatment of nightmare disorder and outlines further perspectives on these issues. It presents a definition of nightmares and nightmare disorder followed by epidemiological findings, and then explains existing models of nightmare aetiology in traumatized and non-traumatized individuals. Chronic nightmares develop through the interaction of elevated hyperarousal and impaired fear extinction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF(1) Medical doctors and medical students show increased psychological stress levels. International medical students seem to be particularly vulnerable. (2) We compared different methods of assessing stress levels in international and local first year medical students.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFilled cobalt-antimony based skutterudites have proven themselves as very promising thermoelectric materials for generator applications in an intermediate temperature range between 400 and 800 K due to their high figure of merit. Besides the functional thermoelectric properties also the skutterudites’ mechanical properties play an important role to withstand external mechanical and internal thermomechanical loads during operation. Properties of interest are hardness as well as fracture toughness and resistance to fatigue.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: A substantial proportion of refugees, fleeing persecution, torture, and war, are estimated to suffer from psychological traumatization. After being sheltered in reception centers, the refugees come in close contact with different occupational groups, e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: To our best knowledge, a rigorous prospective analysis of final year medical students' (FY medical students) activity profiles during workplace learning is lacking. The present study investigated the CanMEDS characteristics of all on-ward activities performed by internal medicine FY medical students. We tested the hypotheses that during FY medical student workplace training (I) routine activities are predominantly performed, while supervised, more complex activities are underrepresented with (II) FY medical students performing an insufficient number of autonomous activities and that (III) the CanMEDS roles of the Communicator and the Professional prevail.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA comparison of alveolar and velarized lateral realizations in two language varieties, Albanian and the Viennese dialect, has been performed. Albanian distinguishes the two laterals phonemically, whereas in the Viennese dialect, the velarized lateral was introduced by language contact with Czech immigrants. A categorical distinction between the two lateral phonemes is fully maintained in Albanian.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: From the beginning of the first year of medical studies, increased psychological stress and elevated burnout prevalence rates can be registered compared to sample populations. Characterized by learning "on an equal footing", the principle of peer-assisted learning (PAL) is widely used in medical education. This report aims to showcase the development and evaluation of peer-led stress prevention seminars for first year medical students after one year of implementation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: From year one of studying medicine an increase of psychological stress is found. The relationship between the occurrence of this stress and attachment patterns or structural personality functions remains unclear. The present study aimed at investigating whether a relationship between the enduring personality variables, attachment style and level of structural integration of the personality, and acute stress experience at the beginning of medical students' studies exists.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: First studies revealed overgeneral autobiographical memories in anorexia nervosa (AN) patients. The aim of the present study was to investigate frequency, generalization and valence of autobiographical memories in AN patients in response to eating disorder-related cue words.
Method: Autobiographical memory was examined in 21 AN patients and 21 healthy controls (HC) using a modified version of the Autobiographical Memory Test, incorporating body-related, food-related, perfectionism-related, depression-related and neutral cues.