Publications by authors named "Carol Matthews"

Aim(s): To evaluate the incidence of skin-related complications attributable to incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) using an external female urinary catheter device strategy for urinary incontinent (UI) patients in acute care.

Design: Multicenter quality improvement study.

Methods: Randomized allocation of two commercially available external female urinary catheter devices was used in hospitalized UI female patients.

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Background: On approval of JYNARQUE (tolvaptan) for use in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) at risk for rapid progression, the US Food and Drug Administration required a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) from the sponsor, which includes collection of post marketing liver safety data.

Methods: This is a retrospective interim analysis of the ongoing REMS. The period evaluated was from REMS implementation (14 May 2018) at tolvaptan commercialization to the analysis cutoff date (23 February 2021).

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Academic researchers and professionals from a hospice organization collaborated to assess physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual strain stemming from providing care to a terminally ill older relative among 162 family caregivers to older adults newly admitted to hospice home care. The study investigated predictors of the different types of strain, as well as cumulative strain. Hierarchical multiple regressions revealed that caregivers' age and race, hospice patients' major illnesses (particularly cancer), caregivers' appraisals of their situation, and resources were significant risk or protective factors for caregiver strain, although the predictors varied by type of strain and amount of strain.

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Despite the widespread recognition of the need for new models of care to better serve patients with advanced cancer, little evidence exists to document the effectiveness of these models. The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the integration of an on-site palliative care (PC) advanced practice nurse (APRN) in the community oncology setting and the effect of PC services on patients with advanced cancer compared with usual care. This study utilized a descriptive, pre/post design with 101 adult patients with advanced cancer.

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This article reports on a research partnership between a community-based hospice and a graduate school of social work. The purpose of the collaboration was to design and test a tool for assessing caregiver strain and resources in families caring for older adults receiving hospice home care services. Eighteen hospice home care social workers interviewed 162 caregivers for the study and provided their own assessment of the tool's clinical utility.

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