In the developing brain, the phenomenon of neurogenesis is manifested heterotopically, that is, much the same neurogenetic steps occur at different places with a different timetable. This is due apparently to early molecular regionalization of the neural tube wall in the anteroposterior and dorsoventral dimensions, in a checkerboard pattern of more or less deformed quadrangular histogenetic areas. Their respective fate is apparently specified by a locally specific combination of active/repressed genes known as "molecular profile.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe prethalamic eminence (PThE), a diencephalic caudal neighbor of the telencephalon and alar hypothalamus, is frequently described in mammals and birds as a transient embryonic structure, undetectable in the adult brain. Based on descriptive developmental analysis of Tbr1 gene brain expression in chick embryos, we previously reported that three migratory cellular streams exit the PThE rostralward, targeting multiple sites in the hypothalamus, subpallium and septocommissural area, where eminential cells form distinct nuclei or disperse populations. These conclusions needed experimental corroboration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe prethalamic eminence (PThE) is the most dorsal subdomain of the prethalamus, which corresponds to prosomere 3 (p3) in the prosomeric model for vertebrate forebrain development. In mammalian and avian embryos, the PThE can be delimited from other prethalamic areas by its lack of Dlx gene expression, as well as by its expression of glutamatergic-related genes such as Pax6, Tbr2 and Tbr1. Several studies in mouse embryos postulate the PThE as a source of migratory neurons that populate given telencephalic centers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Patients with progressive chronic kidney disease face a series of treatment decisions that will impact the quality of life of themselves and their family. Renal replacement therapy option education (RRTOE), generally provided by nurses, is recommended by international guidelines
Objectives: To provide nurses with advice and guidance on running RRTOE.
Design: A consensus conference.
Background: There is growing evidence that renal replacement therapy option education (RRTOE) can result in enhanced quality of life, improved clinical outcomes, and reduced health care costs. However, there is still no detailed guidance on the optimal way to run such programmes. To help address this knowledge gap, an expert meeting was held in March 2013 to formulate a position statement on optimal ways to run RRTOE.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInteractions of adult neural stem cells (NSCs) with supportive vasculature appear critical for their maintenance and function, although the molecular details are still under investigation. Neurotrophin (NT)-3 belongs to the NT family of trophic factors, best known for their effects in promoting neuronal survival. Here we show that NT-3 produced and secreted by endothelial cells of brain and choroid plexus capillaries is required for the quiescence and long-term maintenance of NSCs in the mouse subependymal niche.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis position statement was compiled following an expert meeting in March 2013, Zurich, Switzerland. Attendees were invited from a spread of European renal units with established and respected renal replacement therapy option education programmes. Discussions centred around optimal ways of creating an education team, setting realistic and meaningful objectives for patient education, and assessing the quality of education delivered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKey enzymes of the urea cycle and (15)N-labeling patterns of arginine (Arg) were measured to elucidate the involvement of Arg in nitrogen translocation by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Mycorrhiza was established between transformed carrot (Daucus carota) roots and Glomus intraradices in two-compartment petri dishes and three ammonium levels were supplied to the compartment containing the extraradical mycelium (ERM), but no roots. Time courses of specific enzyme activity were obtained for glutamine synthetase, argininosuccinate synthetase, arginase, and urease in the ERM and AM roots.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a previous study of the embryonic midbrain radial glia in a lizard, we observed that these cells define boundaries and regional subdivisions in a pattern that largely supports the adult model [C. Diaz, C. Yanes, C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKnowledge of nature and features of the boundaries between the main neural regions seems to be essential to understand the rules of brain regionalization. On the light of several current and classical criteria used to define cerebral boundaries, we examine the features of the places recognized as rostral and caudal boundaries in the developing diencephalon and provide new images about the glial features of these boundaries. One demonstrated property of some embryonic boundaries is the prevention of the crossing cells in the early ventricular zone (clonal restriction), while the intermediate zone seems to lack it.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have studied the organization of the midbrain radial glia in embryos of Gallotia galloti using the fluorescent lipophilic dye 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethyl-indocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) and the antibodies H5 and RC2. Our goal was to verify if the radial glia takes part in the midbrain boundaries formation and if it defines different zones. Our exam reveals two clear limits, anterior or mesencephalic-diencephalic (m/d) and posterior or mesencephalic-rhombencephalic (m/r), that can be defined as the borders where the midbrain radial glia processes end.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGlutamine synthetase (GS) is a central enzyme of nitrogen metabolism that allows assimilation of nitrogen and biosynthesis of glutamine. We isolated the cDNA encoding GS from two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Glomus mosseae (GmGln1) and Glomus intraradices (GiGln1). The deduced protein orthologues have a high degree of similarity (92%) with each other as well as with GSs from other fungi.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have used ventricular injections of the fluorescent carbocyanine dye DiI (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA) to demonstrate the scaffolding of the radial ventricular cells in the embryonic forebrain of lizards. The results reveal changes of density, orientation, or thickness of the radial processes between adjacent regions. On the whole, they support the idea that the hypothalamus together with the telencephalic stalk and the telencephalic hemispheres make up the anterior region of the neural tube or secondary prosencephalon, as proposed by the prosomeric model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDevelopment of neurons in the area triangularis of Gallotia galloti was investigated in Golgi-impregnated brain tissue. Four major neuronal types present in adults were found to originate from two migratory neuroblast types, which were followed from embryonic stage S.32.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a Golgi study of the area triangularis (AT), a rostral nucleus of the ventral thalamus of Gallotia galloti, we have identified four major neuronal types on the basis of their morphological characteristics: medium-sized fusiforms with two processes, medium-sized fusiforms with three or four processes, small bipolars, and small and medium-sized multipolars. These neurons are characterized by a simple morphology and radial arrangement. Cell size varies from small to medium, and all axons project laterally.
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