Publications by authors named "Carmen Leal"

Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mixed dementia (MxD) comprise the majority of dementia cases in the growing global aging population. MxD describes the coexistence of AD pathology with vascular pathology, including cerebral small vessel disease (SVD). Cardiovascular disease increases risk for AD and MxD, but mechanistic synergisms between the coexisting pathologies affecting dementia risk, progression and the ultimate clinical manifestations remain elusive.

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Poor insight in psychosis has been described as a seeming lack of awareness of the deficits, consequences of the disorder, and of the need for treatment. The aim of this study is to investigate whether patients with auditory hallucinations have less insight than those without hallucinations, and to determine which hallucination characteristics are related to patient insight. Using the PANSS and PSYRATS, the authors have evaluated the lack of insight data corresponding to 168 psychotic patients divided into three groups: patients with a history of nonpersistent hallucinations, patients with persistent hallucinations, and patients without hallucinations.

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Emotional response to threatening stimuli in psychosis and anxiety disorders. Evolution has provided humans with an alarm system that may facilitate adaptation. Both psychosis and anxiety disorders involve danger detection difficulties.

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Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine if personality traits contribute to the likelihood of substance abuse in Bipolar Disorder (BD). SUBJECTS/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-nine patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for BD: 20 without any history of Substance Related Disorder (SRD), 21 with a lifetime history of SRD but without current SRD, and 18 with current SRD. Patients filled out the TCI, the differences were analyzed by ANOVA and the likelihood was obtained by Multinomial Logistic Regression.

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Objective: To analyze the spatial distribution of mortality by leukemia in the population, looking for clusters, and to establish an association with the level of industrialization.

Method: The study was carried out in 43 state regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in the period between 1991 and 1995. It was created an Index of Industrialization-Related Leukemia (IIRL) based on number of manufactures and industrial jobs per 100,000 inhabitants, fiscal aggregated value, diversity of industry activities and presence of manufactures that poses potential risk exposure for leukemia.

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The relevance of the issue and the publication of descriptive vocabularies by several disciplines, as a mean to classify published information, motivated the authors to develop a similar experience for the nursing discipline. The objective of the present study is the elaboration of a descriptive vocabulary, that can be used by the public in the search of information, by librarians when doing the classification of bibliographical themes and by documentalists when preparing resumèes. Procedures are described and long, mediun and short range goals for the implementation of a Brazilian Nursing are commented.

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From the affirmative that the Library is important because it is an essential part of knowledge and that the Specialized University Library of a Teaching Institution must contain bibliographical material to support the disciplines within the studies they have to offer; we have elaborated an users study which includes individuals that are not registered as regular students at the Institution. The objectives of it have been directed to the users, characterization, issues of search, and the use of information and opinions about the Library. The instrument that has been used was a questionnaire containing subjectives and objectives questions.

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