Objective: To report two cases of acute idiopathic scrotal edema.
Methods: We describe the cases of two 12-year-old male patients presenting at the emergency department of our hospital with pain, edema and erythema in one hemiscrotum without history of trauma.
Results: On physical examination both patients showed red hemiscrotum skin and increase of the size with normal testicles and epididymis.
Objective: To report one case of bilateral synchronic testicular tumor with germ cell intratubular neoplasia foci affecting both testicles.
Methods: We describe the case of a 29-year-old male presenting with a painless tumor in the left testicle for a month. With the suspect of testicular tumor scrotal ultrasound, tumor markers and extension study to rule out metastasis were performed.
Objectives: We report a retrospective review of the case series of Fournier's gangrene treated in our department from November 1996 to October 2004.
Methods/results: We studied nine male patients with ages between 21 and 85 years (mean 55 years). 66% of the patients had associated risk factors, and the underlying cause was identified in 56% of the cases.
Objectives: To report the case-series of Leydig cell tumors diagnosed at our center, and to perform a bibliographic review on the topic.
Methods: Retrospective review of the clinical records of all patients with the diagnosis of Leydig cell tumor in our center over the last 12 years. We evaluated the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features, as well as outcomes.
Objectives: We report one case of solitary fibrous tumor of the tunica vaginalis, a benign paratesticular lesion.
Methods: Surgical exploration with intraoperative biopsy and excision of the lesion was undertaken, leaving the testicle and epididymis undamaged.
Results: Intraoperative biopsy revealed the presence of fibrous tissue without malignant cellularity.
Objectives: To report one case of pseudotumoral lesion of the iliac ureter with obstructive uropathy leading to loss of function of the renal unit.
Methods: 66-year-old male being studied for BPH who presents with a self-limited monosymptomatic hematuria.
Results: Renal ultrasound detected grade II pyelocaliectasis of the right kidney.
Objectives: To report one case of uterine perforation and migration into the urinary bladder of an intrauterine contraceptive device.
Methods/results: 42-year-old female patient who presents with lower urinary tract irritative syndrome in association to recurrent urinary tract infection. Ultrasound revealed apart of an intrauterine device inside the bladder, device which was inserted years before and was supposed to have come out spontaneously.
Objectives: We report a new case of severe renal trauma with significant active bleeding and urinary tract lesion in a hemodynamically stable patient, emphasizing the option of conservative treatment with selective embolization of the bleeding segmentary renal arteries, and stenting of the urinary tract with retrograde insertion of a JJ stent; thus avoiding emergency surgery associated with a high risk of nephrectomy. We review the indications of this therapeutic option.
Methods: Embolization of bleeding segmentary renal arteries and retrograde insertion of a JJ stent in a 24 year old patient presenting with severe renal trauma after motorbike motor vehicular accident.