or Sardinian fermented sausage is a traditional dry-fermented sausage included in the list of traditional food products of Sardinia (Italy). At the request of some producing plants, the possibility of extending the shelf life of the vacuum-packed product up to 120 days was evaluated. Manufacturing of 90 samples, representing 3 different batches of Sardinian fermented sausage was carried out in two producing plants (A and B).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Carcinoma showing thymous-like elements (CASTLE) is a rare tumor with only a few cases described in the scientific literature. The aim of the present review is to analyze the data available on the therapeutic options employed in CASTLE tumors and to outline the best surgical management to adopt.
Materials And Methods: English-language articles published from 1985 through November 2016, and related to CASTLE cases were retrieved using the Pubmed database and specific key-words.
Micro-RNA (miRNA) are a family of small non-coding ribonucleic acids that inhibits post-transcriptionally the expression of their target messenger RNA (mRNA). We are interested in studying the involvement of miRNA in longevity and autoimmune diseases. In this study we compared the different expression of seven microRNAs between human plasma healthy controls, plasma samples of centenarians and samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSystemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic autoimmune disease with a broad spectrum of clinical presentations and incompletely understood pathogenesis. This autoimmune disease is characterized by alterations in both the innate and adaptive immune system that lead to the loss of immunologic tolerance. In autoimmune diseases particularly in SLE, early diagnosis, flare or remission phases can be difficult to identify.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFcheese is the product of Sardinian dairy industry most exposed to microbial post-process contamination. Due to its technological characteristics, intrinsic parameters, pH (6.10-6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFcheese is a salted variety of traditionally made in Sardinia (Italy) from the whey remaining after the production of protected designation of origin or other sheep milk cheeses. cheese is very critical for the possible growth of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. Sporadic cases of listeriosis associated with cheese have been reported over recent years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReady-to-eat (RTE) food is characterised by a long shelf-life at refrigerated temperature and can be consumed as such, without any treatment. The aim of the work was to evaluate the presence of spp. and in RTEs collected from refrigerated vending machines placed in hospital environment and accessible to the hospitalised patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: This article describes the demographic, clinical, pathological and prognostic features of breast nodular fasciitis through a comprehensive review of the cases reported in modern literature.
Material And Methods: English-language articles published from January 1970 to October 2015 and related to breast nodular fasciitis were non-systematically retrieved using the PubMed database. Titles, abstracts and references were evaluated in order to include the most relevant studies.
The present study shows the fate of Bacillus cereus in refrigerated ricotta salata cheese during shelf-life. 144 ricotta salata cheese belonging to nine naturally contaminated batches were stored refrigerated and analyzed at 24 h, 30, 60 and 90 days of storage. Total bacterial count, B.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Ricotta salata cheese is frequently contaminated on the surface with Listeria monocytogenes. Water bath heat treatment in vacuum packed whole ricotta salata cheese wheels demonstrated to be effective in inactivating L. monocytogenes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe in this report a case of successful radiofrequency ablation of an unresectable stage III-type B3 thymoma, and we discuss the role of this novel approach in the management of patients with advanced stage thymoma. The patient, a 59-year-old Caucasian male underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy with only a slight reduction of the mass. Subsequently, an explorative sternotomy and debulking were performed; before closing the thorax, radiofrequency ablation of the residual tumor was carried out and a partial necrosis of the mass was achieved.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFood business operators (FBOs) are the primary responsible for the safety of food they place on the market. The definition and validation of the product's shelf-life is an essential part for ensuring microbiological safety of food and health of consumers. In the frame of the Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs, FBOs shall conduct shelf-life studies in order to assure that their food does not exceed the food safety criteria throughout the defined shelf-life.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: The main objective of the present research was to evaluate the antibiotic resistance profiles of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw sheep milk cheese. A total of 150 strains were isolated from curd cheese samples and identified as S. aureus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of prophylactic central neck lymph node dissection in high risk patients with T1 or T2 papillary thyroid cancer.
Materials And Methods: Seventy-three patients who had undergone total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer smaller than 4cm, without cervical lymphadenopathy and prophylactic central neck lymph node dissection were included. Patients were divided in two groups: low risk patients (group A) and high risk patients (group B).
Introduction: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of transthoracic endoscopic sympathectomy on plantar hyperhidrosis in patients operated on for upper limb hyperhidrosis.
Materials And Methods: From 2003 to 2011, 41 consecutive patients underwent videothoracoscopic T3-T4 sympathicotomy or T3-T4 ganglion block at our Unit for upper limb hyperhidrosis. Twenty-one (51%) were affected by palmar hyperhidrosis and 20 (49%) by palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis combined.
Aims And Background: Sentinel lymph node biopsy is the standard method for axillary lymph node staging in patients with early stage breast cancer. The aim of the study was to evaluate the necessity of axillary lymph node dissection in patients with breast cancer and sentinel lymph node micrometastasis or isolated tumor cells.
Methods: Sentinel lymph node biopsy was performed in 136 patients for breast cancer staging: 16 of them (11.
Objective: To evaluate and compare the immediate and long-term outcomes of videothoracoscopic T2-T4 sympathectomy and T3-T4 sympathicotomy for the treatment of palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis.
Methods: Between October 1993 and September 2007, we treated a total of 88 patients affected by palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis. Twenty-four patients underwent T2-T4 sympathectomy with 5-10 mm trocars (Group A), 43 T2-T4 sympathectomy with 2-5 mm trocars (Group B), 15 T3-T4 sympathicotomy with 5-10 mm trocars and 6 T3-T4 ganglion block with 2-5 mm trocars (Group C).
Introduction: We report a case of diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma (DMPM) in a 68-years-old male patient who was admitted for right sited pleural effusion. The patient was treated by multimodality approach consisting in surgical treatment with Extrapleural Pleuropneumonectomy followed by chemotherapy with Cisplatin and Pemetrexed. He had a disease free period of one year and survived for 31 months.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The treatment of colorectal cancer has changed radically in the last decades. Due to the great advances it is now often possible to subject patients to oncological radical treatments without applying to highly aggressive surgery, such as the Miles abdomino perineal resection, which requires a definitive colostomy. So nowadays we more and more apply to anterior resection of the rectum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Cystic and neuroendocrine pancreatic neoplasms are quite rare tumors which diagnosis is often difficult due to their non specific symptomatology and limited diagnostic accuracy of conventional diagnostic instruments. Their treatment is still controversial.
Case Report: A young woman is admitted with abdominal pain and dyspepsia.
Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of endovascular radiofrequency obliteration of refluxing greater saphenous veins in patients eligible for vein ligation and stripping
Method: From 2002 to 2007, 107 patients, classified a C2 CEAP, were treated. The ablation of the greater saphenous vein was performed using a radiofrequency generator and a VNUS Closer catheter, for endovascular radiofrequency ablation. This procedure avoids groin surgery.