Publications by authors named "Carla Fox"

Introduction: Sjögren's Disease, SjD, is a systemic autoimmune disorder characterized by reduced function of the salivary and lacrimal glands. Patients suffer from dryness, fatigue, and pain and may present with or without extra-glandular organ involvement. Symptoms limit SjD patients' quality of life and are the most difficult to improve with therapy.

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SS is usually described as having severe fatigue, dryness, diffuse pain, glandular swelling, and various extraglandular (systemic) manifestations. Clinical trials have generally failed because the vast majority of enrolled patients had no extraglandular manifestations at the time of enrolment but suffered from fatigue, dryness and pain that did not significantly respond to the study medication. A number of hypotheses on the pathogenesis of pSS have been put forward, including disturbances of innate and adaptive immunity as well as abnormalities of the interface between immune disorders and the neuro-endocrine system related to lacrimal and secretory gland dysfunction.

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Sjögren syndrome (SS) comprises glandular and extraglandular manifestations. Double-blind prospective trials of traditional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and biologics have failed because they have not improved benign symptoms, the major cause of lowered quality of life. Rituximab has proven effective in SS patients with associated mixed cryoglobulinemia, parotid gland swelling, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis, thrombocytopenia, and other manifestations.

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