Publications by authors named "Carla Bernardo"

The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS). A total of 742 Italian participants (84.6% female), with a mean age of 33.

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Liver diseases have a global prevalence of 25%, accounting for 4% of all deaths worldwide, and are associated with a 36% increased risk of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events. Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease constitutes the liver expression of metabolic syndrome and represents the primary type of liver disease. Microscopical analysis of biopsies, which allows the evaluation of a small portion of tissue with inferences made to the entire organ, is considered the gold standard for determining the presence of liver diseases.

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Background: In Australia, motor vehicle crashes (MVC)-related health data are available from insurance claims and hospitals but not from primary care settings. This study aimed to identify the frequency of MVC-related consultations in Australian general practices, explore the pharmacological management of health conditions related to those crashes, and investigate general practitioners' (GPs) perceived barriers and enablers in managing these patients.

Methods: Mixed-methods study.

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Purpose: To compare the effect of early vs delayed metformin treatment for glycaemic management among patients with incident diabetes.

Methods: Cohort study using electronic health records of regular patients (1+ visits per year in 3 consecutive years) aged 40+ years with 'incident' diabetes attending Australian general practices (MedicineInsight, 2011-2018). Patients with incident diabetes were defined as those who had a) 12+ months of medical data before the first recording of a diabetes diagnosis AND b) a diagnosis of 'diabetes' recorded at least twice in their electronic medical records or a diagnosis of 'diabetes' recorded only once combined with at least 1 abnormal glycaemic result (i.

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Aims: To estimate the effectiveness of metformin on glycaemic parameters among participants with incident prediabetes attending Australian general practices.

Methods: This retrospective cohort study used electronic health records of regular participants (3+ visits in two consecutive years) attending 383 Australian general practices (MedicineInsight). Participants with 'incident' prediabetes (newly recorded diagnosis between 2012 and 2017) and their glycaemic parameters (haemoglobin A1c [HbA1c] or fasting blood glucose [FBG]) at 6-, 12-, and 18-24 months post diagnosis (unexposed) or post-management with metformin (treatment) were identified from the database.

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Objectives: This study investigated whether the monitoring and control of clinical parameters are better among patients with newly compared with past recorded diabetes diagnosis.

Design: Retrospective cohort study.

Setting: MedicineInsight, a national general practice database in Australia.

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Background: There is mixed evidence about the impact of long-term management with hypnotic medications on blood pressure (BP).

Aim: To estimate the effect of short- and long-term management with benzodiazepine and z-drugs (BZD) on BP.

Method: Open cohort study using deidentified electronic health records of 523,486 adult regular patients (42.

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The efficiency of ozonation depends on the water matrix and the reaction time. Herein, these factors were addressed by assessing the removal of five pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) by ozonation. The main aims were: (i) to assess the effects of the water matrix on the degradation kinetics of PPCPs, individually and in mixture, following ozonation; and (ii) to assess the ecotoxicological impact of the ozone reaction time on the treatment of a spiked municipal wastewater (MW) added the five PPCPs over several species.

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Background: Incident depression is associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) and increased morbidity and mortality. Treatment of depression with antidepressants and psychotherapy can be beneficial for these patients to reduce the risk of further CHD events. Ongoing management of CHD and depression mainly occurs in the community, but little is known about the identification and care of patients with comorbid CHD and depression in general practice.

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Introduction: We aimed to explore trends and sociodemographic patterns in benzodiazepine (BZD) (by half-life) and Z-drugs prescribing in Australian general practice.

Methods: This open cohort study used de-identified electronic health records of 1.4 million patients (50,812,413 consultations) from 402 Australian practices (MedicineInsight 2011-2018).

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Aims: To investigate the epidemiology of diabetes diagnosis and screening in Australian general practice.

Methods: Cross-sectional study using electronic health records of 1,522,622 patients aged 18+ years attending 544 Australian general practices (MedicineInsight database). The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes and diabetes screening was explored using all recorded diagnoses, laboratory results, and prescriptions between 2016 and 2018.

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Objectives: To evaluate the impact of the National Herpes Zoster (zoster) Immunisation Program in Australia on zoster incidence.

Methods: Ecological analysis of zoster incidence related to timing of implementation of the national program in vaccine-targeted (70-79 years) and non-targeted age groups (60-69 and 80-89 years) during January 2013-December 2018 was estimated using interrupted time-series analyses.

Results: Prior to program commencement (Jan 2013-Oct 2016) in patients aged 60-69, 70-79 and 80-89 years, incidence was mostly stable averaging respectively 7.

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Objective: To examine trends in prescribing psychotropic medications to children and adolescents in Australian primary care from 2011 to 2018.

Method: A retrospective cohort study examined prescriptions written by general practitioners using MedicineInsight, a large Australian primary care database, covering approximately 9% of all general practitioner practices. Numbers of patients receiving prescriptions for five main classes of psychotropics (antipsychotics, antidepressants, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medications, anxiolytics, and hypnotics/sedatives [including benzodiazepines and Z-drugs, but excluding melatonin]) were examined annually by age-group (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-18 years).

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Despite reducing benzodiazepine prescribing, benzodiazepine-involving deaths have substantially increased in Australia. This study aimed to explore patterns in long-term prescribing of medications (benzodiazepine and z-drugs [BZD]) used for sleep-issues/insomnia in Australia to better understand these changes. Open cohort study using de-identified electronic health records of 1 414 593 adult patients regularly attending 404 Australian general practices from 2011 to 2018 (MedicineInsight).

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Introduction: Hypertension is mostly managed in primary care. This study investigated the prevalence of diagnosed hypertension in Australian general practice and whether hypertension control is influenced by sociodemographic characteristics, duration since diagnosis or prescription of antihypertensive medications.

Methods: Cross-sectional study using a large national database of electronic medical records of patients attending general practice in 2017 (MedicineInsight).

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Background: Despite an increase in the prevalence of sleep problems, few studies have investigated changes in the prescribing of drugs that are often used to manage insomnia.

Aim: To explore changes in the pattern of benzodiazepine (BZD), Z-drug (zolpidem, zopiclone), and non-BZD prescriptions.

Design And Setting: Open-cohort study comprising 1 773 525 patients (55 903 294 consultations) who attended one of 404 Australian general practices at least three times in two consecutive years between 2011 and 2018.

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Background: The Australian National Herpes Zoster Immunisation Program commenced in November 2016 for people aged 70-79 years old in Australia but vaccine effectiveness (VE) in this setting has not previously been assessed.

Methods: We extracted records from two cohorts of patients aged 70-79 years in 2017 and 2018 respectively who were regular attenders in a nationwide general practice dataset, MedicineInsight. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate VE.

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Surveillance systems are fundamental to detect infectious disease outbreaks and guide public health responses. We compared influenza-like illness (ILI) rates for 2015-2017 using data from the Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network (ASPREN) and electronic medical records from 550 general practices across Australia (MedicineInsight). There was a high correlation between both sources (r = .

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Background: In Australia, a herpes zoster (HZ) vaccination program targeting adults aged 70 years old with catch-up for those 71-79 years began in November 2016 but there is limited information on vaccine uptake and coverage achieved since commencement.

Methods: We used a national de-identified electronic primary care dataset, MedicineInsight, and extracted records from patients turning 50-90 years old during 2016-2018. Among patients considered regular attenders, with at least one visit per year in the two years prior, we estimated the crude and adjusted average monthly HZ vaccine uptake in the target population (70-79 years old) for each year since program implementation as well as cumulative vaccine coverage until December 2018.

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Objectives: To investigate the epidemiology of influenza-like illness (ILI) by general practice and patient characteristics, and explore whether sociodemographic variables or comorbidities affect antiviral or antibiotic prescribing.

Design: Open cohort study.

Setting: A representative sample of 550 Australian general practices contributing data to the MedicineInsight programme.

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Objective: To describe the sample plan, operational aspects, and strategies used in the 2009/2010 and 2013/2014 EpiFloripa Aging Study.

Methods: The EpiFloripa Aging is a population-based longitudinal study with 1,705 older adults (60 years or more) living in the municipality of Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in 2009/2010 (baseline). The research was conducted with a face-to-face interviews, organized into blocks of identification, socioeconomic, mental health, health and life habits, global functionality, falls, physical activity, morbidities, use of health services, use of medications, food, oral health, and violence, evaluated in the first (2009/2010) and in the second wave (2013/2014).

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OBJECTIVE To analyze if differences according to gender exists in the association between tooth loss and obesity among older adults. METHODS We analyzed data on 1,704 older adults (60 years and over) from the baseline of a prospective cohort study conducted in Florianopolis, SC, Southern Brazil. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to assess the association between tooth loss and general and central obesity after adjustment for confounders (age, gender, skin color, educational attainment, income, smoking, physical activity, use of dentures, hypertension, and diabetes).

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Background: Currently, diabetes mellitus (DM) and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) are among the top five global risks for mortality. Among the modifiable factors, careful dietary practice is one of the essential elements for the control of NCDs, since these diseases are often the result of unhealthy lifestyles. Thus, this study aimed to assess the frequency of dietary practices among adult males and females with DM and/or SAH, and compare whether or not they are more frequent than in healthy adults, through a population-based study conducted in the city of Florianópolis, southern Brazil.

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Objective: To examine the association between tooth loss and general and central obesity among adults.

Methods: Population-based cross-sectional study with 1,720 adults aged 20 to 59 years from Florianópolis, Southern Brazil. Home interviews were performed and anthropometric measures were taken.

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Objective: To estimate the prevalence of overweight / obesity in schoolchildren, and to investigate its association with parents' nutritional status, socioeconomic factors and food consumption.

Methods: Cross-sectional study with 1,223 schoolchildren, 7 to 10 years old from Florianópolis, SC. We collected anthropometric measures directly and dietary intake of previous day; parents' data were collected from a socioeconomic and self-reported anthropometric questionnaire.

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