Publications by authors named "Carl E. Lewis"

Background And Aims: Despite a recent new classification, a stable phylogeny for the cycads has been elusive, particularly regarding resolution of Bowenia, Stangeria and Dioon. In this study, five single-copy nuclear genes (SCNGs) are applied to the phylogeny of the order Cycadales. The specific aim is to evaluate several gene tree-species tree reconciliation approaches for developing an accurate phylogeny of the order, to contrast them with concatenated parsimony analysis and to resolve the erstwhile problematic phylogenetic position of these three genera.

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Premise Of The Study: We examined the phylogeny and intergeneric relationships among the 12 genera of the palm subtribe Ptychospermatinae. While many of these taxa are familiar, cultivated ornamental palms in warm areas of the world, the monophyly of the subtribe and its component genera required testing. We also examined the biogeographic relationships of this lineage, which has a significant radiation east of Wallace's Line.

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Background And Aims: The Arecoideae is the largest and most diverse of the five subfamilies of palms (Arecaceae/Palmae), containing >50 % of the species in the family. Despite its importance, phylogenetic relationships among Arecoideae are poorly understood. Here the most densely sampled phylogenetic analysis of Arecoideae available to date is presented.

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Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacers and 5.8 regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and of the trnH-psbA spacer of the chloroplast genome confirm that the three taxa of the Jacquemontia ovalifolia (Choicy) Hallier f. complex (Convolvulaceae) form a monophyletic group.

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The unique properties of tree building in Arecaceae strongly constrain their architectural lability. Potentially compensating for this limitation, the extensive diversification of leaf anatomical structure within palms involves many characters whose alternate states may confer disparate mechanical or physiological capabilities. In the context of a recent global palm phylogeny, we analyzed the evolution of 10 such lamina anatomical characters and leaf morphology of 161 genera, conducting parsimony and maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstructions, as well as tests of correlated evolution.

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Acetylenic vinyllithiums (2), which were generated from the corresponding acetylenic vinyl bromides (3) by low-temperature lithium-bromine exchange, cyclize on warming to give, following quench with water, isomerically pure conjugated bis-exocyclic 1,3-dienes (1) in good to excellent yield. Both five-membered and six-membered outer-ring dienes may be prepared: 5-exo closure of an acetylenic vinyllithium, which proceeds with total stereocontrol via syn-addition to give the E-isomer of a five-membered outer-ring diene, tolerates aryl-, silyl-, or alkyl-substituents at the distal acetylenic carbon; the corresponding 6-exo process is less facile and seems to be confined to substrates bearing an anion-stabilizing substituent, such as phenyl or trimethylsilyl, at the terminal acetylenic carbon. The highly reactive bis-exocyclic 1,3-dienes serve as precursors to polycyclic materials through subsequent Diels-Alder reaction with a wide variety of dienophiles.

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