Purpose: Depending on its axis, pronation varies from the radius rotation around the steady ulna to the reciprocal adduction of the radius and abduction of the ulna. While there is no question that pronator teres is a central pronation agonist, anconeus's role is not settled. The current investigation comparing palpation and ultrasonography in these two muscles during pronation along the axis capitulum-second digit evolved from a serendipitous finding in a clinical anatomy seminar.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Forearm intersection syndrome causes pain, swelling, and a rub at the dorsal distal forearm where the first extensor compartment muscles intersect with the second compartment tendons. Although primary care settings tend to treat mild cases, high-performance athletes may suffer from severe symptoms that require surgery. This proof-of-concept study aims to help detect the anatomical substrate of forearm intersection syndrome using palpation and ultrasonography when available.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Palpation, a traditional haptic ability, is used daily by practitioners of all medical and surgical specialties to assess patients. In the current study, one of the authors, in a routine clinical setting, was able to deduce the dynamic features of the putative inferior belly of omohyoid. This led to a proof-of-concept study that yielded results consistent with the clinical findings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to determine by ultrasonography, and cadaveric dissection, whether the firm cords felt by palpation at the sides of the proximal phalanx (PP), actively flexing, and extending the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint while keeping the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint extended are the lateral bands (LBs) of the extensor apparatus. If so, palpation of the LBs could help evaluate hand conditions that impact the digits' intrinsic muscles. To this end, the PP of the middle and ring fingers of the dominant hand of seven subjects were studied by palpation on both sides.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To determine the effect of knee flexion and submaximal isometric quadriceps muscle (Q) contraction on the patellar tendon (PT), the infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP), and the deep infrapatellar bursa (IPB) from extension to full flexion.
Methods: In Study 1, the dominant knee of seven healthy subjects was studied in full extension and at 60° flexion during relaxation and Q contraction. Each knee was inspected and palpated, the transverse infrapatellar diameter was measured by plicometry, and measurements of the anteroposterior (AP) thickness of the IPFP were made by ultrasound (US).
In today's world, wealth accumulates in ever fewer hands. People who live at the margin of the socioeconomic system and are infirm are most prone to become homeless. Many medical and psychiatric problems beset this population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The authors describe a series of learner-centered exercises, highlighting a technique in which the musculoskeletal anatomy is explored and learned through self-examination, with the examiner required to identify designated structures in both the static and dynamic state.
Methods: The technique of musculoskeletal anatomy through self-examination consists of applying knowledge of the surface anatomy of a region as it exists in the static state, to the analysis and understanding of changes that occur with movement and function of that body part. The sensory input of the examined part may contribute to the overall perception of the exercise.
To review the importance of physical examination in the diagnostic process of musculoskeletal conditions vis-a-vis the development of sensitive and powerful technologies such as MRI and high-resolution ultrasound. Because the physical examination of the musculoskeletal system is an exercise of applied clinical anatomy, the authors tested, in one-to-one practical examinations, the basal knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy of rheumatology trainees, rheumatologists, and other professionals of musculoskeletal medicine. The results of the authors' surveys were disappointing, with a correct response rate of 50 to 60% depending on the locales.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to generate a minimum list of structural and functional anatomical items about the pelvis/hip, knee, ankle/foot, gait, and lower limb innervation, which are most relevant to the practice of rheumatology. To determine their perceived relevance to clinical practice, seven members of the Mexican Clinical Anatomy Task Force compiled an initial list of 470 anatomical items. Ten local and international experts according to a 0-10 Likert scale ranked these items.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to identify the anatomical items of the upper extremity and spine that are potentially relevant to the practice of rheumatology. Ten rheumatologists interested in clinical anatomy who published, taught, and/or participated as active members of Clinical Anatomy Interest groups (six seniors, four juniors), participated in a one-round relevance Delphi exercise. An initial, 560-item list that included 45 (8.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To survey the efficacy of a practical workshop on clinical musculoskeletal anatomy held in five American countries.
Methods: A self-assessment competence questionnaire sent to participants 1-3 months after the workshop. Results were compared to the results of a practical, instructor-assessed, pre-workshop test.
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken)
September 2014
Objective: To report the baseline knowledge of clinical anatomy of rheumatology fellows and rheumatologists from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, the US, and Uruguay.
Methods: The invitation to attend a workshop in clinical anatomy was an open call by national rheumatology societies in 4 countries or by invitation from teaching program directors in 3 countries. Prior to the workshop, a practical test of anatomic structures commonly involved in rheumatic diseases was administered.
The contents of this review may appear odd. After a brief description of the coxofemoral joint, the entities discussed include ilioinguinal neuropathy within the context of the nerves that may be damaged during lower abdominal surgery, meralgia paresthetica, piriformis syndrome with the appropriate caveats, trochanteric syndrome, "ischial bursitis" and trochanteric syndrome caused by ischemia. These cases were chosen to stress our belief that rheumatologists are first and foremost internists.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper emphasizes the anatomical substrate of several foot conditions that are seldom discussed in this context. These include the insertional and non-insertional Achilles tendinopathies, plantar fasciopathy, inferior and posterior heel spurs, foot compartment syndromes, intermetatarsal bursitis and Morton's neuroma. It is a rather superficial anatomical review of an organ that remains largely neglected by rheumatologists.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe current issue of Reumatología Clínica is devoted to the method of teaching clinical anatomy as it applies to rheumatology. This method was developed as a response to a perceived need. It is our belief that rheumatologists are at present insufficiently trained in clinical anatomy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe elbow patients herein discussed feature common soft tissue conditions such as tennis elbow, golfers' elbow and olecranon bursitis. Relevant anatomical structures for these conditions can easily be identified and demonstrated by cross examination by instructors and participants. Patients usually present rotator cuff tendinopathy, frozen shoulder, axillary neuropathy and suprascapular neuropathy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article reviews the underlying anatomy of trigger finger and thumb (fibrous digital pulleys, sesamoid bones), flexor tenosynovitis, de Quervain's syndrome, Dupuytren's contracture, some hand deformities in rheumatoid arthritis, the carpal tunnel syndrome and the ulnar nerve compression at Guyon's canal. Some important syndromes and structures have not been included but such are the nature of these seminars. Rather than being complete, we aim at creating a system in which clinical cases are used to highlight the pertinent anatomy and, in the most important part of the seminar, these pertinent items are demonstrated by cross examination of participants and teachers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReumatol Clin
December 2013
The clinical anatomy of several pain syndromes of the knee is herein discussed. These include the iliotibial tract syndrome, the anserine syndrome, bursitis of the medial collateral ligament, Baker's cyst, popliteus tendon tenosynovitis and bursitis of the deep infrapatellar bursa. These syndromes are reviewed in terms of the structures involved and their role in knee physiology.
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