Publications by authors named "Campillo F"

Mixed affective states in bipolar disorder (BD) is a common psychiatric condition that occurs when symptoms of the two opposite poles coexist during an episode of mania or depression. A four-dimensional model by Goldbeter (Progr Biophys Mol Biol 105:119-127, 2011; Pharmacopsychiatry 46:S44-S52, 2013) rests upon the notion that manic and depressive symptoms are produced by two competing and auto-inhibited neural networks. Some of the rich dynamics that this model can produce, include complex rhythms formed by both small-amplitude (subthreshold) and large-amplitude (suprathreshold) oscillations and could correspond to mixed bipolar states.

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Background: The role of children in household transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) remains unclear. We describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of children with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Catalonia, Spain, and investigate the household transmission dynamics.

Methods: A prospective, observational, multicenter study was performed during summer and school periods (1 July 2020-31 October 2020) to analyze epidemiological and clinical features and viral household transmission dynamics in COVID-19 patients aged <16 years.

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The conductance-based refractory density (CBRD) approach is a parsimonious mathematical-computational framework for modelling interacting populations of regular spiking neurons, which, however, has not been yet extended for a population of bursting neurons. The canonical CBRD method allows to describe the firing activity of a statistical ensemble of uncoupled Hodgkin-Huxley-like neurons (differentiated by noise) and has demonstrated its validity against experimental data. The present manuscript generalises the CBRD for a population of bursting neurons; however, in this pilot computational study, we consider the simplest setting in which each individual neuron is governed by a piecewise linear bursting dynamics.

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We propose a numerical approach to study the invasion fitness of a mutant and to determine evolutionary singular strategies in evolutionary structured models in which the competitive exclusion principle holds. Our approach is based on a dual representation, which consists of the modeling of the small size mutant population by a stochastic model and the computation of its corresponding deterministic model. The use of the deterministic model greatly facilitates the numerical determination of the feasibility of invasion as well as the convergence-stability of the evolutionary singular strategy.

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We present two approaches to study invasion in growth-fragmentation-death models. The first one is based on a stochastic individual based model, which is a piecewise deterministic branching process with a continuum of types, and the second one is based on an integro-differential model. The invasion of the population is described by the survival probability for the former model and by an eigenproblem for the latter one.

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The management of foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract is not standardized. Foreign body ingestions in prisoners are always intentional and inmates can be manipulative, which makes medical decision even more difficult. Our objective is to propose a decisional algorithm for management of foreign body ingestion in prisoners.

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Introduction: Medical treatment of uncomplicated acute diverticulitis is not standardized, and there is an enormous diversity in clinical practice. Our aim was to demonstrate that uncomplicated diverticulitis can be managed with orally administered amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid and a short hospital admission.

Methods: A prospective randomized trial was established to compare patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis who received oral antibiotic after a short course of intravenous antibiotic with those who received intravenous antibiotic for a longer period.

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Cocaine use during pregnancy results in an increase in different maternal and perinatal complications. The fetal effects of cocaine could be mainly related to the disturbances in the brain development, microcephaly being the most common brain abnormality. The aim of this study was to analyze maternal outcome and fetal somatic effects of cocaine and to evaluate the hypothesis that maternal cocaine exposure would specifically impair fetal global brain development.

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In this comparative, randomized, multicenter trial, 273 patients scheduled for gynecologic surgery were studied: 87 received a single 1-g dose of cefotaxime 30 minutes before surgery; 81 were given a 1-g dose of cefoxitin 30 minutes before surgery and 1 g every 6 hours for 24 hours after surgery (total dose 4 g); and 105 received a 1-g dose of cefazolin 30 minutes before surgery, followed by 1 g every 8 hours for 48 hours (total dose 6 g). Patients who received cefotaxime had a significantly lower incidence of postoperative fever compared with those treated with cefoxitin or cefazolin (p < 0.01).

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In 1980 blood and saliva samples were taken from Spanish students of the University of Madrid. Red cells were analysed for A1B2BO and Lewis blood groups. Saliva samples were tested to detect the specific group substances ABH, Lea and Leb.

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