Publications by authors named "Camila Perez"

This article addresses the implications of ´Understanding the process of Taoistic-informed mindfulness from a Meadian perspective´, a work by von Fircks (2023) published in this journal, which represents a vindication of the historic, philosophic, and subjective dimensions of research in psychology. From my perspective as an indigenous researcher, I share my own experience of how deceitful distinctions between more or less scientific research topics are fostered by the omission of those dimensions. I also introduce the indigenous understanding of well-being to emphasize the relational nature of this phenomenon and similarities with some conclusions arising from the autoethnographic approach of the author.

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Exogenous pigmentation by silver nitrate is a rare disease whose clinical manifestations appear even years after the contact, making its diagnosis difficult on occasions. It is characterized by the presence of blue-gray macules or plaques on the skin or mucosa in the contact area, sometimes very similar to melanocytic lesions and melanoma, which constitute the main differential diagnosis. We report the case of a male patient from Medellín, Colombia, with a family history of melanoma and the presence of these lesions throughout his body.

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Background: Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive spherical bacterium that commonly causes various infections which can range from superficial to life-threatening. Hospital strains of S. aureus are often resistant to antibiotics, which has made their treatment difficult in recent decades.

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Objective To identify elements that either facilitate or hinder implementation of Chile's intercultural health policy. Methods A descriptive study was conducted with the participation of health services users from the Mapuche ethnic group, biomedical health professionals, intercultural facilitators, and key informants in two health facilities serving towns with a high density of Mapuche population. The information was obtained through semi-structured interviews that were analyzed thematically.

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Introduction: Several studies have shown an increased risk of thyroid malignancies in patients with elevated TSH levels, even if these levels fell within the normal range. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between TSH and risk of malignancy in patients with thyroid nodules.

Material And Methods: We included 622 patients with thyroid nodules evaluated by fine needle aspiration and/or thyroidectomy and diagnosed by cytology or histology.

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Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) in the treatment of benign thyroid nodules.

Subjects And Methods: We evaluated 120 patients with benign thyroid nodules. Patients underwent evaluation of serum TSH and free T4, cervical ultrasound, and thyroid scintigraphy (in those with suppressed TSH levels).

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Laboratory tests are essential for accurate diagnosis and cost-effective management of thyroid disorders. When the clinical suspicion is strong, hormonal levels just confirms the diagnosis. However, in most patients, symptoms are subtle and unspecific, so that only biochemical tests can detect the disorder.

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Background: Hypothyroidism is treated with oral levothyroxine. Some patients fail to attain adequate control because of poor compliance. Delaying breakfast to take levothyroxine on an empty stomach can decrease adherence to hypothyroidism treatment.

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