Publications by authors named "Cameron Schmidt"

The post-translational redox regulation of protein function by cysteine oxidation controls diverse biological processes, from cell division to death. However, most current site-centric paradigms fail to capture the nonlinear and emergent nature of redox regulation in proteins with multiple cysteines. Here, we present a proteoform-centric theory of redox regulation grounded in the i-space.

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During fertilization, mammalian sperm undergo a winnowing selection process that reduces the candidate pool of potential fertilizers from ~10-10 cells to 10-10 cells (depending on the species). Classical sperm competition theory addresses the positive or 'stabilizing' selection acting on sperm phenotypes within populations of organisms but does not strictly address the developmental consequences of sperm traits among individual organisms that are under purifying selection during fertilization. It is the latter that is of utmost concern for improving assisted reproductive technologies (ART) because 'low fitness' sperm may be inadvertently used for fertilization during interventions that rely heavily on artificial sperm selection, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

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Microfluidics devices are powerful tools for studying dynamic processes in live cells, especially when used in conjunction with light microscopy. There are many applications of microfluidics devices including recording dynamic cellular responses to small molecules or other chemical conditions in perfused media, monitoring cell migration in constrained spaces, or collecting media perfusate for the study of secreted compounds in response to experimental inputs/manipulations. Here we describe a configurable low-cost (channel-based) microfluidics platform for live-cell microscopy, intended to be useful for experiments that require more precision/flexibility than simple rubber spacers, but less precision than molded elastomer-based platforms.

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Despite early optimism, therapeutics targeting oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) have faced clinical setbacks, stemming from their inability to distinguish healthy from cancerous mitochondria. Herein, we describe an actionable bioenergetic mechanism unique to cancerous mitochondria inside acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. Unlike healthy cells which couple respiration to the synthesis of ATP, AML mitochondria were discovered to support inner membrane polarization by consuming ATP.

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Sperm gain fertilization competence in the female reproductive tract through a series of biochemical changes and a requisite switch from linear progressive to hyperactive motility. Despite being essential for fertilization, regulation of sperm energy transduction is poorly understood. This knowledge gap confounds interpretation of interspecies variation and limits progress in optimizing sperm selection for assisted reproduction.

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Introduction: The atypical anatomy of the C2 vertebra has led to terminological discrepancies within reports and studies in the literature regarding the location of its pedicle, pars interarticularis, and isthmus. These discrepancies not only limit the power of morphometric analyses, but they also confuse technical reports regarding operations involving C2, and thus confuse our ability to properly communicate this anatomy. Herein, we examine the variations in nomenclature regarding the pedicle, pars interarticularis, and isthmus of C2, and via an anatomical study, propose new terminology.

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The various functions of skeletal muscle (movement, respiration, thermogenesis, etc.) require the presence of oxygen (O). Inadequate O bioavailability (ie, hypoxia) is detrimental to muscle function and, in chronic cases, can result in muscle wasting.

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Skeletal muscle injury in peripheral artery disease (PAD) has been attributed to vascular insufficiency, however evidence has demonstrated that muscle cell responses play a role in determining outcomes in limb ischemia. Here, we demonstrate that genetic ablation of Pax7 muscle progenitor cells (MPCs) in a model of hindlimb ischemia (HLI) inhibited muscle regeneration following ischemic injury, despite a lack of morphological or physiological changes in resting muscle. Compared to control mice (Pax7), the ischemic limb of Pax7-deficient mice (Pax7) was unable to generate significant force 7 or 28 days after HLI.

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Prohibitins (PHB1 and PHB2) are ubiquitously expressed proteins which play critical roles in multiple biological processes, and together form the ring-like PHB complex found in phospholipid-rich cellular compartments including lipid rafts. Recent studies have implicated PHB1 as a mediator of fatty acid transport as well as a membrane scaffold mediating B lymphocyte and mast cell signal transduction. However, the specific role of PHBs in the macrophage have not been characterized, including their role in fatty acid uptake and lipid raft-mediated inflammatory signaling.

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Mitochondria are central to the physiology and survival of nearly all eukaryotic cells and house diverse metabolic processes including oxidative phosphorylation, reactive oxygen species buffering, metabolite synthesis/exchange, and Ca2+ sequestration. Mitochondria are phenotypically heterogeneous and this variation is essential to the complexity of physiological function among cells, tissues, and organ systems. As a consequence of mitochondrial integration with so many physiological processes, small molecules that modulate mitochondrial metabolism induce complex systemic effects.

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Cholinergic and sympathetic counter-regulatory networks control numerous physiological functions, including learning/memory/cognition, stress responsiveness, blood pressure, heart rate, and energy balance. As neurons primarily utilize glucose as their primary metabolic energy source, we generated mice with increased glycolysis in cholinergic neurons by specific deletion of the fructose-2,6-phosphatase protein TIGAR. Steady-state and stable isotope flux analyses demonstrated increased rates of glycolysis, acetyl-CoA production, acetylcholine levels, and density of neuromuscular synaptic junction clusters with enhanced acetylcholine release.

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Biological energy transduction underlies all physiological phenomena in cells. The metabolic systems that support energy transduction have been of great interest due to their association with numerous pathologies including diabetes, cancer, rare genetic diseases, and aberrant cell death. Commercially available bioenergetics technologies (e.

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Article Synopsis
  • Scientists are studying how to target a part of cells called mitochondria that can help cancer grow, especially in a type of cancer called acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
  • They found that cancer cells have more mitochondria but still have limits in how well they work, which is surprising.
  • The research shows that instead of trying to stop mitochondria from working, helping them work better could be a new way to treat cancer and make chemotherapy more effective.
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Elevated mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide (HO) emission and an oxidative shift in cytosolic redox environment have been linked to high-fat-diet-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. To test specifically whether increased flux through mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, in the absence of elevated energy demand, directly alters mitochondrial function and redox state in muscle, two genetic models characterized by increased muscle β-oxidation flux were studied. In mice overexpressing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α in muscle (MCK-PPARα), lipid-supported mitochondrial respiration, membrane potential (ΔΨ), and HO production rate (HO) were increased, which coincided with a more oxidized cytosolic redox environment, reduced muscle glucose uptake, and whole body glucose intolerance despite an increased rate of energy expenditure.

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Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is the most severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease (PAD) and is characterized by high rates of morbidity and mortality. As with most severe cardiovascular disease manifestations, Black individuals disproportionately present with CLI. Accordingly, there remains a clear need to better understand the reasons for this discrepancy and to facilitate personalized therapeutic options specific for this population.

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Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most prevalent form of liver malignancy and carries poor prognoses due to late presentation of symptoms. Treatment of late-stage HCC relies heavily on chemotherapeutics, many of which target cellular energy metabolism. A key platform for testing candidate chemotherapeutic compounds is the intrahepatic orthotopic xenograft (IOX) model in rodents.

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The aim of this study was to assess the functional outcome after lumbopelvic fixation (LPF) using the SMFA (short musculoskeletal functional assessment) score and discuss the results in the context of the existing literature. The last consecutive 50 patients who underwent a LPF from January 1st 2011 to December 31st 2014 were identified and administered the SMFA-questionnaire. Inclusion criteria were: (1) patient underwent LPF at our institution, (2) complete medical records, (3) minimum follow-up of 12 months.

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Compromised muscle mitochondrial metabolism is a hallmark of peripheral arterial disease, especially in patients with the most severe clinical manifestation - critical limb ischemia (CLI). We asked whether inflexibility in metabolism is critical for the development of myopathy in ischemic limb muscles. Using Polg mtDNA mutator (D257A) mice, we reveal remarkable protection from hind limb ischemia (HLI) due to a unique and beneficial adaptive enhancement of glycolytic metabolism and elevated ischemic muscle PFKFB3.

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Compensatory changes in energy expenditure occur in response to positive and negative energy balance, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Under low energy demand, the mitochondrial electron transport system is particularly sensitive to added energy supply ( reductive stress), which exponentially increases the rate of HO (HO) production. HO is reduced to HO by electrons supplied by NADPH.

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Stored muscle carbohydrate supply and energetic efficiency constrain muscle functional capacity during exercise and are influenced by common physiological variables (e.g. age, diet, and physical activity level).

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Objective: Estrogen receptor-α (ERα) is a nuclear receptor family member thought to substantially contribute to the metabolic regulation of skeletal muscle. However, previous mouse models utilized to assess the necessity of ERα signaling in skeletal muscle were confounded by altered developmental programming and/or influenced by secondary effects, making it difficult to assign a causal role for ERα. The objective of this study was to determine the role of skeletal muscle ERα in regulating metabolism in the absence of confounding factors of development.

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During incomplete skeletal muscle recovery from ischemia, such as that occurs with critical limb ischemia, the temporal relationship between recovery of muscle capillary perfusion and contractile function is poorly defined. We examined this relationship in BALB/cJ mice ( = 24) following unilateral hindlimb ischemia (HLI), which pre-clinically mimics the myopathy observed in critical limb ischemia patients. Specifically, we examined this relationship in two phenotypically distinct muscles (i.

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Study Design: Anatomical cadaver study.

Objectives: Postoperative dysphagia is a significant complication following anterior approaches to the cervical spine and the etiology of this complication is poorly understood. Herein, we studied the esophageal branches of the recurrent laryngeal nerves to improve understanding of their anatomy and potential involvement in dysphagia.

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Study Design: Retrospective cohort study.

Objective: Anterior approaches are often used during lumbar interbody fusion procedures. Visceral injuries (bowel injuries) are rare but represent a primary risk during anterior approaches to the lumbar spine.

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