Introduction: in sub-Saharan Africa, the impact of intensive care unit (ICU) hospitalization of COVID patients is not at all known in terms of quality of life because it is very poorly documented. The aim of this study was to describe the quality of life at three months of patients who had been in the ICU.
Methods: we conducted a monocentric prospective cohort study over a 6-month period.
Introduction: the objective was to identify the predictive factors contributing to COVID-related deaths in Intensive Care Unit.
Methods: this was a 4-month (12 March to 12 July 2020) cross sectional study carried out in the intensive care unit of the COVID treatment center of Donka National Hospital, the only hospital with a COVID intensive care unit in Guinea.
Results: during our period of study 140 patients were hospitalized in the COVID intensive care unit and 35 patients died (25%).