Social housing provides a high level of enrichment for captive non-human primates, but providing this in research situations can be challenging. We have developed a multifactorial animal selection and introduction process coordinated by veterinary and animal care behavioral teams. This process sought to successfully establish lasting same-sex pairs and trios for African green monkeys () in studies lasting from three months to over a year.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnimal Model Exp Med
June 2018
A human health hazard may constitute a variety of hazards that are encountered in an animal facility. Health hazards include physical, chemical, radioactive, or biological hazards such as cage and rack washers, chemicals used for cleaning and disinfection, experimental drugs or biologics, radioactive isotopes, zoonotic diseases, allergens, experimental infectious agents, or biological toxins. This article will focus on experimental infectious agents and biological toxins (biohazards) that are hazardous to both animals and humans and require biological containment (biocontainment) to prevent their inadvertent release into the environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFResearch with hazardous biologic materials (biohazards) is essential to the progress of medicine and science. The field of microbiology has rapidly advanced over the years, partially due to the development of new scientific methods such as recombinant DNA technology, synthetic biology, viral vectors, and the use of genetically modified animals. This research poses a potential risk to personnel as well as the public and the environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVenezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) belongs to the genus Alphavirus, family Togaviridae. VEEV infection is characterized by extensive inflammation and studies from other laboratories implicated an involvement of the NF-κB cascade in the in vivo pathology. Initial studies indicated that at early time points of VEEV infection, the NF-κB complex was activated in cells infected with the TC-83 strain of VEEV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax and is acquired by three routes of infection: inhalational, gastrointestinal and cutaneous. Gastrointestinal (GI) anthrax is rare, but can rapidly result in severe, systemic disease that is fatal in 25%-60% of cases. Disease mechanisms of GI anthrax remain unclear due to limited numbers of clinical cases and the lack of experimental animal models.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There is an urgent need to measure phosphorylated cell signaling proteins in cancer tissue for the individualization of molecular targeted kinase inhibitor therapy. However, phosphoproteins fluctuate rapidly following tissue procurement. Snap-freezing preserves phosphoproteins, but is unavailable in most clinics and compromises diagnostic morphology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContemp Top Lab Anim Sci
March 1998
A novel ventilated transport container was developed to allow safe transport of laboratory animals among biocontainment areas, conventional animal holding areas, or laboratories. This specialized device allowed simultaneous transport and concurrent isolation of 2 unanesthetized nonhuman primates carried in standard transport boxes as the primary enclosure. Its use substantially reduced the risk to the primates by eliminating the need for anesthesia during transport between containment areas and, additionally, improved the margin of safety during transport.
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