Publications by authors named "Calaresi D"

Muscle dysmorphia (MD) consists of a type of body dysmorphic disorder and involves a distorted perception of one's muscles, strict diets, and workouts. Mostly, studies focus on adult male athletes, especially bodybuilders, while research on adolescents and women is limited. Our study aims to explore potential protective or risk factors influencing MD, using a mediation model calculated through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and at the same time help to involve female individuals in the exploration of a distress traditionally and predominantly analyzed only in male individuals.

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Background/objectives: Loneliness is a heterogeneous phenomenon, generally defined as an emotional experience based on the perceived distance between an individual's actual social relationships and those he or she would like to have. Adolescence is particularly vulnerable to loneliness because of the many changes in values, feelings, and emotions that characterize it. Among the aspects that may influence this feeling of discomfort, the literature identifies maladaptive personality and a dysfunctional response to traumatic events.

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Background: Problematic gaming (PG) has emerged as a major concern due to its potential impact on adolescents' everyday lives. Emotional abuse (EA) and psychoticism are considered factors influencing PG, but their long-term interactions have not been extensively studied. This research investigates these relationships over time using the Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution (I-PACE) model.

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Individuals who have faced childhood emotional abuse (CEA) may develop vulnerable narcissistic tendencies and experience difficulties in regulating their emotions. These psychological vulnerabilities can contribute to the adoption of binge watching as a maladaptive coping mechanism. The present study aimed to investigate the potential mediating role of vulnerable narcissism and emotion dysregulation in the relationship between CEA and binge watching.

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  • The study investigates the link between personality traits (Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism) and family functioning in relation to Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) among 1190 young adults.
  • It found that while these personality traits are interconnected, family functioning can lessen the impact of manipulative behaviors and lack of empathy on IGD risk.
  • The results highlight the need for holistic prevention strategies that take into account personality traits, family dynamics, and the online context to effectively combat IGD.
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The literature has linked childhood emotional abuse (CEA) to severe negative outcomes such as the development of several maladaptive personality traits and coping mechanisms. Nonetheless, its concurrent connection with neuroticism, perfectionism, and workaholism has not been explored. For the above reasons, the present study sought to investigate whether neuroticism and perfectionism mediate the relationship between CEA and workaholism, as well as evaluate the gender invariance of the model.

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There is clear evidence linking trauma, mindfulness, dissociation and problematic internet use (PIU). Nonetheless, little is known about the role trait mindfulness and dissociative experiences may have in the relationship between childhood emotional abuse (CEA) and PIU, as well as the role that gender may have in such relationships. In the current research, self-report questionnaires on CEA, trait mindfulness, dissociative experiences and PIU were administered to 1074 Italian adolescents (50% females) aged 14-17 years old, to test whether trait mindfulness and dissociative experiences mediated the relationship between CEA and PIU, and whether the proposed mediation was invariant across genders.

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Objective: Problematic social media use is becoming a significant social and clinical concern, and there is growing research interest in the psychological factors involved, such as personality predispositions and the fear of missing out (FOMO). The present study investigated both the dark triad (DT, namely, narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) and trait emotion intelligence (trait EI) in relation to the problematic use of technology and social media engagement and the mediating role of FOMO.

Method: A total of 788 people between 18 and 35 years old (M = 24.

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Objective: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder among women. It is characterised by a variety of symptoms that can seriously impair one's health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Dysmorphic concerns and general distress appear to be related to the development of HRQoL issues, whilst trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) has been significantly linked to better adaptability to chronic conditions.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study explored the connection between body mass index (BMI) and quality of life (QoL) in individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), focusing on how dysmorphic concerns and eating disorders impacted this relationship.
  • Researchers surveyed 435 PCOS patients aged 18-40, measuring their BMI, dysmorphic concerns, eating disorder symptoms, and QoL using questionnaires.
  • Findings showed that dysmorphic concerns and eating disorder symptoms act as mediators between BMI and QoL, suggesting that negative body image and eating issues significantly influence the quality of life for those with PCOS.
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This study sought to examine the role of Reflective Functioning and Alexithymia as mediators in the association between Attachment and Psychopathology. Questionnaires were administered to 1099 adults aged between 18 and 30 years. Results showed relations between Attachment Anxiety, Reflective Functioning, Alexithymia and Psychopathology.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a short form of the Test of Object Relations (TOR-SF), a self-report instrument that assesses object relations.

Method: Two separate studies were undertaken to accomplish this purpose. Study 1 aimed to select a reduced number of the items included in the Test of Object Relations, in order to develop a short form of the original instrument.

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Performance strategies used in sport have been the focus of many sport enhancement interventions, and are considered important factors for describing behavior in sport. Several studies have shown that both trait emotion intelligence (trait EI) and satisfaction of basic needs in sport are relevant aspects of performance strategies used by athletes; however, it seems these two aspects were never tested concurrently, in an integrated framework. The aim of this study was to test a mediational model of psychological basic needs in the relationship between trait EI and performance strategies in sports.

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