Background: Mobile and smartphones are owned and accessed by many, making them a potentially optimal delivery mechanism to reach pediatric patients with socially complex needs (ie, pediatric populations who face overlapping adversities).
Objective: To address the specialized needs of youth from such groups, this review synthesized the literature exploring the use of phone-based delivery to access pediatric populations with socially complex needs, targeting mental and behavioral health outcomes. The purpose of this synthesis was to provide recommendations for future research developing phone-based interventions for youth with socially complex needs.
J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs
November 2020
Topic: The presence of adverse childhood experiences offers a glimpse into the social complexity in the lives of youth. Thus far, youth have been categorized as "at-risk" or "vulnerable,"-identifiers which highlight a deficits-based framework and continue to stigmatize youth. To combat this systemic marginalization, we propose using the term youth with socially complex needs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChild Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health
February 2020
Background: Sexually exploited youth are disconnected from societal tethers and need support systems, which makes them some of the most vulnerable of youth. This heightened level of vulnerability increases their risk for violence, abuse, ongoing sexual exploitation and all its sequelae. The purpose of this study was to examine an evidence-based intervention called STRIVE (support to reunite, involve and value each other) that has been a successful family re-engagement strategy with newly homeless youth.
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