Publications by authors named "Caine A"

Objectives: To describe the computed tomography appearance of gastropexy sites and report their anatomical and suspected functional abnormalities.

Materials And Methods: Medical records of dogs with prior gastropexy undergoing abdominal computed tomography between December 2010 and June 2021 were reviewed from two veterinary hospitals. Dogs were categorised into two groups based on gastric anatomic distortion: anatomic (10) or non-anatomic (12).

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The aim of this preliminary study was to morphologically and dimensionally characterize the cat's olfactory bulb in the sagittal plane and to establish potential relationships with the cranial conformation, based on the study of in vivo MRI images. Midsagittal and transverse T2-weighted images of the head of 40 cats subjected to MRI were selected. For each animal, the skull index was calculated to classify the cranial conformation.

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The unique properties of the lanthanide (Ln) elements make them critical components of modern technologies, such as lasers, anti-corrosive films and catalysts. Thus, there is significant interest in establishing structure-property relationships for Ln-containing materials to advance these technologies. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) is an excellent technique for this task considering its ability to determine the average local structure around the Ln atoms for both crystalline and amorphous materials.

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Objective: This scoping review aimed to explore topics on which the views of residents of Australian residential aged care facilities (RACFs) have been sought.

Methods: Scoping review methodology as outlined by Arksey and O'Malley was used to identify, explore and report on the range of literature regarding views of RACF residents. Seven electronic databases were searched using broad search terms relevant to the RACF context.

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This case report describes a 17-month-old Pudelpointer with recurring motor impairment localized to the left thoracic limb. A neurological exam highlighted lameness in that limb, accompanied by pre-scapular swelling. Radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging detected an osseous structure in soft tissues close to the fifth cervical vertebra, and subsequent surgery uncovered adjacent cervical spinal nerve impingement.

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Introduction/purpose: MRI features differentiating extrusion from protrusion in thoracolumbar discs have been published, however little specifically evaluates the lumbosacral disc. The high prevalence of degenerative changes in apparently normal animals complicates assessment of this region and features relevant elsewhere in the spine may not apply. The aims of this study were to determine the accuracy of MRI in differentiating IVDE and IVDP at the lumbosacral disc space in dogs and determine which MRI characteristics discriminate between IVDE and IVDP.

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This paper presents software for calculating the optimal mass of samples with complex compositions (e.g. supported metal catalysts) for X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and scattering measurements.

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The Olfactory Bulb is a component of the Olfactory System, in which it plays an essential role as an interface between the peripheral components and the cerebral cortex responsible for olfactory interpretation and discrimination. It is in this element that the first selective integration of olfactory stimuli occurs through a complex cell interaction that forwards the received olfactory information to higher cortical centers. Considering its position in the organizational hierarchy of the olfactory system, it is now known that changes in the Olfactory Bulb can lead to olfactory abnormalities.

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Background: Thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusions (TL-IVDEs) are a common spinal disorder in dogs, especially within chondrodystrophic breeds. Loss of deep pain perception is a well-documented negative prognostic indicator in dogs with TL-IVDE. The objectives of this study were to report the rate of return of deep pain perception and independent ambulation in surgically treated, paraplegic, deep pain perception negative French bulldogs with TL-IVDEs.

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Objective: Although there is a growing body of literature that discusses the etiology and impact of racial trauma, there are few evidence-based treatment modalities to support BIPOC individuals who have experienced race trauma. Furthermore, current clinicians are ill-equipped to navigate racial trauma symptoms in the therapy due to a dearth in training opportunities during their educational and professional careers. The current study addresses the dearth in racial trauma therapy training opportunities for clinicians through the implementation and evaluation of a training protocol based on the KNIFFLEY Racial Trauma Therapy Model (KRTTM) with community-based clinicians.

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The Americas are home to patches of extraordinary linguistic (genealogical) diversity. These high-diversity areas are particularly unexpected given the recent population of the Americas. In this paper, we zoom in on one such area, the Northwest Amazon, and address the question of how the diversity in this area has persisted to the present.

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Northwestern Amazonia is home to a great degree of linguistic diversity, and the human societies in that region are part of complex networks of interaction that predate the arrival of Europeans. This study investigates the population and language contact dynamics between two languages found within this region, Yukuna and Tanimuka, which belong to the Arawakan and Tukanoan language families, respectively. We use evidence from linguistics, ethnohistory, ethnography and population genetics to provide new insights into the contact dynamics between these and other human groups in NWA.

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Background: The usefulness of routine follow-up Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI-2) in asymptomatic dogs treated for discospondylitis is unknown.

Methods: This cross-sectional retrospective study investigated the features of MRI-2 in a heterogeneous group of dogs treated for discospondylitis, and if these were associated with the presence or absence of clinical signs. After comparing initial MRI (MRI-1) and MRI-2, an observer, blinded to the dog's clinical signs, described the MRI-2 findings.

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Introduction: The Student Practice Evaluation Form - Revised Edition (SPEF-R) was used across Australian universities from 2008 to 2020 to assess occupational therapy student performance on practice placement. Evolution of practice contexts, placement models and professional competency standards prompted updating of the tool. This paper describes the second and final action research cycle in the development of the SPEF-R2.

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 The acquisition of operative skills is the critical defining component of general surgery training. Performing simulated tasks has been shown to increase a resident's technical skills. As such, we devised the Surgical Skills Olympiad, an annual simulation-based skills competition.

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Case Series Summary: Seven cases of feline hippocampal and piriform lobe necrosis (FHN) are described, with particular emphasis on clinical, radiographic and histopathological correlations. FHN is an uncommon acute epileptic condition resembling human autoimmune limbic encephalitis and temporal lobe epilepsy. Seizures are typically focal and feature uni- or bilateral orofacial or head twitching, hypersalivation, lip smacking, mydriasis, vocalisation and motionless staring, with inter-ictal behavioural changes such as unprovoked aggression and rapid running.

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The objective of the study was to describe the MRI features of cytologically or histologically diagnosed solitary vertebral masses in dogs and identify potential MRI features enabling differentiation between malignant and benign lesions. Patients were divided into malignant and benign groups according to the final diagnosis. Medical records and MRI studies were retrospectively reviewed, and specific imaging features were compared.

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Background: Apart from the absence of nociception, there is no readily available prognostic test for dogs presenting with paraplegia secondary to acute intervertebral disc extrusion (IVDE).

Objective: To assess if serum C-reactive protein (CRP) can predict the postoperative outcome in paraplegic dogs undergoing surgery for IVDE and to assess the association between serum CRP and presence/absence of nociception on admission, and serum CRP and presence/absence of intramedullary changes seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Animals: One hundred dogs that underwent surgery at our hospital between 2018 and 2020 because of acute paraplegia secondary to IVDE and in which serum CRP was measured.

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Background: The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education requires residents to receive milestone-based evaluations in key areas. Shortcomings of the traditional evaluation system (TES) are a low completion rate and delay in completion. We hypothesized that adoption of a mobile evaluation system (MES) would increase the number of evaluations completed and improve their timeliness.

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A 2-year-old crossbreed dog was presented for evaluation of a 6-week history of progressive paraparesis. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography angiography of the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord disclosed multifocal, anomalous, small, vascular structures, distributed throughout the subarachnoid space of the included section of the spinal cord. An additional focal intramedullary lesion was identified extending from T9 to T10 to T12.

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Canine optic neuritis has been attributed to a focal or disseminated form of granulomatous meningoencephalitis (GME) amongst other etiologies. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been proven to help differentiate the structures within the optic nerve sheath and therefore could aid the diagnosis of optic neuritis in dogs. The objectives of this study were to describe and compare the MRI abnormalities affecting the optic nerve sheath complex and optic chiasm in dogs with clinically suspected optic neuritis as a component of meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology (MUE) or as an isolated form (I-ON).

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Introduction: The Student Practice Evaluation Form-Revised Edition (SPEF-R) is used by all Australian universities to assess the capability and performance of occupational therapy students on block practice placements. The occupational therapy landscape in Australia has evolved significantly since the SPEF-R was developed. This study aimed to review the SPEF-R and develop a revised edition, the SPEF-R2.

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This case study presents a unique transient postural vestibular syndrome in three dogs. The transient postural symptoms present as pronounced vestibulo-cerebellar signs after altering the position of the head. Magnetic resonance imaging findings of the brain suggest caudal cerebellar hypoplasia, affecting vermis, and floccular lobes bilaterally in case 1, and hypoplasia of the nodulus vermis in cases 2 and 3.

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the MRI findings in cats following traumatic brain injury (TBI), and establish which features identified might correlate with prognosis.

Methods: The magnetic resonance images of 30 cats with clinical signs attributed to the brain following TBI were retrospectively reviewed to assess the imaging features seen and their correlation with outcome.

Results: Twenty-one of 30 cats had a good outcome (full recovery or minor ongoing neurological deficits); the other nine either died or had ongoing neurological deficits that significantly affected quality of life.

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