Publications by authors named "Cadavez V"

Fresh meat is highly perishable, presenting challenges in spoilage mitigation and waste reduction globally. Despite the efforts, foodborne outbreaks from meat consumption persist. Biopreservation offers a natural solution to extend shelf life by managing microbial communities.

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This study introduces a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) model aimed at evaluating the risk of invasive listeriosis linked to the consumption of ready-to-eat (RTE) smoked and gravad fish. The QRA model, based on published data, simulates the production process from fish harvest through to consumer intake, specifically focusing on smoked brine-injected, smoked dry-salted, and gravad fish. In a reference scenario, model predictions reveal substantial probabilities of lot and pack contamination at the end of processing (38.

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  • The study analyzed the physicochemical and microbiological properties of dry fermented sausages from 14 Portuguese producers to assess their quality and safety.
  • Physicochemical variations included pH levels, moisture content, and protein/fat ratios, with significant differences observed across samples, while high levels of lactic acid bacteria were noted.
  • Multivariate analyses, including principal component and cluster analysis, revealed three distinct quality groups and highlighted the influence of recipe variations and production methods on the sausages' attributes.
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A quantitative risk assessment (QRA) model was developed to evaluate the risk of invasive listeriosis from the consumption of non-ready-to-eat (non-RTE) frozen vegetables. On a lot basis, the QRA model simulates concentration and prevalence in a "Processing module" that comprises blanching, potential recontamination and packaging, any post-packaging inactivation treatment, and within-lot end-product testing and in a subsequent "Consumer's handling module" that encompasses portioning of frozen vegetables, defrosting, and cooking. Based on available published data, the model was coded in nine sequential R functions designed to assess the effectiveness of blanching, the improvement in processing environment hygiene, the implementation of sampling schemes at the end of processing, and improved consumer instructions on the product's package.

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This systematic review and meta-analysis compile the in vitro antimicrobial efficacy of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) supernatants against three common pathogenic bacteria found in dairy products: spp., , and . After screening and analysis of full papers, identified by searches in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, thirty-nine studies were regarded as relevant, and a total of 510 observations were recorded.

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Biopreservation strategies such as the use of Mediterranean plant extracts to ensure food safety are promising to deal with the emergence of antimicrobial resistances and the overreliance on food chemical additives. In the last few decades, antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) for evaluating the in vitro antibacterial potential of plant extracts against the most relevant foodborne pathogens has been widely reported in the literature. The current meta-analysis aimed to summarise and analyse the extensive evidence available in the literature regarding the in vitro antimicrobial capability of Allium, Ocimum and Thymus spp.

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This study assessed the chemical profiles and bioactivities of the infusions, decoctions and hydroethanolic extracts of tarragon, basil and French lavender. The extracts were chemically characterised (HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS) and their bioactivities were evaluated in vitro. All extracts revealed antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant properties.

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A review of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) models of in produce was carried out, with the objective of appraising and contrasting the effectiveness of the control strategies placed along the food chains. Despite nine of the thirteen QRA models recovered being focused on fresh or RTE leafy greens, none of them represented important factors or sources of contamination in the primary production, such as the type of cultivation, water, fertilisers or irrigation method/practices. Cross-contamination at processing and during consumer's handling was modelled using transfer rates, which were shown to moderately drive the final risk of listeriosis, therefore highlighting the importance of accurately representing the transfer coefficient parameters.

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Better knowledge regarding the dose-response (DR) model is needed to refine the assessment of the risk of foodborne listeriosis. In 2018, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) derived a lognormal Poisson DR model for 14 different age-sex sub-groups, marginally to strain virulence. In the present study, new sets of parameters are developed by integrating the EFSA model for these sub-groups together with three classes of strain virulence characteristics ("less virulent", "virulent", and "more virulent").

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Invasive listeriosis, due to its severe nature in susceptible populations, has been the focus of many quantitative risk assessment (QRA) models aiming to provide a valuable guide in future risk management efforts. A review of the published QRA models of in seafood was performed, with the objective of appraising the effectiveness of the control strategies at different points along the food chain. It is worth noting, however, that the outcomes of a QRA model are context-specific, and influenced by the country and target population, the assumptions that are employed, and the model architecture itself.

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is a naturally fermented meat sausage traditionally made in the Portuguese region of . Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the dominant microorganisms in and can endow it with various technological properties. This study aimed (1) to characterize technological features and in vitro antimicrobial activity of LAB isolated from , and (2) to reveal associations between such phenotypic characteristics and the isolates species identified through amplification and sequencing of the 16S ribosomal gene.

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A review of the published quantitative risk assessment (QRA) models of in meat and meat products was performed, with the objective of appraising the intervention strategies deemed suitable for implementation along the food chain as well as their relative effectiveness. A systematic review retrieved 23 QRA models; most of them (87%) focused on ready-to-eat meat products and the majority (78%) also covered short supply chains (end processing/retail to consumption, or consumption only). The processing-to-table scope was the choice of models for processed meats such as chorizo, bulk-cooked meat, fermented sausage and dry-cured pork, in which the effects of processing were simulated.

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A review of the published quantitative risk assessment (QRA) models of in dairy products was undertaken in order to identify and appraise the relative effectiveness of control measures and intervention strategies implemented at primary production, processing, retail, and consumer practices. A systematic literature search retrieved 18 QRA models, most of them (9) investigated raw and pasteurized milk cheeses, with the majority covering long supply chains (4 farm-to-table and 3 processing-to-table scopes). On-farm contamination sources, either from shedding animals or from the broad environment, have been demonstrated by different QRA models to impact the risk of listeriosis, in particular for raw milk cheeses.

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In cheese-making, a starter culture composed of adequately chosen lactic acid bacteria (LAB) may be suitable to ensure the rapid acidification of milk, improve textural and sensory characteristics, and avoid pathogen proliferation. In this work, 232 LAB isolates collected from artisanal goat's raw milk cheeses produced in Portugal were evaluated for their antimicrobial capacity (at 10 and 37°C), as well as their acidifying and proteolytic properties. Among the 232 isolates, at least 98% of those isolated in De Man- Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS) agar presented antagonism against , Typhimurium, or , whereas less than 28.

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  • The microbial safety of raw milk artisanal cheeses can be compromised by pathogens that survive through production and aging processes.
  • This review discusses the potential of lactic acid bacteria and plant extracts as natural antimicrobial agents, highlighting their effectiveness in reducing contamination and their specific mechanisms of action.
  • Thermisation is presented as a viable alternative to pasteurization, helping to maintain the sensory quality of artisanal cheeses while effectively inactivating harmful microbes, along with acknowledging the limitations of these methods and future research directions.
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Essential oils (EOs) are a class of natural products that exhibit potent antimicrobial properties against a broad spectrum of bacteria. Inhibition diameters (IDs) and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) are the typical measures of antimicrobial activity for extracts and EOs obtained from Cinnamomum, Salvia, and Mentha species. This study used a meta-analytical regression analysis to investigate the correlation between ID and MIC measurements and the variability in antimicrobial susceptibility tests.

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This study characterises the effect of a customised starter culture (CSC) and plant extracts (lemon balm, sage, and spearmint) on (SA) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) kinetics in goat's raw milk soft cheeses. Raw milk cheeses were produced with and without the CSC and plant extracts, and analysed for pH, SA, and LAB counts throughout ripening. The pH change over maturation was described by an empirical decay function.

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Diffusion methods, including agar disk-diffusion and agar well-diffusion, as well as dilution methods such as broth and agar dilution, are frequently employed to evaluate the antimicrobial capacity of extracts and essential oils (EOs) derived from L., , and L. The results are reported as inhibition diameters (IDs) and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), respectively.

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Plants are rich in bioactive phytochemicals that often display medicinal properties. These can play an important role in the production of health-promoting food additives and the replacement of artificial ones. In this sense, this study aimed to characterise the polyphenolic profile and bioactive properties of the decoctions, infusions and hydroethanolic extracts of three plants: lemon balm ( L.

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the resistome and virulome diversity of 43 isolates of , and collected from artisanal fermented meat and dairy products and their production environments in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Morocco. After DNA extraction, genomes were sequenced, and assembled. Genetic relationships among genomes were investigated by SNP calling and in silico 7- loci MLST.

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Today's society demands healthy meat with a special emphasis on integrated animal husbandry combined with the concern for animal welfare. In this sense, the raising of lambs in an extensive system has been one of the most common practices, which results in meats with high nutritional value. However, both the production system and the diet play a fundamental role in the chemical composition of the meat, which has a direct impact on the content of volatile compounds.

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is a pathogen of considerable public health importance with a high case fatality. can grow at refrigeration temperatures and is of particular concern for ready-to-eat foods that require refrigeration. There is substantial interest in conducting and modeling shelf-life studies on , especially relating to storage temperature.

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Plant extracts have been proposed as alternative biocides and antioxidants to be included in a variety of food products. In this work, to assess the potential of rosemary, lemon balm, basil, tarragon, sage, and spearmint to be used as food additives, the chemical profiles and bioactivities of such plant extracts were studied. Furthermore, to evaluate the influence of extraction methods and solvents on the chemical characteristics and bioactivities of the plant extracts, two extraction methods (solid-liquid and Soxhlet extraction) and two solvents (water and ethanol 70% (/)) were tested for each plant.

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  • The juice fruit industry faces significant challenges from heat-resistant molds (HRMs) like Neosartorya, Byssochlamys, and Talaromyces, requiring effective inactivation strategies.
  • This meta-analysis reviews data from 1969 to 2017, synthesizing thermal resistance parameters across various liquid media to estimate the decimal reduction times (D*) for these molds at specific conditions.
  • Findings indicate that higher soluble solids in juice concentrates reduce heat resistance less than in model liquids; Talaromyces and Neosartorya show greater sensitivity to pH changes compared to Byssochlamys, suggesting valuable parameters for improving fruit juice safety.
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