Publications by authors named "CW Beenakker"

The Luttinger model is a paradigm for the breakdown due to interactions of the Fermi liquid description of one-dimensional massless Dirac fermions. Attempts to discretize the model on a one-dimensional lattice have failed to reproduce the established bosonization results because of the fermion-doubling obstruction: a local and symmetry-preserving discretization of the Hamiltonian introduces a spurious second species of low-energy excitations, while a nonlocal discretization opens a single-particle gap at the Dirac point. Here, we show how to work around this obstruction by discretizing both space and time to obtain a local Lagrangian for a helical Luttinger liquid with Hubbard interaction.

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Massless Dirac fermions in an electric field propagate along the field lines without backscattering, due to the combination of spin-momentum locking and spin conservation. This phenomenon, known as 'Klein tunneling', may be lost if the Dirac equation is discretized in space and time, because of scattering between multiple Dirac cones in the Brillouin zone. To avoid this, a staggered space-time lattice discretization has been developed in the literature, withsingle Dirac cone in the Brillouin zone of the original square lattice.

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A spatially oscillating pair potential Δ(r)=Δ_{0}e^{2iK·r} with momentum K>Δ_{0}/ℏv drives a deconfinement transition of the Majorana bound states in the vortex cores of a Fu-Kane heterostructure (a 3D topological insulator with Fermi velocity v, on a superconducting substrate with gap Δ_{0}, in a perpendicular magnetic field). In the deconfined phase at zero chemical potential the Majorana fermions form a dispersionless Landau level, protected by chiral symmetry against broadening due to vortex scattering. The coherent superposition of electrons and holes in the Majorana Landau level is detectable as a local density of states oscillation with wave vector sqrt[K^{2}-(Δ_{0}/ℏv)^{2}].

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Majorana zero modes in a superconductor are midgap states localized in the core of a vortex or bound to the end of a nanowire. They are anyons with non-Abelian braiding statistics, but when they are immobile one cannot demonstrate this by exchanging them in real space and indirect methods are needed. As a real-space alternative, we propose to use the chiral motion along the boundary of the superconductor to braid a mobile vortex in the edge channel with an immobile vortex in the bulk.

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The question whether the mixed phase of a gapless superconductor can support a Landau level is a celebrated problem in the context of d-wave superconductivity, with a negative answer: the scattering of the subgap excitations (massless Dirac fermions) by the vortex lattice obscures the Landau level quantization. Here we show that the same question has a positive answer for a Weyl superconductor: the chirality of the Weyl fermions protects the zeroth Landau level by means of a topological index theorem. As a result, the heat conductance parallel to the magnetic field has the universal value G=1/2g_{0}Φ/Φ_{0}, with Φ as the magnetic flux through the system, Φ_{0} as the superconducting flux quantum, and g_{0} as the thermal conductance quantum.

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The massless fermions of a Weyl semimetal come in two species of opposite chirality, in two cones of the band structure. As a consequence, the current j induced in one Weyl cone by a magnetic field B [the chiral magnetic effect (CME)] is canceled in equilibrium by an opposite current in the other cone. Here, we show that superconductivity offers a way to avoid this cancellation, by means of a flux bias that gaps out a Weyl cone jointly with its particle-hole conjugate.

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The band structure of a type-II Weyl semimetal has pairs of electron and hole pockets that coexist over a range of energies and touch at a topologically protected conical point. We identify signatures of this Weyl point in the magnetic quantum oscillations of the density of states, observable in thermodynamic properties. Tunneling between the electron and hole pockets in a magnetic field is the momentum space counterpart of Klein tunneling at a p-n junction in real space.

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We show how an electrical measurement can detect the pairing of electrons on the same side of the Fermi surface (Amperian pairing), recently proposed by Patrick Lee for the pseudogap phase of high-Tc cuprate superconductors. Bragg scattering from the pair-density wave introduces odd multiples of 2k(F) momentum shifts when an electron incident from a normal metal is Andreev reflected as a hole. These Andreev-Bragg reflections can be detected in a three-terminal device, containing a ballistic Y junction between normal leads (1, 2) and the superconductor.

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The LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface hosts a two-dimensional electron system that is unusually sensitive to the application of an in-plane magnetic field. Low-temperature experiments have revealed a giant negative magnetoresistance (dropping by 70%), attributed to a magnetic-field induced transition between interacting phases of conduction electrons with Kondo-screened magnetic impurities. Here we report on experiments over a broad temperature range, showing the persistence of the magnetoresistance up to the 20 K range--indicative of a single-particle mechanism.

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In many of the experimental systems that may host Majorana zero modes, a so-called chiral symmetry exists that protects overlapping zero modes from splitting up. This symmetry is operative in a superconducting nanowire that is narrower than the spin-orbit scattering length, and at the Dirac point of a superconductor-topological insulator heterostructure. Here we show that chiral symmetry strongly modifies the dynamical and spectral properties of a chaotic scatterer, even if it binds only a single zero mode.

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The fractal spectrum of magnetic minibands (Hofstadter butterfly), induced by the moiré superlattice of graphene on a hexagonal crystal substrate, is known to exhibit gapped Dirac cones. We show that the gap can be closed by slightly misaligning the substrate, producing a hierarchy of conical singularities (Dirac points) in the band structure at rational values Φ = (p/q)(h/e) of the magnetic flux per supercell. Each Dirac point signals a switch of the topological quantum number in the connected component of the quantum Hall phase diagram.

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The single-particle excitations of a superconductor are coherent superpositions of electrons and holes near the Fermi level, called Bogoliubov quasiparticles. They are Majorana fermions, meaning that pairs of quasiparticles can annihilate. We calculate the annihilation probability at a beam splitter for chiral quantum Hall edge states, obtaining a 1±cosϕ dependence on the phase difference ϕ of the superconductors from which the excitations originated (with the ± sign distinguishing singlet and triplet pairing).

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The phase-dependent bound states (Andreev levels) of a Josephson junction can cross at the Fermi level if the superconducting ground state switches between even and odd fermion parity. The level crossing is topologically protected, in the absence of time-reversal and spin-rotation symmetry, irrespective of whether the superconductor itself is topologically trivial or not. We develop a statistical theory of these topological transitions in an N-mode quantum-dot Josephson junction by associating the Andreev level crossings with the real eigenvalues of a random non-Hermitian matrix.

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The helical edge state of a quantum spin-Hall insulator can carry a supercurrent in equilibrium between two superconducting electrodes (separation L, coherence length ξ). We calculate the maximum (critical) current I(c) that can flow without dissipation along a single edge, going beyond the short-junction restriction L << ξ of earlier work, and find a dependence on the fermion parity of the ground state when L becomes larger than ξ. Fermion-parity conservation doubles the critical current in the low-temperature, long-junction limit, while for a short junction I(c) is the same with or without parity constraints.

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We study the phase diagram of the quantum Hall effect in four-dimensional (4D) space. Unlike in 2D, in 4D there exists a metallic as well as an insulating phase, depending on the disorder strength. The critical exponent ν≈1.

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While it is known that Trρ(n) can be measured directly (i.e., without first reconstructing the density matrix) by performing joint measurements on n copies of the same state ρ, it is shown here that random measurements on single copies suffice, too.

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Recent experiments on the propagation of light over a distance L through a random packing of spheres with a power-law distribution of radii (a so-called Lévy glass) have found that the transmission probability T∝1/L(γ) scales superdiffusively (γ<1). The data has been interpreted in terms of a Lévy walk. We present computer simulations to demonstrate that diffusive scaling (γ≈1) can coexist with a divergent second moment of the step size distribution [p(s)∝1/s(1+α) with α<2].

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Superconducting wires without time-reversal and spin-rotation symmetries can be driven into a topological phase that supports Majorana bound states. Direct detection of these zero-energy states is complicated by the proliferation of low-lying excitations in a disordered multimode wire. We show that the phase transition itself is signaled by a quantized thermal conductance and electrical shot noise power, irrespective of the degree of disorder.

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Vortices in two-dimensional superconductors with broken time-reversal and spin-rotation symmetry can bind states at zero excitation energy. These so-called Majorana bound states transform a thermal insulator into a thermal metal and may be used to encode topologically protected qubits. We identify an alternative mechanism for the formation of Majorana bound states, akin to the way in which Shockley states are formed on metal surfaces: An electrostatic line defect can have a pair of Majorana bound states at the end points.

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Superconductors with p(x)+/-ip(y) pairing symmetry are characterized by chiral edge states, but these are difficult to detect in equilibrium since the resulting magnetic field is screened by the Meissner effect. Nonequilibrium detection is hindered by the fact that the edge excitations are Majorana fermions, which cannot transport charge near the Fermi level. Here we show that the boundary between p(x)+ip(y) and p(x)-ip(y) domains forms a one-way channel for electrical charge.

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We present an effective medium theory that explains the disorder-induced transition into a phase of quantized conductance, discovered in computer simulations of HgTe quantum wells. It is the combination of a random potential and quadratic corrections proportional to p2 sigma(z) to the Dirac Hamiltonian that can drive an ordinary band insulator into a topological insulator (having an inverted band gap). We calculate the location of the phase boundary at weak disorder and show that it corresponds to the crossing of a band edge rather than a mobility edge.

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Majorana fermions are zero-energy quasiparticles that may exist in superconducting vortices and interfaces, but their detection is problematic since they have no charge. This is an obstacle to the realization of topological quantum computation, which relies on Majorana fermions to store qubits in a way which is insensitive to decoherence. We show how a pair of neutral Majorana fermions can be converted reversibly into a charged Dirac fermion.

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We calculate the statistical distribution P2(I2) of the speckle pattern produced by a photon pair current I2 transmitted through a random medium, and compare it with the single-photon speckle distribution P1(I1). We show that the purity of a two-photon density matrix can be directly extracted from the first two moments of P1 and P2. A one-to-one relationship is derived between P1 and P2 if the photon pair is in an M-dimensional entangled pure state.

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The Goos-Hänchen (GH) effect is an interference effect on total internal reflection at an interface, resulting in a shift sigma of the reflected beam along the interface. We show that the GH effect at a p-n interface in graphene depends on the pseudospin (sublattice) degree of freedom of the massless Dirac fermions, and find a sign change of sigma at angle of incidence alpha=arcsin sqrt[sinalpha{c}] determined by the critical angle alpha{c} for total reflection. In an n-doped channel with p-doped boundaries the GH effect doubles the degeneracy of the lowest propagating mode, introducing a twofold degeneracy on top of the usual spin and valley degeneracies.

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We propose a method to probe the nonlocality of a pair of Majorana bound states by crossed Andreev reflection, which is the injection of an electron into one bound state followed by the emission of a hole by the other (equivalent to the splitting of a Cooper pair). We find that, at sufficiently low excitation energies, this nonlocal scattering process dominates over local Andreev reflection involving a single bound state. As a consequence, the low-temperature and low-frequency fluctuations deltaI(i) of currents into the two bound states i=1, 2 are maximally correlated: deltaI_1deltaI_2[over ]=deltaI_i(2).

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