Crystallization is a powerful method to isolate enantiopure molecules from racemates if enantiomers self-sort into separate enantiopure crystals. Unfortunately, this behavior is unpredictable and rare (5-10%), as both enantiomers predominantly crystallize together to form racemic crystals, hindering any such chiral sorting. These unfavorable statistics might be overcome using nonequilibrium conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNutrient acquisition is crucial for sustaining life. Plants develop beneficial intracellular partnerships with arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and nitrogen-fixing bacteria to surmount the scarcity of soil nutrients and tap into atmospheric dinitrogen, respectively. Initiation of these root endosymbioses requires symbiont-induced oscillations in nuclear calcium (Ca) concentrations in root cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstuaries have been adversely impacted by increased nutrient loads. Eutrophication impacts from these loads include excess algal blooms and low oxygen conditions. In this study, we leveraged data from 28 monitoring programs in the northeastern US to explore the relationships between eutrophication response variables and watershed and estuarine variables.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGroup-living animals sleep together, yet most research treats sleep as an individual process. Here, we argue that social interactions during the sleep period contribute in important, but largely overlooked, ways to animal groups' social dynamics, while patterns of social interaction and the structure of social connections within animal groups play important, but poorly understood, roles in shaping sleep behavior. Leveraging field-appropriate methods, such as direct and video-based observation, and increasingly common on-animal motion sensors (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn monotocous mammals, most individuals experience the birth of a younger sibling. This period may induce losses in maternal care and can be physiologically, energetically and emotionally challenging for the older sibling, yet has rarely been studied in wild primates. We used behavioural data collected from a natural population of mandrills to investigate changes in maternal care and mother-juvenile relationship throughout the transition to siblinghood (TTS), by comparing juveniles who recently experienced the birth of a younger sibling, to juveniles who did not.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn many social mammals, early social life and social integration in adulthood largely predict individual health, lifespan, and reproductive success. So far, research has mainly focused on chronic stress as the physiological mediator between social environment and fitness. Here, we propose an alternative, non-exclusive mechanism relying on microbially mediated effects: social relationships with conspecifics in early life and adulthood might strongly contribute to diversifying host microbiomes and to the transmission of beneficial microbes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiation therapy (RT) is one of the mainstays of modern clinical cancer management. However, not all cancer types are equally sensitive to irradiation, often (but not always) because of differences in the ability of malignant cells to repair oxidative DNA damage as elicited by ionizing rays. Clonogenic assays have been employed for decades to assess the sensitivity of cultured cancer cells to ionizing irradiation, largely because irradiated cancer cells often die in a delayed manner that is difficult to quantify with short-term flow cytometry- or microscopy-assisted techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ability of fungi to establish mycorrhizal associations with plants and enhance the acquisition of mineral nutrients stands out as a key feature of terrestrial life. Evidence indicates that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) association is a trait present in the common ancestor of land plants, suggesting that AM symbiosis was an important adaptation for plants in terrestrial environments. The activation of nuclear calcium signaling in roots is essential for AM within flowering plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis the main causal agent of powdery mildew (PM) on Cucurbitaceae. In , the - resistance gene, which confers resistance to . is located on chromosome 5 in a cluster of nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptors (NLRs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBirth is a fundamental event in the life of animals, including our own species. More reports of wild non-human primate births and stillbirths are thus needed to better understand the evolutionary pressures shaping parturition behaviors in our lineage. In diurnal non-human primates, births generally occur at night, when individuals are resting.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn humans, femininity shapes women's interactions with both genders, but its influence on animals remains unknown. Using 10 years of data on a wild primate, we developed an artificial intelligence-based method to estimate facial femininity from naturalistic portraits. Our method explains up to 30% of the variance in perceived femininity in humans, competing with classical methods using standardized pictures taken under laboratory conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSexual coercion is a manifestation of sexual conflict increasing male mating success while inflicting costs to females. Although previous work has examined inter-individual variation in male sexually coercive tactics, little is known about female counter-strategies. We investigated whether social bonding mitigates the extent of sexual coercion faced by female mandrills (), as a putative mechanism linking sociality to fitness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiation therapy (RT) combined with CTLA4 blockers converts immunosuppressed (cold) mouse triple negative breast cancers (TNBCs) into immune infiltrated (hot) lesions. We have recently shown that targeting the myeloid compartment to improve dendritic cell activation is required for most TNBC-bearing mice to achieve superior therapeutic responses to RT plus CTLA4 inhibitors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiation therapy (RT) increases tumor response to CTLA-4 inhibition (CTLA4i) in mice and in some patients, yet deep responses are rare. To identify rational combinations of immunotherapy to improve responses we use models of triple negative breast cancer highly resistant to immunotherapy in female mice. We find that CTLA4i promotes the expansion of CD4 T helper cells, whereas RT enhances T cell clonality and enriches for CD8 T cells with an exhausted phenotype.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFor learning to influence change in palliative clinical practice, education needs to be ongoing, incorporating specific interventions targeted to the learner, in a format that enhances knowledge and networking. This novel, online, interactive, case-based educational offering provided a method to allow ongoing integration of palliative care principles for health care professionals who attended the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium/Open Medical Institute courses in Salzburg during 2019-2022. Eight monthly teleconferences based on challenging clinical cases allowed discussion between palliative care professionals from 9 countries, serving as a mechanism for deepening theoretical information, allowing incorporation of best practice into the clinical setting, and, ultimately, improving care for all with serious illness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCancer Radiother
September 2023
The Mandrillus Project is a long-term field research project in ecology and evolutionary biology, monitoring, since 2012, a natural population of mandrills ( primate) located in Southern Gabon. The Mandrillus Face Database was launched at the beginning of the project and now contains 29,495 photographic portraits collected on 397 individuals from this population, from birth to death for some of them. Portrait images have been obtained by manually processing images taken in the field with DSLR cameras: faces have been cropped to remove the ears and rotated to align the eyes horizontally.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSocial animals are particularly exposed to infectious diseases. Pathogen-driven selection pressures have thus favoured the evolution of behavioural adaptations to decrease transmission risk such as the avoidance of contagious individuals. Yet, such strategies deprive individuals of valuable social interactions, generating a cost-benefit trade-off between pathogen avoidance and social opportunities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExcessive inputs of nitrogen from anthropogenic activities in watersheds can cause detrimental effects to aquatic ecosystems, but these effects can be difficult to determine based solely on nitrogen concentrations because of their temporal variability and the need to link human activities to ecological responses. Here, we (1) tested the use of stable isotopes of nitrogen (δN) and carbon (δC) in benthic organic matter (BOM) as proxies for isotope ratios of filter feeding bivalves in lakes and estuaries, which can be used as indicators but are harder to sample and often spatially sparse, and (2) evaluated if stable isotope ratios in benthic organic matter could be used to assess impacts from anthropogenic land development of watersheds. The δN in BOM isolated from surficial sediment (δN) was significantly correlated with δN in filter feeding unionid mussels ( δN) from lakes and with hard-shell clams ( δN) from estuaries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCalcium release to the nucleoplasm of root meristem cells was demonstrated to modulate root development. The calcium channel encoded by cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGC) 15 localizes at the nuclear envelope in young Arabidopsis seedlings. In contrast, at later stages of root growth, overexpression analysis showed that AtCNGC15 can relocalize to the plasma membrane to mediate primary nitrate-induced gene expression.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFM-AMBI, a multivariate benthic index, has been used by European and American (U.S.) authorities to assess estuarine and coastal health and has been used in scientific studies throughout the world.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChiral molecules are challenging for the pharmaceutical industry because although physical properties of the enantiomers are the same in achiral systems, they exhibit different effects in chiral systems, such as the human body. The separation of enantiomers is desired but complex, as enantiomers crystallize most often as racemic compounds. A technique to enable the chiral separation of racemic compounds is to create an asymmetry in the thermodynamic system by generating chiral cocrystal(s) using a chiral coformer and using the solubility differences to enable separation through crystallization from solution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBehavioral discrimination of kin is a key process structuring social relationships in animals. In this study, we provide evidence for discrimination towards non-kin by third-parties through a mechanism of phenotype matching. In mandrills, we recently demonstrated increased facial resemblance among paternally related juvenile and adult females indicating adaptive opportunities for paternal kin recognition.
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