Contracept Fertil Sex (Paris)
December 1993
Contracept Fertil Sex
December 1993
In the context of a transational study, 404 sexual active 17-21 years-old students living in Lyon (France), Montreal (Quebec) and Salamanque and Madrid (Spain) have answered a questionnaire dealing with their contraceptive patterns, their perceptions of AIDS and their risky sexual behaviors. Results show that each group uses a different contraceptive strategy. In France and in Quebec those who had their first intercourse before 17 years of age used oral contraceptive rather than the condom.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContracept Fertil Sex
April 1993
Sexual behaviors and attitudes were surveyed among 787, 17-21 years-old students in Lyon (France), Montreal (Quebec) and Salamanque and Madrid (Spain). Near 55% have had intercourse and oral sex in France, while this was the case of almost 80% in Quebec and only about 30% in Spain. Students from France and Quebec were younger at first intercourse, have had more sexual partners, and higher frequencies of intercourse and oral sex than those from Spain.
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