Publications by authors named "C M Steelman"

An airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was conducted using the Resolve™ frequency-domain system over a buried bedrock valley near Elora, Ontario, Canada. A statistical bootstrapping approach was used to establish a relationship between the electrical resistivity from spatially interpolated one-dimensional AEM resistivity models and the lithostratigraphy of Quaternary sediments logged in continuously cored holes located within and adjacent to the buried bedrock valley. Three lithology types were classified using a bootstrapping approach: (i) clay, (ii) sandy to muddy diamicton with the presence of clasts, and (iii) sand/gravel.

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A complex mixture of dissolved organic contaminants, emanating from a many decades-old, residual, dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source, migrates through unconfined, moderately heterogeneous, glacial-derived sediments and sedimentary rock in a residential area of Dane County, Wisconsin, USA. A portion of this contaminant plume intersects a large man-made pond, roughly 400 m downgradient of the source zone. Depth-discrete, multilevel groundwater sampling, detailed sedimentological logs, and hydraulic head profiles were used to delineate the spatial distribution of hydraulic, geologic, organic contaminant, and redox hydrochemical conditions within the established plume along two transects immediately upgradient of the pond.

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Subsurface leakage of natural gas from petroleum wells can impact freshwater aquifers. Accurate prediction of gas migration in the subsurface will depend on knowledge of permeability, porosity, and flow system conditions. A series of two-dimensional numerical multi-phase flow simulations (CFbio) were conducted to investigate the role of multi-phase parameters (relative permeability and air entry pressure), flow system conditions (intrinsic permeability, anisotropy, and groundwater velocity), and geometric properties (layer thickness and layer lateral continuity) on the flow of gas-phase methane emanating from two variable-rate point sources in an unconfined sandy aquifer.

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Radiation dose monitoring for radiography students during clinical training is necessary to demonstrate the extent of radiation protection issues present, as well as to instill in them an awareness of safe practices that they will carry with them throughout their careers. The study assess the radiation dose incurred by the undergraduate during clinical training. 312 students were monitored using (thermoluminescence dosimetry) between 2009 and 2015.

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Fugitive methane (CH) leakage associated with conventional and unconventional petroleum development (e.g., shale gas) may pose significant risks to shallow groundwater.

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