Publications by authors named "C M Scrimgeour"

Background: To assess the performance of transcranial Doppler (TCD) in predicting neurologic worsening after mild to moderate traumatic brain injury.

Methods: The authors conducted a prospective observational study across 17 sites. TCD was performed upon admission in 356 patients (Glasgow Coma Score [GCS], 9 to 15) with mild lesions on cerebral computed tomography scan.

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Few studies report the individual effect of 9c,11t- and 10t,12c-CLA on human energy metabolism. We compared the postprandial oxidative metabolism of 9c,11t- and 10t,12c-CLA and oleic acid (9c-18:1) in 22 healthy moderately overweight volunteers. After 24 weeks supplementation with 9c,11t-, 10t,12c-CLA or 9c-18:1 (3 g/day), subjects consumed a single oral bolus of the appropriate [1-(13)C]-labeled fatty acid.

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The extremely cold and arid Antarctic dry valleys are one of the most environmentally harsh terrestrial ecosystems supporting organisms in which the biogeochemical transformations of carbon are exclusively driven by microorganisms. The natural abundance of (13)C and (15)N in source organic materials and soils have been examined to obtain evidence for the provenance of the soil organic matter and the C loss as CO(2) during extended incubation (approximately 1200 days at 10 degrees C under moist conditions) has been used to determine the potential decay of soil organic C. The organic matter in soils remote from sources of liquid water or where lacustrine productivity was low had isotope signatures characteristic of endolithic (lichen) sources, whereas at more sheltered and productive sites, the organic matter in the soils that was a mixture mainly lacustrine detritus and moss-derived organic matter.

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Stable isotope ratio analysis of light elements (including C, N, and S) is a powerful tool for inferring the production and geographic origins of animals. The objectives of this research were to quantify experimentally the isotopic turnover of C, N, and S in bovine skeletal muscle (LM and psoas major) and to assess the implications of the turnover for meat authentication. The diets of groups (n = 10 each) of beef cattle were switched from a control diet containing barley and unlabelled urea to an experimental diet containing maize, (15)N-labeled urea, and seaweed for periods of up to 168 d preslaughter.

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We present the results of a series of controlled feeding experiments with sheep, designed to investigate the effects of age and level of food intake on the kinetics of incorporation of the dietary carbon signal into wool. Four different groups of three sheep each, ranging in age from 6 to 78 months, were fed a C(3) diet and switched to a C(4) diet for up to 250 days. Different quantities of the same C(4) diet were provided to each group, in order to achieve different growth rates (high, low, and no growth).

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