Publications by authors named "C Kamoroff"

Reintroduction efforts are increasingly used to mitigate biodiversity losses, but are frequently challenged by inadequate planning and uncertainty. High quality information about population status and threats can be used to prioritize reintroduction and restoration efforts and can transform ad hoc approaches into opportunities for improving conservation outcomes at a landscape scale. We conducted comprehensive environmental DNA (eDNA) and visual encounter surveys to determine the distribution of native and non-native aquatic species in two high-priority watersheds to address key uncertainties-such as the distribution of threats and the status of existing populations-inherent in restoration planning.

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The amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd) has caused declines and some extinctions of amphibian populations worldwide. Early and accurate Bd detection is essential for management of susceptible anurans. We analyzed the effectiveness of in situ DNA extraction with a handheld mobile quantitative PCR (qPCR) thermocycler to detect Bd on frog skin swabs and in water samples using environmental DNA (eDNA).

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Amphibian chytridiomycosis caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is an emerging infectious disease that has been associated with mass mortality and extinctions of amphibians worldwide. Environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques have been used to detect the presence of Bd in the environment, but not to detect Bd prior to an amphibian die-off. We collected eDNA using filtered water samples from 13 lakes across Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park.

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Information exchange (or signaling) between plants following herbivore damage has recently been shown to affect plant responses to herbivory in relatively simple natural systems. In a large, manipulative field study using three annual plant species (Achyrachaena mollis, Lupinus nanus, and Sinapis arvensis), we tested whether experimental damage to a neighboring conspecific affected a plant's lifetime fitness and interactions with herbivores. By manipulating relatedness between plants, we assessed whether genetic relatedness of neighboring individuals influenced the outcome of having a damaged neighbor.

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