Publications by authors named "C Joy"

Background: Orthostatic headache (OH) is a common feature of various conditions, including spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH), but no precise definition currently exists outlining the typical OH characteristics. This ambiguity risks misdiagnosis with unnecessary investigations and delay in institution of treatment. The present study aimed to carry out structured phenotyping of OH in patients with SIH with the aim of outlining its typical characteristics.

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Pediatric primary care is widely available in the United States and can help address the growing public health crisis in child and adolescent mental health by providing integrated behavioral health services. This article provides an overview of 3 common models of behavioral health integration in pediatric primary care settings: 1) the Child Psychiatry Access Program model, 2) the Primary Care Behavioral Health model, and 3) the Collaborative Care Model. Pediatric primary care practices may evaluate the different features of each model before adopting an approach for integration and consider tailoring it to their practice environments.

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Adolescent girls bear a disproportionate burden of both the HIV epidemic and unintended pregnancies; yet important questions remain unanswered regarding the effects of hormonal contraceptives on the vaginal immune microenvironment, which can impact HIV susceptibility in this group. Multiple studies report genital immune alterations associated with the progestin-based contraceptive Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) in adult women, but there is little available data in adolescents. The objective of this longitudinal cohort study was to evaluate the effects of short-term use of three progestin-based contraceptives, levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LNG-IUD), subdermal etonogestrel (ETNG), and injectable DMPA, on HIV-associated vaginal immune biomarkers and microbiome in adolescent girls.

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Numerous vaccine candidates have emerged in the fight against SARS-CoV-2, yet the challenges posed by viral evolution and the evasion of vaccine-induced immunity persist. The development of broadly protective vaccines is essential in countering the threat posed by variants of concern (VoC) capable of eluding existing vaccine defenses. Among the diverse SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates, detailed characterization of those based on the expression of the entire spike protein in mammalian cells have been limited.

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