Publications by authors named "C Florentino"

Let be the connected component of the identity of the variety of representations of a finitely generated nilpotent group into a connected reductive complex affine algebraic group . We determine the mixed Hodge structure on the representation variety and on the character variety . We obtain explicit formulae (both closed and recursive) for the mixed Hodge polynomial of these representation and character varieties.

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Acidogenic boluses can mitigate potential negative effects of high milk yield at dry-off on udder health. This randomized controlled trial aimed to investigate the effect of administering acidogenic boluses at dry-off on dry period intramammary infection (IMI) dynamics and on milk production parameters, somatic cell count linear score (LSCC), clinical mastitis (CM), and herd removal in the next lactation. A total of 901 cows from 3 dairy farms were randomly allocated to a control (CON, n = 458; no administration of acidogenic boluses at dry-off) or treatment group (TRT, n = 443; administration of 2 acidogenic boluses at dry-off).

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Understanding changes in parameters recorded by automated health monitoring systems based on ear-attached sensors on the days immediately before and after diagnosis of metritis and clinical mastitis can help develop dairy cow health monitoring strategies. The objective of this observational cohort study was to characterize rumination time, physical activity, and lying time monitored by an ear-attached sensor before, during, and after clinical diagnosis (CD) of metritis and clinical mastitis. Lactating Holsteins monitored daily for 21 d in milk for detection of health disorders were retrospectively included in the no clinical health disorder group (NCHD; n = 616) if no disorders were diagnosed.

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The objective of this observational cohort study was to characterize the pattern of rumination time (RT), physical activity (PA), and lying time (LT) monitored by an automated health monitoring system, based on an ear-attached sensor, immediately before, during, and after clinical diagnosis (CD) of metabolic-digestive disorders. Sensor data were collected from 820 lactating Holstein cows monitored daily from calving up to 21 DIM for detection of health disorders (HD). Cows were grouped retrospectively in the no-clinical health disorder group (NCHD; n = 616) if no HD were diagnosed, or the metabolic-digestive group (METB-DIG; n = 58) if diagnosed with clinical ketosis or indigestion only.

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Elevated milk production at dry-off can lead to increased udder pressure and, in turn, increased stress due to pain and discomfort, affecting natural behaviors. Administering acidogenic boluses at dry-off acts by inducing temporary and mild decreases in blood pH. This decreases dry matter intake, reduces milk yield, and increases cow comfort by lessening udder pressure.

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