Publications by authors named "C E Stiles"

Single-energy quantitative computed tomography (SEQCT) provides volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) measures for bone analysis and input to image-based finite element models (FEMs). Dual-energy CT (DECT) improves vBMD by accounting for voxel-specific material variations utilizing scans at multiple x-ray energies. vBMD is also altered by reconstruction kernel that cannot be accounted for using calibration phantoms.

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Context: Patients receiving inpatient palliative care often face physical and psychological uncertainties during transitions out of the hospital. Family caregivers often take on responsibilities to ensure patient safety, quality of care, and extend palliative care principles, but often without support or training, potentially compromising their health and well-being.

Objectives: This study tested an eight-week intervention using video visits between palliative care nurse interventionists and caregivers to assess changes in caregiver outcomes and patient quality of life.

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Background: Rural family caregivers (FCGs) in the United States often experience high economic costs. This randomized controlled trial compared a transitional palliative care intervention (TPC) to support FCGs of seriously ill care recipients (CRs) to an attention control condition. We evaluated the TPC's effect on healthcare use and out-of-pocket spending for both FCGs and CRs.

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To bridge the gap between bench and bedside, there is a need for more faithful models of human cancers that can recapitulate key features of the human tumor microenvironment (TME) and simultaneously facilitate large-scale drug tests. Our recently developed microdissection method optimizes the yield of large numbers of cuboidal microtissues (″cuboids″, ~(400 µm) ) from a tumor biopsy. Here we demonstrate that cuboids from syngeneic mouse tumor models and human tumors retain a complex TME, making them amenable for drug and immunotherapy evaluation.

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Cryptochromes are proteins that are highly conserved across species and in many instances bind the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor within their photolyase-homology region (PHR) domain. The FAD cofactor has multiple redox states that help catalyze reactions, and absorbs photons at about 450 nm, a feature linked to the light-related functions of cryptochrome proteins. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced from redox reactions involving molecular oxygen and are involved in a myriad of biological processes.

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