Background: Contact allergy is common in children, but may be underdiagnosed. Importantly, the clinical relevance of specific allergies is subject to constant change, and it is therefore important to continuously monitor the trends and changes of contact allergies in the paediatric population.
Objectives: To identify possible changes in contact allergy and allergic contact dermatitis among Danish children referred for patch testing.
Background: Blue-collar workers have a high risk of occupational contact dermatitis, but epidemiological studies are scarce.
Objectives: To investigate allergic contact dermatitis in blue-collar workers with dermatitis registered by the Danish Contact Dermatitis Group.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of patch test data from 1471 blue-collar workers and 1471 matched controls tested between 2003 and 2012 was performed.
Background: Occupational contact dermatitis among hairdressers is frequent, owing to daily exposure to irritants and allergens.
Objectives: To identify sensitization to the most common allergens associated with the occupation of hairdressing.
Methods: Patch test results of 399 hairdressers and 1995 matched controls with contact dermatitis, registered by the Danish Contact Dermatitis Group between January 2002 and December 2011, were analysed.