Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis
July 2000
The performance of the Bio-Rad Syphilis IgG EIA test as a "screen for syphilis" [testing first by EIA and then by the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) assay if the EIA was positive or equivocal] and as a confirmatory test was evaluated by comparing results to those obtained by CAPTIA Syphilis-G. Discrepancies were resolved by repeating both EIAs and/or the SeroDia TP-PA (a particle agglutination assay that replaced the microhemagglutination Treponema pallidum test). Both EIAs were totally automated, the Bio-Rad test using the AutoPrep instrument for pipetting and the CODA system to perform all of the steps required to complete the EIA and interpret results, and the CAPTIA test using the LabOTech(R) to accomplish both functions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe reliability of the ESP Culture System II (ESP II; AccuMed International, Westlake, Ohio), a continuously monitoring, nonradiometric mycobacterial culture system, for recovery of mycobacteria from sediments of blood collected in an Isolator tube was evaluated by comparing its performance to inoculation of the sediment onto Middlebrook 7H11/7H11 selective biplates. Of 1,704 blood specimens, 73 (4.3%) were positive for mycobacteria (68 Mycobacterium avium complex and 5 M.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Captia Syphilis IgG enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was evaluated for use in conjunction with the rapid plasma reagin test (RPR) as a method to test for syphilis. A total of 1,288 serum specimens were tested by the routine laboratory protocol of the RPR followed by microhemagluttination assay for Treponema pallidum (MHA-TP) testing of RPR-reactive sera as well as the EIA-RPR protocol in which the automated EIA followed by a manual RPR test for EIA-positive specimens is used. When using the routine protocol, 131 specimens were initially reactive by the RPR, and 113 of these were reactive by MHA-TP.
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