Sensors (Basel)
August 2024
The classically defined minimum uncertainty of the optical phase is known as the standard quantum limit or shot-noise limit (SNL), originating in the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. Based on the SNL, the phase sensitivity is inversely proportional to K, where K is the number of interfering photons or statistically measured events. Thus, using a high-power laser is advantageous to enhance sensitivity due to the K gain in the signal-to-noise ratio.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecently, the delayed-choice quantum eraser has been applied for coherently excited superresolution using phase-controlled projection measurements of laser light to overcome the diffraction limit in classical physics as well as to solve the limited order N of the N00N state in quantum physics. Here, a general scheme of the phase-controlled quantum eraser-based superresolution is proposed for quantum sensing satisfying the Heisenberg limit, and its general solution is derived for an arbitrary Nth-order intensity correlation. Furthermore, phase quantization of the proposed superresolution is discussed to better understand the wave nature of quantum mechanics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe delayed-choice quantum eraser has been intensively studied for the wave-particle duality of a single photon in an interferometric system over the last decades. Super-resolution has been studied over decades for quantum sensing to overcome the standard quantum limit. For the super-resolution, either quantum features of higher-order entangled photon pairs or classical features of phase-controlled coherent photons have been successfully demonstrated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum entanglement generation is generally known to be impossible by any classical means. According to Poisson statistics, coherent photons are not considered quantum particles due to the bunching phenomenon. Recently, a coherence approach has been applied for quantum correlations such as the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect, Franson-type nonlocal correlation, and delayed-choice quantum eraser to understand the mysterious quantum features.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEntropy (Basel)
September 2022
Over the last two decades, quantum memories have been intensively studied for potential applications of quantum repeaters in quantum networks. Various protocols have also been developed. To satisfy no noise echoes caused by spontaneous emission processes, a conventional two-pulse photon-echo scheme has been modified.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum superposition is the cornerstone of quantum mechanics, where interference fringes originate in the self-interference of a single photon via indistinguishable photon characteristics. Wheeler's delayed-choice experiments have been extensively studied for the wave-particle duality over the last several decades to understand the complementarity theory of quantum mechanics. The heart of the delayed-choice quantum eraser is in the mutually exclusive quantum feature violating the cause-effect relation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum superposition is the heart of quantum mechanics as mentioned by Dirac and Feynman. In an interferometric system, single photon self-interference has been intensively studied over the last several decades in both quantum and classical regimes. In Born rule tests, the Sorkin parameter indicates the maximum number of possible quantum superposition allowed to the input photons entering an interferometer, where multi-photon interference fringe is equivalent to that of a classical version by a laser.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn sensors, the highest precision in measurements is given by vacuum fluctuations of quantum mechanics, resulting in a shot noise limit. In a Mach-Zenhder interferometer (MZI), the intensity measurement is correlated with the phase, and thus, the precision measurement (Δn) is coupled with the phase resolution (Δφ) by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Quantum metrology offers a different solution to this precision measurement using nonclassical light such as squeezed light or higher-order entangled-photon pairs, resulting in a smaller Δφ and sub-shot noise limit.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRare earth (RE)-transition metal (TM) ferrimagnetic alloys are gaining increasing attention because of their potential use in the field of antiferromagnetic spintronics. The moment from RE sub-lattice primarily originates from the 4f-electrons located far below the Fermi level (E), and the moment from TM sub-lattice arises from the 3d-electrons across the E. Therefore, the individual magnetic moment configurations at different energy levels must be explored to clarify the microscopic mechanism of antiferromagnetic spin dynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFranson-type nonlocal correlation is related to Bell inequality violation tests and has been applied for quantum key distributions based on time bin methods. Using unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers, Franson correlation measurements result in an interference fringe, while local measurements do not. Here, randomness-based macroscopic Franson-type correlation is presented using polarization-based two-mode coherent photons, where the quantum correlation is tested by a Hong-Ou-Mandel scheme.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum entanglement is the quintessence of quantum information science governed by quantum superposition mostly limited to a microscopic regime. For practical applications, however, macroscopic entanglement has an essential benefit for quantum sensing and metrology to beat its classical counterpart. Recently, a coherence approach for entanglement generation has been proposed and demonstrated in a coupled interferometric system using classical laser light, where the quantum feature of entanglement has been achieved via phase basis superposition between identical interferometric systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA novel method of macroscopically entangled light-pair generation is presented for a quantum laser using randomness-based deterministic phase control of coherent light in a coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI). Unlike the particle nature-based quantum correlation in conventional quantum mechanics, the wave nature of photons is applied for collective phase control of coherent fields, resulting in a deterministically controllable nonclassical phenomenon. For the proof of principle, the entanglement between output light fields from a coupled MZI is examined using the Hong-Ou-Mandel-type anticorrelation technique, where the anticorrelation is a direct evidence of the nonclassical features in an interferometric scheme.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOver the last several decades, entangled photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion processes in both second-order and third-order nonlinear optical materials have been intensively studied for various quantum features such as Bell inequality violation and anticorrelation. In an interferometric scheme, anticorrelation results from photon bunching based on randomness when entangled photon pairs coincidently impinge on a beam splitter. Compared with post-measurement-based probabilistic confirmation, a coherence version has been recently proposed using the wave nature of photons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSo far, unconditional security in key distribution processes has been confined to quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols based on the no-cloning theorem of nonorthogonal bases. Recently, a completely different approach, the unconditionally secured classical key distribution (USCKD), has been proposed for unconditional security in the purely classical regime. Unlike QKD, both classical channels and orthogonal bases are key ingredients in USCKD, where unconditional security is provided by deterministic randomness via path superposition-based reversible unitary transformations in a coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecently, new physics for unconditional security in a classical key distribution (USCKD) has been proposed and demonstrated in a frame of a double Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) as a proof of principle, where the unconditional security is rooted in MZI channel superposition. Due to environmental phase noise caused by temperature variations, atmospheric turbulences, and mechanical vibrations, free-space optical links have been severely challenged for both classical and quantum communications. Here, the double MZI scheme of USCKD is analyzed for greatly subdued environment-caused phase noise via double unitary transformation, resulting in potential applications of free-space optical links, where the free-space optical link has been a major research area from fundamental physics of atomic clock and quantum key distribution to potential applications of geodesy, navigation, and MIMO technologies in mobile communications systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEntropy (Basel)
September 2020
A double rephasing scheme of a photon echo is analyzed for inversion-free photon echo-based quantum memories using controlled Rabi flopping, where the Rabi flopping is used for phase control of collective atom coherence. Unlike the rephasing-caused π-phase shift in a single rephasing scheme, the control Rabi flopping between the excited state and an auxiliary third state induces coherence inversion. Thus, the absorptive photon echo in a double rephasing scheme can be manipulated to be emissive.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA near-perfect storage time-extended photon echo-based quantum memory protocol has been analyzed by solving the Maxwell-Bloch equations for a backward scheme in a three-level system. The backward photon echo scheme is combined with a controlled coherence conversion process via controlled Rabi flopping to a third state, where the control Rabi flopping collectively shifts the phase of the ensemble coherence. The propagation direction of photon echoes is coherently determined by the phase-matching condition between the data (quantum) and the control (classical) pulses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhotonic de Broglie waves offer a unique property of quantum mechanics satisfying the complementarity between the particle and wave natures of light, where the photonic de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional to the number of entangled photons acting on a beam splitter. Very recently, the nonclassical feature of photon bunching has been newly interpreted using the pure wave nature of coherence optics [Sci. Rep.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOver decades quantum cryptography has been intensively studied for unconditionally secured key distribution in a quantum regime. Due to the quantum loopholes caused by imperfect single photon detectors and/or lossy quantum channels, however, the quantum cryptography is practically inefficient and even vulnerable to eavesdropping. Here, a method of unconditionally secured key distribution potentially compatible with current fiber-optic communications networks is proposed in a classical regime for high-speed optical backbone networks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Copenhagen interpretation, in which the core concepts are Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and nonlocal EPR correlation, has been long discussed. Second-order anticorrelation in a beam splitter represents the origin of these phenomena and cannot be achieved classically. Here, the anticorrelation of nonclassicality in a beam splitter is interpreted using the concept of coherence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum coherence control is reinvestigated for a new physical insight in quantum nonlinear optics and applied for a wavelength-convertible quantum memory in a solid ensemble whose spin states are inhomogeneously broadened. Unlike typical atomic media whose spin decays are homogeneous, a spin inhomogeneously broadened solid ensemble requires a counter-intuitive quantum coherence control to avoid spontaneous emission-caused quantum noises. Such a quantum coherence control in a solid ensemble satisfying both near perfect retrieval efficiency and ultralong photon storage offers a solid framework to quantum repeaters, scalable qubit generations, quantum cryptography, and highly sensitive magnetometry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA quantum memory protocol of controlled ac Stark echoes (CASE) based on a double rephasing photon echo scheme via controlled Rabi flopping is proposed. The double rephasing scheme of photon echoes inherently satisfies the no-population inversion requirement for quantum memories, but the resultant absorptive echo remains a fundamental problem. Herein, it is reported that the first echo in the double rephasing scheme can be dynamically controlled so that it does not affect the second echo, which is accomplished by using unbalanced ac Stark shifts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc
March 2017
A promising energy transfer (Tm→Tb→Eu) approach is brought forward to generate white light emission under ultraviolet (UV) light excitation for solid state lightening. Tm/Tb/Eu ions are combinedly doped in zinc borate glass system in view of understanding energy transfer process resulting in white light emission. Zinc borate (host) glass displayed optical and luminescence properties due to formation of Zn(II)-[O(-II)] centres in the ZnB glass matrix.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn quantum game theory, one of the most intriguing and important questions is, "Is it possible to get quantum advantages without any modification of the classical game?" The answer to this question so far has largely been negative. So far, it has usually been thought that a change of the classical game setting appears to be unavoidable for getting the quantum advantages. However, we give an affirmative answer here, focusing on the decision-making process (we call 'reasoning') to generate the best strategy, which may occur internally, e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe a compact, tunable, optical time-delay module that functions by means of total internal reflection within two glass prisms. The delay is controlled by small mechanical motions of the prisms. The device is inherently extremely broad band, unlike time delay modules based on "slow light" methods.
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