Publications by authors named "Bussaraporn Kunhapan"

The present study explored variation in the PARL gene as one of the potential nuclear modifiers in the pathogenesis of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Ten exons, their franking introns and 3' UTR of the PARL gene were analysed. Seventeen SNPs detected were investigated in 83 affected and 53 unaffected individuals from 47 independent Thai LHON pedigrees using MQLS statistics in order to minimize the influence of the family background.

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Purpose: To investigate the role of mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) background on the expression of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) in Southeast Asian carriers of the G11778A mutation.

Methods: Complete mtDNA sequences were analyzed from 53 unrelated Southeast Asian G11778A LHON pedigrees in Thailand and 105 normal Thai controls, and mtDNA haplogroups were determined. Clinical phenotypes were tested for association with mtDNA haplogroup, with adjustment for potential confounders such as sex and age at onset.

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Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is the most common mitochondrially inherited disease causing blindness, preferentially in young adult males. Most of the patients carry the G11778A mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation. However, the marked incomplete penetrance and the gender bias indicate some additional genetic and/or environmental factors to disease expression.

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Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is characterized by the acute or subacute bilateral painless loss of central vision, predominantly in young males. G11778A is the most common mitochondrial DNA mutation responsible for the disease. Thirty-seven percent of our LHON pedigrees (which is a much higher prevalence than that generally found) carried heteroplasmic G11778A.

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