Publications by authors named "Burian I"

Measurements of activity concentration of radon gas and radon decay products were carried out in several workplaces including schools, radium spas, swimming pools, water treatment plants, caves and former mines. Based on these measurements, annual effective doses to workers were estimated and values of the equilibrium factor, F, were calculated. This paper describes the different approaches used to estimate the annual effective dose based on the dose coefficients recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection.

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Popliteal venous aneurysms are rare vascular disorders associated with a high risk of pulmonary embolism. We present the case of a 56-year-old woman hospitalized for a third episode of unprovoked pulmonary embolism. Venous ultrasonography identified a popliteal aneurysm, repeatedly missed by two-point compression venous ultrasonography, which was eventually confirmed by a magnetic resonance examination.

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Background In this pilot study, the effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and psychological intervention on fetal growth characteristics and neonatal outcomes were evaluated in two different groups of women affected by prenatal depression. Methods Forty-seven pregnant women diagnosed with major depression were divided into two different treatment groups according to the severity of their depression. The first group was treated with a combination of pharmacotherapy and psychological support.

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The activity size distribution of the Equilibrium-Equivalent Concentration (EER) of 222Rn is one of the most important parameters for the estimation of radiation dose by inhalation of radon decay products. A series of measurements of the EER activity size distribution were performed by the screen diffusion battery in Radon-Aerosol chamber (10 m3) at the National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection (SUJCHBO). These measurements were performed at different levels of radon concentration.

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Water is one of the most important resources for a human being; therefore, its quality should be properly tested. According to Council Directive No. 2013/51/EUROATOM, there shall be established requirements for the general public health protection with regard to radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption.

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Exposure to radon and its decay products is one of the three parts that create the total effective dose of uranium miners. Photons from gamma radiation and exposition to long-lived alpha emitters which are members of uranium family are the other two parts. The monthly total effective dose of uranium miners in mine Rozna I (Czech republic) is determined by the personal dosemeter ALGADE, which ensures the continual individual monitoring of all three parts.

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At least 10% of inhabitants in the Czech Republic are supplied with water from private sources (private wells, boreholes). With the increasing cost of water, the number of people using their own sources of drinking water will be likely to increase. According to the Decree of the State Office for Nuclear Safety about the Radiation Protection 307/2002 as amended by Decree 499/2005, the guideline limit for the supplied drinking water ('drinking water for public supply') for radon concentration is 50 Bq·l(-1).

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The Authorized Metrological Centre (AMS) working by SUJCHBO (National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection) ensures for the Czech Republic the metrological traceability for devices that measure the radon concentration and the energy equivalent radon concentration connected with the radon decay products (RnDP). The evaluation and the calibration of measuring devices for radon and RnDP require the stable conditions (first of all radon and the RnDP concentrations). The new AMS radon-aerosol chamber in Kamenná consists of the walk-in testing chamber with a volume of 10 m(3) and of the handling box with a volume of 0.

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The knowledge of the behaviour of radioactive aerosol particles in the uranium mine atmosphere is very important due to the evaluation of the effective dose for uranium miners. During the research of the project SUJ200402-'Study of behaviour of natural long-lived radionuclides in the mine atmosphere', several measurement campaigns were performed in the last active Central Europe uranium mine Rozna I. The main purpose of this paper is characterisation the radionuclides which creating the main part of the airborne radioactivity in the uranium mine atmosphere.

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The determination of the outdoor concentration of radon and its decay products in the lower layers of the atmosphere is not easy, because of the fact that their concentrations there are very low and, therefore, it is necessary to use low levels of background detection equipment. Our usual methods were modified and a level of several Becquerels per cubic meter was then measured.

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It is a little surprising, but radon has been measured by our Institute for >50 y. In the first phase this was carried out in underground mines (up to the present day) but more and more attention has been paid to domestic dwellings and NORM workplaces. The number of the measurements (grab sampling underground, SSNTDs application) was relatively high.

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The new RAMARN system for radon volume activity measurement was developed in 2003 and has been in use since then. RAMARN system consists of a plastic chamber that is conically cylindrical in shape and about 0.5 l in volume; a bare Kodak LR 115 is located on the bottom of this diffusion chamber.

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For the first time, a comparison of radon activity concentration in air has been performed within the scope of Euromet. In the project 657, 'Comparison of calibration facilities for the radon activity concentration,' 12 participants from 9 countries compared different radon reference atmospheres at 1, 3 and 10 k Bq m-3 via a transfer standard. The comparison was listed as BIPM supplementary comparison EUROMET.

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A national radon survey is still lacking for Greece. Some groups have carried out several more or less local or extended radon surveys and valuable experience has been gained. After the first preliminary survey carried out by our group, where 500 Kodak LR-115 etched track detectors were placed in Greek schools and dwellings for one year, indoor radon measurements were continued by placing the same number of detectors in a restricted area, covering the city of Kalamata (a medium size city with 60,000 inhabitants), situated in the south of Peloponnese.

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Epidemiological evidence of lung cancer risk from radon is based mainly on studies of men employed underground in mines where exposures are relatively high in comparison to indoor exposure. Risk from residential radon can be estimated from occupational studies. Nevertheless, as such extrapolations depend on a number of assumptions, direct estimation of the risk is needed.

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Epidemiological evidence of lung cancer risk from radon is based mainly on studies of men employed underground in mines where exposures are relatively high in comparison to indoor exposure. Nevertheless, direct evidence of risk from residential radon is desirable. In 1990, a study was started comprising 12,000 inhabitants of an area with elevated radon concentrations.

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