Entanglement of states is one of the most surprising and counter-intuitive consequences of quantum mechanics, with potent applications in cryptography and computing. In organic materials, one particularly significant manifestation is the spin-entangled triplet-pair state, which mediates the spin-conserving fission of one spin-0 singlet exciton into two spin-1 triplet excitons. Despite long theoretical and experimental exploration, the nature of the triplet-pair state and inter-triplet interactions have proved elusive.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPEDOT-Tos is one of the conducting polymers that displays the most promising thermoelectric properties. Until now, it has been utterly difficult to control all the synthesis parameters and the morphology governing the thermoelectric properties. To improve our understanding of this material, we study the variation in the thermoelectric properties by a simple acido-basic treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere was performed a comparative analysis of immunogenetic indices in non-ferrous metallurgy employees under the exposure to different combinations of harmful occupational factors. The combined effect of chlorine and vanadium fumes, noise, overall vibration appeared to be associated with the gene polymorphism of cytokine regulation--VEGF and TNF (p < 0.05).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMedical examination covered female workers engaged into chemical production of technical rubber goods, under combined exposure to chemicals (nitrogen oxides, carbon oxide) and noise exceeding MAC by 3.7-27.5%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors evaluated and justified immunologic and genetic markers under combined exposure to risk factors in mining industry workers. Analysis covered polymorphism features of 29 genes with variant alleles possibly participating in occupationally conditioned diseases formation and serving as sensitivity markers of these diseases risk. The genes association selected demonstrates reliably changed polymorphism vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolymers are lightweight, flexible, solution-processable materials that are promising for low-cost printed electronics as well as for mass-produced and large-area applications. Previous studies demonstrated that they can possess insulating, semiconducting or metallic properties; here we report that polymers can also be semi-metallic. Semi-metals, exemplified by bismuth, graphite and telluride alloys, have no energy bandgap and a very low density of states at the Fermi level.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDisordered cellular death process with inhibition is seen during stress states including occupational activities associated with increased concentrations of methanol in biologic media. Workers exposed to methanol demonstrate prevalence of homozygous type of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) gene and heterozygous variant of cytochrome 450 gene, reliably increased vs reference group. Genetic changes in the main group are associated with reliable decrease in occurrence of transcription protein p53 and TNF receptor, and with altered ratio of intracellular apoptosis factors (bax and bcl-2) towards slower programmed cellular death in chemical production.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile organic field-effect transistors allow the investigation of interfacial charge transport at the semiconductor-dielectric interface, an electrochemical transistor truly modifies the oxidation level and conductivity throughout the bulk of an organic semiconductor. In this work, the thermoelectric properties of the bulk of the conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrene sulfonate) were controlled electrically by varying the gate voltage. In light of the growing interest in conducting polymers as thermoelectric generators, this method provides an easy tool to study the physics behind the thermoelectric properties and to optimize polymer thermoelectrics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThermoelectric generators (TEGs) transform a heat flow into electricity. Thermoelectric materials are being investigated for electricity production from waste heat (co-generation) and natural heat sources. For temperatures below 200 °C, the best commercially available inorganic semiconductors are bismuth telluride (Bi(2)Te(3))-based alloys, which possess a figure of merit ZT close to one.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIzv Akad Nauk Ser Biol
February 2010
A total of 42 species and forms have been revealed in the testate amoebae community of a transitional bog at the initial stage of transformation into a typical sphagnum bog. A distinctive features of its species composition is dominance of widespread species Assulina muscorum. Arcella arenaria, Phryganella hemisphaerica, and Euglypha laevis in the absence of common sphagnobionts of the genera Nehela, Hyalosphenia, and Heleopera.
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