Publications by authors named "Brower D"

Near ion-cyclotron frequency (fci) fluctuations, such as those originating from Global and Compressional Alfvén Eigenmodes (GAEs/CAEs), are expected to be present in future fusion reactors but are not well understood due to the limited availability of core measurements in present-day tokamaks. The measurement bandwidth of the Radial Interferometer-Polarimeter (RIP) diagnostic has been upgraded from 1 to 5 MHz to detect these fluctuations in DIII-D. RIP adopts the three-wave technique for simultaneous polarimetric and interferometric measurements.

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A Faraday-effect radial interferometer-polarimeter is designed for the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade (NSTX-U) to measure multiscale magnetic and density fluctuations critical to understanding fusion plasma confinement and stability, including those originating from magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, energetic particle-driven modes, and turbulence. The diagnostic will utilize the three-wave technique with 5 MHz bandwidth to simultaneously measure line-integrated magnetic and density fluctuations up to the ion-cyclotron frequency. Probe beams will be launched radially from the low-field side at the NSTX-U midplane, where the measured Faraday fluctuations mainly correspond to radial magnetic fluctuations that directly link to magnetic transport.

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We report the observation of a set of coherent high frequency electromagnetic fluctuations that leads to a turbulence induced self-regulating phenomenon in the DIII-D high bootstrap current fraction plasma. The fluctuations have frequency of 130-220  kHz, the poloidal wavelength and phase velocity are 16-30  m^{-1} and ∼30  km/s, respectively, in the outboard midplane with the estimated toroidal mode number n∼5-9. The fluctuations are located in the internal transport barrier (ITB) region at large radius and are experimentally validated to be kinetic ballooning modes (KBM).

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A new tool for the exploration and diagnosis of the internal magnetic field of plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak in the form of a constraint on the EFIT (Equilibrium Fitting) Grad-Shafranov code based on the Faraday-effect Radial Interferometer-Polarimeter (RIP) diagnostic is presented, including description, verification, and sample application. The physics underlying the diagnostic and its implementation into EFIT are discussed, and the results showing the verification of the model are given, and the model's limitations are discussed. The influence of the diagnostic's input on the resulting equilibrium parameters is characterized.

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Vertical position stability plays a crucial role in maintaining safe and reliable plasma operation for long-pulse fusion devices. In general, the vertical position is measured by using inductive magnetic coils installed inside the vacuum vessel; however, the integration drift effects are inherent for steady-state or long-pulse plasma operation. Developing a non-magnetic approach provides a fusion reactor-relevant steady-state solution that avoids the negative impact of integration drift.

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Toroidal current profile measurements in the tokamak plasma edge are critical for fusion plasma physics research and model validation. A three-wave Faraday-effect polarimeter-interferometer with a sub-centimeter spatial resolution is proposed on the DIII-D tokamak to determine the edge current profile via Abel inversion. By using probe beams with 316 µm wavelength, a low-field-side, vertical-view, single-pass optical layout covering the plasma edge region (R = 2.

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A correlation polarimeter-interferometer system has been developed for the DIII-D tokamak to detect small amplitude magnetic and density fluctuations. Two collinear, frequency-offset (5-15 MHz), orthogonally polarized (right- and left-handed, circularly polarized) electromagnetic waves at 650 GHz probing the plasma are used to detect the Faraday effect. A third, linearly polarized, electromagnetic wave serves as the local-oscillator to provide a measure of the line-averaged density.

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Vertical instability control in an elongated plasma is highly desirable for a tokamak reactor. A multi-channel 694 GHz far-infrared laser-based polarimeter-interferometer system has been used to provide a non-inductive vertical position measurement in the long-pulse EAST tokamak. A detailed comparison of vertical position measurements by polarimetry and external inductive flux loops has been used to validate Faraday-effect polarimetry as an accurate high-time response vertical position sensor.

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A full-scale ITER toroidal interferometer and polarimeter (TIP) prototype, including an active feedback alignment system, has been installed and tested on the DIII-D tokamak. In the TIP prototype, a two-color interferometry measurement of line-integrated density is carried out at 10.59 m and 5.

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A Faraday-effect-based radial-interferometer-polarimeter diagnostic has been developed to explore fast magnetic dynamics in high-performance DIII-D plasmas. The instrument measures radial magnetic field perturbations using three chords positioned near the magnetic axis. Newly developed solid-state sources operating at 650 GHz provide phase noise down to 0.

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In order to improve both the density and particularly the temporal resolution beyond previous dispersion interferometers (DIs), a heterodyne technique based on an acousto-optic (AO) cell has been added to the DI. A 40 MHz drive frequency for the AO cell allows density fluctuation measurements into the MHz range. A CO laser-based heterodyne DI (HDI) installed on DIII-D has demonstrated that the HDI is capable of tracking the density evolution throughout DIII-D discharges, including disruption events and other rapid transient phenomena.

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Correlation techniques have been successfully utilized for plasma diagnostics like electron cyclotron emission to reduce measurement noise. We present the first application of such a technique to Faraday-effect polarimetry measurements on the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST). The MST far infrared (FIR) interferometer-polarimeter diagnostic utilizes 11 vertical chords with a chord separation of 7-8 cm and a heterodyne detection system for fluctuation measurements up to several hundred kHz.

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A double-pass radially view 11 chords polarimeter-interferometer system has been operated on the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak and provides important current profile information for plasma control. Stray light originating from spurious reflections along the optical path (unwanted reflections from various optical components/mounts and transmissive optical elements such as windows, waveplates, and lens as well as the detectors) and also direct feedback from the retro-reflector used to realize the double-pass configuration can both contribute to contamination of the Faraday rotation measurement accuracy. Modulation of the Faraday rotation signal due to the interference from multiple reflections is observable when the interferometer phase (plasma density) varies with time.

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A heterodyne detection scheme is combined with a 10.59 μm CO laser dispersion interferometer for the first time to allow large bandwidth measurements in the 10-100 MHz range. The approach employed utilizes a 40 MHz acousto-optic cell operating on the frequency doubled CO beam which is obtained using a high 2nd harmonic conversion efficiency orientation patterned gallium arsenide crystal.

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Measuring high-frequency fluctuations (above tearing mode frequencies) is important for diagnosing instabilities and transport phenomena. The Madison Symmetric Torus interferometer-polarimeter system has been upgraded to utilize improved planar-diode mixer technology. The new mixers reduce phase noise and allow more sensitive measurements of fluctuations at high frequency.

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Motivated by the need to measure fast equilibrium temporal dynamics, non-axisymmetric structures, and core magnetic fluctuations (coherent and broadband), a three-chord Faraday-effect polarimeter-interferometer system with fast time response and high phase resolution has recently been installed on the DIII-D tokamak. A novel detection scheme utilizing two probe beams and two detectors for each chord results in reduced phase noise and increased time response [δb ∼ 1G with up to 3 MHz bandwidth]. First measurement results were obtained during the recent DIII-D experimental campaign.

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A double-pass, radially viewing, far-infrared laser-based POlarimeter-INTerferometer (POINT) system utilizing the three-wave technique has been implemented for diagnosing the plasma current and electron density profiles in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). POINT has been operated routinely during the most recent experimental campaign and provides continuous 11 chord line-integrated Faraday effect and density measurement throughout the entire plasma discharge for all heating schemes and all plasma conditions (including ITER relevant scenario development). Reliability of both the polarimetric and interferometric measurements is demonstrated in 25 s plasmas with H-mode and 102 s long-pulse discharges.

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A Far-InfaRed (FIR) three-wave POlarimeter-INTerferometer (POINT) system for measurement current density profile and electron density profile is under development for the EAST tokamak. The FIR beams are transmitted from the laser room to the optical tower adjacent to EAST via ∼20 m overmoded dielectric waveguide and then divided into 5 horizontal chords. The optical arrangement was designed using ZEMAX, which provides information on the beam spot size and energy distribution throughout the optical system.

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Magnetic fluctuation-induced transport driven by global tearing modes has been measured by Faraday-effect polarimetry and interferometry (phase measurements) in the MST reversed field pinch. However, the role of small-scale broadband magnetic and density turbulence in transport remains unknown. In order to investigate broadband magnetic turbulence, we plan to upgrade the existing detector system by using planar-diode fundamental waveguide mixers optimized for high sensitivity.

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A multichannel far-infrared laser-based POlarimeter-INTerferometer (POINT) system utilizing the three-wave technique is under development for current density and electron density profile measurements in the EAST tokamak. Novel molybdenum retro-reflectors are mounted in the inside wall for the double-pass optical arrangement. A Digital Phase Detector with 250 kHz bandwidth, which will provide real-time Faraday rotation angle and density phase shift output, have been developed for use on the POINT system.

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A vibration compensation interferometer (wavelength at 0.532 μm) has been designed and tested for Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). It is designed as a sub-system for EAST far-infrared (wavelength at 432.

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Combined polarimetry-interferometry capability permits simultaneous measurement of line-integrated density and Faraday effect with fast time response (∼1 μs) and high sensitivity. Faraday effect fluctuations with phase shift of order 0.05° associated with global tearing modes are resolved with an uncertainty ∼0.

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A high-performance Faraday-effect polarimeter-interferometer system has been developed for the J-TEXT tokamak. This system has time response up to 1 μs, phase resolution < 0.1° and minimum spatial resolution ∼15 mm.

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At anticipated high electron temperatures in ITER, the effects of electron thermal motion on Thomson scattering (TS), toroidal interferometer/polarimeter (TIP), and poloidal polarimeter (PoPola) diagnostics will be significant and must be accurately treated. The precision of the previous lowest order linear in τ = Te/mec(2) model may be insufficient; we present a more precise model with τ(2)-order corrections to satisfy the high accuracy required for ITER TIP and PoPola diagnostics. The linear model is extended from Maxwellian to a more general class of anisotropic electron distributions that allows us to take into account distortions caused by equilibrium current, ECRH, and RF current drive effects.

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