In the primate auditory cortex, information flows serially in the mediolateral dimension from core, to belt, to parabelt. In the caudorostral dimension, stepwise serial projections convey information through the primary, rostral, and rostrotemporal (AI, R, and RT) core areas on the supratemporal plane, continuing to the rostrotemporal polar area (RTp) and adjacent auditory-related areas of the rostral superior temporal gyrus (STGr) and temporal pole. In addition to this cascade of corticocortical connections, the auditory cortex receives parallel thalamocortical projections from the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the ventral stream of the primate auditory cortex, cortico-cortical projections emanate from the primary auditory cortex (AI) along 2 principal axes: one mediolateral, the other caudorostral. Connections in the mediolateral direction from core, to belt, to parabelt, have been well described, but less is known about the flow of information along the supratemporal plane (STP) in the caudorostral dimension. Neuroanatomical tracers were injected throughout the caudorostral extent of the auditory core and rostral STP by direct visualization of the cortical surface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSounds are fleeting, and assembling the sequence of inputs at the ear into a coherent percept requires auditory memory across various time scales. Auditory short-term memory comprises at least two components: an active ׳working memory' bolstered by rehearsal, and a sensory trace that may be passively retained. Working memory relies on representations recalled from long-term memory, and their rehearsal may require phonological mechanisms unique to humans.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe temporal coherence of amplitude fluctuations is a critical cue for segmentation of complex auditory scenes. The auditory system must accurately demarcate the onsets and offsets of acoustic signals. We explored how and how well the timing of onsets and offsets of gated tones are encoded by auditory cortical neurons in awake rhesus macaques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Auditory short-term memory (STM) in the monkey is less robust than visual STM and may depend on a retained sensory trace, which is likely to reside in the higher-order cortical areas of the auditory ventral stream.
Results: We recorded from the rostral superior temporal cortex as monkeys performed serial auditory delayed match-to-sample (DMS). A subset of neurons exhibited modulations of their firing rate during the delay between sounds, during the sensory response, or during both.
A major cue to the location of a sound source is the interaural time difference (ITD)-the difference in sound arrival time at the two ears. The neural representation of this auditory cue is unresolved. The classic model of ITD coding, dominant for a half-century, posits that the distribution of best ITDs (the ITD evoking a neuron's maximal response) is unimodal and largely within the range of ITDs permitted by head-size.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChanges in amplitude and frequency jointly determine much of the communicative significance of complex acoustic signals, including human speech. We have previously described responses of neurons in the core auditory cortex of awake rhesus macaques to sinusoidal amplitude modulation (SAM) signals. Here we report a complementary study of sinusoidal frequency modulation (SFM) in the same neurons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent evidence suggests that the monkey's short-term memory in audition depends on a passively retained sensory trace as opposed to a trace reactivated from long-term memory for use in working memory. Reliance on a passive sensory trace could render memory particularly susceptible to confusion between sounds that are similar in some acoustic dimension. If so, then in delayed matching-to-sample, the monkey's performance should be predicted by the similarity in the salient acoustic dimension between the sample and subsequent test stimulus, even at very short delays.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA stimulus trace may be temporarily retained either actively [i.e., in working memory (WM)] or by the weaker mnemonic process we will call passive short-term memory, in which a given stimulus trace is highly susceptible to "overwriting" by a subsequent stimulus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Neurophysiol
February 2011
The anatomy and connectivity of the primate auditory cortex has been modeled as a core region receiving direct thalamic input surrounded by a belt of secondary fields. The core contains multiple tonotopic fields (including the primary auditory cortex, AI, and the rostral field, R), but available data only partially address the degree to which those fields are functionally distinct. This report, based on single-unit recordings across four hemispheres in awake macaques, argues that the functional organization of auditory cortex is best understood in terms of temporal processing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe encoding of sound level is fundamental to auditory signal processing, and the temporal information present in amplitude modulation is crucial to the complex signals used for communication sounds, including human speech. The modulation transfer function, which measures the minimum detectable modulation depth across modulation frequency, has been shown to predict speech intelligibility performance in a range of adverse listening conditions and hearing impairments, and even for users of cochlear implants. We presented sinusoidal amplitude modulation (SAM) tones of varying modulation depths to awake macaque monkeys while measuring the responses of neurons in the auditory core.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurons in auditory cortex of awake primates are selective for the spatial location of a sound source, yet the neural representation of the binaural cues that underlie this tuning remains undefined. We examined this representation in 283 single neurons across the low-frequency auditory core in alert macaques, trained to discriminate binaural cues for sound azimuth. In response to binaural beat stimuli, which mimic acoustic motion by modulating the relative phase of a tone at the two ears, these neurons robustly modulate their discharge rate in response to this directional cue.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Neurophysiol
September 2007
In many animals, the information most important for processing communication sounds, including speech, consists of temporal envelope cues below approximately 20 Hz. Physiological studies, however, have typically emphasized the upper limits of modulation encoding. Responses to sinusoidal AM (SAM) are generally summarized by modulation transfer functions (MTFs), which emphasize tuning to modulation frequency rather than the representation of the instantaneous stimulus amplitude.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrimary auditory cortex plays a crucial role in spatially directed behavior, but little is known about the effect of behavioral state on the neural representation of spatial cues. Macaques were trained to discriminate binaural cues to sound localization, eventually allowing measurement of thresholds comparable to human hearing. During behavior and passive listening, single units in low-frequency auditory cortex showed robust and consistent tuning to interaural phase difference (IPD).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrently there is considerable debate as to the nature of the pathways that are responsible for the perception and motor performance. We have studied the relationship between perceived speed, which is the experiential representation of a moving stimulus, and the speed of smooth pursuit eye movements, the motor action. We determined psychophysical thresholds for detecting small perturbations in the speed of moving patterns, and then by an ideal observer analysis computed analogous "oculometric" thresholds from the eye movement traces elicited by the same stimuli on the same trials.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrent understanding of neural processing in the auditory cortex has been shaped by a variety of experimental approaches in animals and humans. It remains a daunting challenge to reconcile data as diverse as synaptic properties recorded in a rodent brain slice and functional images of auditory cortex in a behaving human. Nevertheless, the gaps are narrowing through a renewed focus on humans and other primates, a continuing interest in evidence for functional pathways, a broader application of modern imaging techniques, a growing awareness of cortical sensitivity to dynamic features of sounds, and an improved understanding of auditory cortical circuitry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the ascending auditory pathway, the context in which a particular stimulus occurs can influence the character of the responses that encode it. Here we demonstrate that the cortical representation of a binaural cue to sound source location is profoundly context-dependent: spike rates elicited by a 0 degrees interaural phase disparity (IPD) were very different when preceded by 90 degrees versus -90 degrees IPD. The changes in firing rate associated with equivalent stimuli occurring in different contexts are comparable to changes in discharge rate that establish cortical tuning to the cue itself.
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