Objective: To examine the impact of standardized patient encounters (SPEs) on gender-affirming communication skills and self-efficacy of pediatrics learners.
Methods: Fourth-year medical students, pediatrics interns, psychiatry interns, and nurse practitioner trainees on 1-month adolescent medicine blocks completed a curriculum with e-learning activities that was expanded to include SPEs. Following e-learning, learners completed 2 SPEs featuring transgender adolescent cases.
Introduction: While pediatricians should receive training in the care of transgender youth, a paucity of formal educational curricula have been developed to train learners to care for this vulnerable population.
Methods: We developed a curriculum including six online modules and an in-person afternoon session observing clinic visits in a pediatric gender clinic. Learners-fourth-year medical students, interns, and nurse practitioner trainees-received protected time during an adolescent medicine rotation to complete the online modules (total duration: 77 minutes).