Background: Mindfulness in Motion (MIM) is a workplace resilience-building intervention that has shown reductions in perceived stress and burnout, as well as increased resilience and work engagement in health care workers.
Objective: To evaluate effects of MIM delivered in a synchronous virtual format on self-reported respiratory rates (RR), as well as perceived stress and resiliency of health care workers.
Methods: Breath counts were self-reported by 275 participants before and after 8 weekly MIM sessions.
Introduction: There is increasing evidence that vitamin D has widespread tissue effects. In addition to osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, infections and neurodegenerative disease. However, the effect of vitamin D supplementation on non-skeletal outcomes requires clarification, especially in postmenopausal women.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis care pathway from the European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) provides an updated pathway for monitoring and guidance of women at midlife, focusing on those approaching the end of the reproductive life-cycle, going through the menopausal transition and beyond. The care pathway is written by professionals involved in women's health and provides a stepwise individualized approach, stratified according to needs, symptoms and reproductive stage. Furthermore, the pathway provides details on screening for chronic diseases related to menopause and ageing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The menopause, or the cessation of menstruation, is a stage of the life cycle which will occur in all women. Managing perimenopausal and postmenopausal health is a key issue for all areas of healthcare, not just gynecology.
Aim: To provide recommendations for the curriculum of education programs for healthcare professionals worldwide, so that all can receive high quality training on menopause.
Yoga is mainly known for its postures, while it has a rich philosophical/spiritual background which is often not well known. Particularly the ethical principles of Yoga, the Yamas and Niyamas, are of relevance for Western practitioners also. We thus intended to develop and validate an instrument that operationalizes the Yamas and Niyamas and performed a cross-sectional survey among 901 Yoga practitioners in Germany with standardized instruments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDue to the rapid proliferation of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria, known as carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae, the efficacy of β-lactam antibiotics is threatened. β-lactam antibiotics constitute over 50% of the available antibiotic arsenal. Recent efforts have been focused on developing inhibitors to these enzymes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOxidized products have become increasingly valuable as building blocks for a wide variety of different processes and fine chemistry, especially in the benzylic position. We report herein a sustainable protocol for this transformation through C-H functionalization and is performed using electrochemistry as the main power source and tert-butyl hydroperoxide as the radical source for the C-H abstraction. The temperature conditions reported here do not increase above 50 °C and use an aqueous-based medium.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn an effort to evaluate whether a recently reported putative metallo-β-lactamase (MβL) contains a novel MβL active site, SPS-1 from Sediminispirochaeta smaragdinae was overexpressed, purified, and characterized using spectroscopic and crystallographic studies. Metal analyses demonstrate that recombinant SPS-1 binds nearly 2 equiv of Zn(II), and steady-state kinetic studies show that the enzyme hydrolyzes carbapenems and certain cephalosporins but not β-lactam substrates with bulky substituents at the 6/7 position. Spectroscopic studies of Co(II)-substituted SPS-1 suggest a novel metal center in SPS-1, with a reduced level of spin coupling between the metal ions and a novel Zn metal binding site.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA non-invasive method has been carried out to show the capabilities and limitations of Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) for identifying of colourants and binders in modern reverse glass paintings. For this purpose, the reverse glass paintings "Zwei Frauen am Tisch" (1920-22), "Bäume" (1946) (both by Heinrich Campendonk), "Lofoten" (1933) (Edith Campendonk-van Leckwyck) and "Ohne Titel" (1954) (Marianne Uhlenhuth), were measured. In contrast to other techniques (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper compares two theories and their two corresponding computational models of human moral judgment. In order to better address psychological realism and generality of theories of moral judgment, more detailed and more psychologically nuanced models are needed. In particular, a motivationally based theory of moral judgment (and its corresponding computational model) is developed in this paper that provides a more accurate account of human moral judgment than an existing emotion-reason conflict theory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudents' understandings of foundational concepts such as noncovalent interactions, pH and pK are crucial for success in undergraduate biochemistry courses. We developed a guided-inquiry activity to aid students in making connections between noncovalent interactions and pH/pK . Students explore these concepts by examining the primary and tertiary structures of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and Protein A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiochem Mol Biol Educ
April 2016
Enzyme-substrate interactions are a fundamental concept of biochemistry that is built upon throughout multiple biochemistry courses. Central to understanding enzyme-substrate interactions is specific knowledge of exactly how an enzyme and substrate interact. Within this narrower topic, students must understand the various binding sites on an enzyme and be able to reason from simplistic lock and key or induced fit models to the more complex energetics model of transition state theory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiochem Mol Biol Educ
February 2015
Biochemistry is a visual discipline that requires students to develop an understanding of numerous representations. However, there is very little known about what students actually understand about the representations that are used to communicate ideas in biochemistry. This study investigated biochemistry students' understanding of multiple representations of enzyme-substrate interactions through both student interviews (N = 25) and responses by a national sample (N = 707) to the Enzyme-Substrate Interactions Concept Inventory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnzyme function is central to student understanding of multiple topics within the biochemistry curriculum. In particular, students must understand how enzymes and substrates interact with one another. This manuscript describes the development of a 15-item Enzyme-Substrate Interactions Concept Inventory (ESICI) that measures student understanding of enzyme-substrate interactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA laboratory experiment for undergraduate biophysical chemistry is described, in which the acid concentration and temperature dependences of the decarboxylation of pyrrole-2-carboxylate are measured using a continuous ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometric assay. Data collection and analysis are structured using principles of guided inquiry. Data leading to the calculation of multiple rate constants at varying temperatures and acid concentrations can be collected within one laboratory period, using inexpensive reagents and standard instrumentation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Many trauma centers use mainly physiologic, first-tier criteria and mechanism-related, second-tier criteria to determine whether and at what level to activate a multidisciplinary trauma team in response to an out-of-hospital call. Some of these criteria result in a large number of unnecessary team activations while identifying only a few additional patients who require immediate operative intervention.
Objectives: To separately evaluate the incremental predictive value of individual first-tier and second-tier trauma team activation criteria for severe injury as reflected by patient disposition from the emergency department (ED).
Objectives: To determine if emergency physicians' (EP) use of droperidol has changed since the United States Food and Drag Administration (FDA) warning of December 2001 concerning QT interval prolongation, torsade de pointes, and sudden death; and to query EP opinions regarding droperidol before and after the FDA warning and regarding potential alternative drugs.
Methods: An internet-based survey was designed with questions regarding droperidol use in the emergency department (ED). Data collected included EP demographics, use of droperidol before and after the FDA warning, use of alternative drugs, and incidence of arrhythmias.
Munchausen syndrome is a rare psychiatric disorder in which patients purposely harm themselves to gain medical attention. These patients may present to unsuspecting emergency department (ED) staff members with life-threatening signs and symptoms. We report a case of Munchausen syndrome in which a young man with ties to the medical community and a history of substance abuse presented to our ED with refractory hypoglycemia and a dilated right pupil.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMethamphetamine (MAP) abuse continues to increase worldwide, based on morbidity, mortality, drug treatment, and epidemiologic studies and surveys. MAP abuse has become a significant health care, environmental, and law enforcement problem. Acute intoxication often results in agitation, violence, and death.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA tumor is reported which originated rom an osteoma cutis and expanded into the surrounding tissue by infiltration and destruction. Histologically, there were no signs of malignancy. In cell culture there grew populations of bone-like tissue with highly active metabolism and negative contact inhibition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new routine-method is presented for the morphokinetic documentation of autoimmunologically induced processes in vitro via leukocyte long-term culture (LLC). The prominent rosette-sheeped autologous lymphocytes in deposition at central granulocytes are well defined. These autologous rosette-formations in LLC rank very high in diagnosis of autoimmundiseases, since this phenomenon is positive already, while the results of current methods in routine-serumexaminations are still negative.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe modified leucocyte-longterm culture is presented as adequate procedure for demonstration of tumor cells from peripheral blood of melanomalignoma patients. By means of the proliferation cinetics, an exact differentiation between tumor cells on one side, and melanophages, so called irritated monocytic forms and endothelial cells on the other side is possible. In this in vitro-system proliferative tumorcells from peripheral blood can be differed from non-proliferative ones.
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