Publications by authors named "Brett Riley"

Study Objectives: Investigators assign sleep-waking states using brain activity collected from a single site, with the assumption that states occur at the same time throughout the brain. We sought to determine if sleep-waking states differ between two separate structures: the hippocampus and neocortex.

Methods: We measured electrical signals (electroencephalograms and electromyograms) during sleep from the hippocampus and neocortex of five freely behaving adult male rats.

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We propose a novel measure to detect temporal ordering in the activity of individual neurons in a local network, which is thought to be a hallmark of activity-dependent synaptic modifications during learning. The measure, called causal entropy, is based on the time-adaptive detection of asymmetries in the relative temporal patterning between neuronal pairs. We characterize properties of the measure on both simulated data and experimental multiunit recordings of hippocampal neurons from the awake, behaving rat, and show that the metric can more readily detect those asymmetries than standard cross correlation-based techniques, especially since the temporal sensitivity of causal entropy can detect such changes rapidly and dynamically.

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We tested the hypothesis that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is important for complex associative learning by restricting rats from entering REM sleep for 4 h either immediately after training on an eight-box spatial task (0-4 REMr) or 4 h following training (4-8 REMr). Both groups of REM-restricted rats eventually reached the same overall performance level as did nonrestricted controls, but 0-4 REMr animals were delayed in their improvement in the first few days and lagged behind controls in the middle portion of the training period. More importantly, performance gains of 0-4 REMr rats depended more on simple local cues throughout the 15-d study since, unlike control and 4-8 REMr animals, their error rate increased after daily disruption of the relationship between local (intramaze) cues and the food reward.

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An electric-field-induced phase transition and pattern formation in a binary dielectric fluid layer are studied using a coarse-grained free-energy functional. The electrostatic part of the free energy is a nonlinear functional of the dielectric function, which depends in turn on the local colloidal concentration. We determine the phase coexistence curve and find that beyond a critical electric field the system phase separates.

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We developed a novel method for assessing spatial learning that is compatible with the requirements of electrophysiological recording of multiple single neurons. The behavioral task utilized a rectangular track with 8 reward boxes of which a subset contained available food (bait). Errors were scored whenever the rat investigated a non-baited box location (commission), failed to investigate a baited box location (omission), or hesitated in front of a non-baited box location (hesitation).

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