Introduction: Military and commercial stakeholders are investing to explore the use of hypersonic aircraft and orbital spacecraft to transport cargo, medical supplies, passengers, and casualties. These vehicle platforms require periods of sustained acceleration, but to date, these dynamic forces have not been comprehensively considered in the environment of critical care patient movement because injured patients and advanced aeromedical evacuation (AE) equipment are rarely subjected to these conditions. While military AE equipment does undergo crash hazard acceleration testing, equipment functionality during or after sustained acceleration remains to be evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) intravenous fluid (IVF) containers contain residual air, introducing the risk of venous air embolism (VAE). Venous air embolism occurs when air displaces blood flow in vasculature. The danger from residual air is often negligible in terrestrial settings, where gravitational forces generate buoyancy, pushing residual air to the top of the IVF container.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe existence of labile iron pools (LFePs) in biological systems has been recognized for decades, but their chemical composition remains uncertain. Here, the LFeP in cytosol from was investigated. Mössbauer spectra of whole vs lysed cells indicated significant degradation of iron-sulfur clusters (ISCs), even using an unusually gentle lysis procedure; this demonstrated the fragility of ISCs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdult stem cells (SCs) represent the regenerative capacity of organisms throughout their lifespan. The maintenance of robust SC populations capable of renewing organs and physiological systems is one hallmark of healthy aging. The local environment of SCs, referred to as the niche, includes the nutritional milieu, which is essential to maintain the quantity and quality of SCs available for renewal and regeneration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNickel serves critical roles in the metabolism of and many prokaryotes. Many details of nickel trafficking are unestablished, but a nonproteinaceous low-molecular-mass (LMM) (LNiP) is thought to be involved. The portion of the cell lysate that flowed through a 3 kDa cutoff membrane, which ought to contain this pool, was analyzed by size-exclusion and hydrophilic interaction chromatographies (SEC and HILIC) with detection by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLabile low-molecular-mass (LMM) transition metal complexes play essential roles in metal ion trafficking, regulation, and signalling in biological systems, yet their chemical identities remain largely unknown due to their rapid ligand-exchange rates and weak M-L bonds. Here, an Escherichia coli cytosol isolation procedure was developed that was devoid of detergents, strongly coordinating buffers, and EDTA. The interaction of the metal ions from these complexes with a SEC column was minimized by pre-loading the column with ZnSO and then monitoring Zn and other metals by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) when investigating cytosolic ultrafiltration flow-through-solutions (FTSs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFluorescence-based chelators are commonly used to probe labile low-molecular-mass (LMM) metal pools in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells, but such chelators destroy the complexes of interest during detection. The objective of this study was to use chromatography to directly detect such complexes. Towards this end, 47 batches of cytosol were isolated from fermenting S.
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