Publications by authors named "Braun L"

Objective: To determine severe sepsis (SS) incidence, hospital mortality, 1-year mortality, and costs associated with care in a sample of enrollees in a nationally representative individual practice association (IPA)-network managed care organization (MCO).

Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of administrative claims data for commercial (not managed Medicare) members. We identified MCO members hospitalized for SS between July 1995 and December 1998.

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  • A study identified twelve to fourteen integral proteins in the peritrophic matrix (PM) of bertha armyworm larvae, using methods like peptide sequencing and immunological screenings to isolate cDNAs for two key proteins, McPM1 and McMUC1.
  • McPM1, the largest identified PM protein at 202 kDa, has 19 chitin binding domains and appears mainly as several lower molecular weight forms, while McMUC1 is highly glycosylated and similar to other insect intestinal mucins.
  • The research suggests these proteins interact with chitin and glycans, and highlights the degradation of certain McMUC1 forms upon larvae ingestion of a virus, possibly due to a viral protease.
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Introduction: Infection is an important complication in cancer patients, which frequently leads to or prolongs hospitalization, and can also lead to acute organ dysfunction (severe sepsis) and eventually death. While cancer patients are known to be at higher risk for infection and subsequent complications, there is no national estimate of the magnitude of this problem. Our objective was to identify cancer patients with severe sepsis and to project these numbers to national levels.

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Background: Military hospitals currently use gestational age-specific growth curves based on data collected in Denver, Colo, from 1948 to 1961. A number of population and environmental factors and medical practice changes may make these curves nonrepresentative.

Objective: Determine if presently used growth curves represent norms for infants born in military hospitals and create new curves for use in military hospitals.

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The 1998 South African National Asbestos Summit proposed a post-apartheid asbestos policy for the country. In the areas of environmental rehabilitation, health care, and compensation, it envisioned connecting asbestos mitigation to participatory development. In 2001, the Asbestos Collaborative, an international and interdisciplinary team, conducted follow-up research on the recommendations of the 1998 Summit, researching environmental, health, and compensation issues through consultation of documents and interviews with officials in urban areas and with people in Kuruman, a former crocidolite-mining site with high rates of asbestos-related disease.

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A series of organozirconium dichloride and 1,4-diphenylbutadiene complexes featuring a dianionic bifunctional ligand with a cyclopentadienyl-type functionality and an appended amido N donor have been prepared and structurally characterized. [(C(5)H(4))SiMe(2)(N-t-Bu)]ZrCl(2), 1, [(C(9)H(6))SiMe(2)(N-t-Bu)]ZrCl(2), 2, and [(C(5)Me(4))SiMe(2)(N-i-Pr)]ZrCl(2), 3, were prepared in two steps, with ligand chelation accomplished by an amine elimination reaction followed by treatment of the diamido Zr intermediate with an excess of SiMe(3)Cl. X-ray structural analyses reveal that in the solid state 2 is monomeric, whereas 1 and 3 are centrosymmetric dimers linked by a pair of bridging chlorides.

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The compliance of children and their parents is very important for the outcome of speech-language therapy in children. We analyzed 169 questionnaires of parents whose children had received speech-language therapy and 140 questionnaires of speech-language therapists (logopedists) concerning their satisfaction with the outcome of the intervention. Treatment was usually once weekly.

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Stable expression of a transgene may lead to increased fitness for wild plants after acquiring the transgene via crop-weed hybridization. Here, we investigate the stability of Bt toxin content in wild Brassica rapa acquiring the Bt gene from Bt Brassica napus. The Bt toxin content in nine Bt-expressing B.

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Pharmacy personnel billing patients for services rendered is discussed. Billing for services is a critical function for maintaining the financial viability of health care institutions. Poor understanding of the system can lead to incorrect documentation, which can result in a claim rejection.

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The history of the Medicare reimbursement system, how it works, and issues related to fraud and abuse are discussed. The statutory charge of Medicare is to ensure adequate reimbursement through a Prospective Payment System (PPS) to cover the costs for providing a given service to Medicare beneficiaries. The PPS was introduced as a way to change hospital behavior through financial incentives that encourage cost-efficient management of resources.

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Despite irrefutable evidence that asbestos causes asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma, asbestos mining, milling, and manufacturing continue. The authors discuss three scientific debates over the roles of fiber types, viruses, and genetics in the development of mesothelioma. While these controversies might appear internal to science and unconnected to policies of the global asbestos industry, they argue that scientific debates, whether or not fostered by industry, play a central role in shaping conceptualization of the problem of asbestos-related disease.

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Caring for an incurable patient during the last phases of his life belongs to the hardest duties of a doctor and requires empathy and sympathy. It is important to find the narrow pathway between truth and hope, to take the fear from the patient, that he would be left alone, and to preserve always his human dignity.

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The activities of digestive protease within the midgut of Mamestra configurata (bertha armyworm) larvae were examined using specific substrates and protease inhibitors. The bulk of the activity was associated with serine proteases comprising trypsin-, chymotrypsin-, and elastase-like enzymes. At least 10-15 serine protease isozymes were detected using one-dimension gelatin gel electrophoresis.

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A screen of a Mamestra configurata (bertha armyworm) midgut cDNA library identified three types of cDNA clones that resemble the Manduca sexta serpin-1 gene family. Two serpins, 1b and 1c, possess a common conserved serpin amino terminal scaffold domain but bear no similarity to any members of the M. sexta gene family within the reactive centre loop.

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EPA and other government organizations make decisions based on environmental measurements. How good are the data? How well are the data generators performing? What measurements apply to them? How can the data life cycle processes be improved so data generators can continually provide the best data? EPA's Quality Management System requirements go beyond evaluation of environmental data quality itself to examine systems associated with production, collection, processing (validation/verification), transfer, reduction, storage, and retrieval of data throughout a life cycle. This QMS specifies minimum quality requirements for particular environmental programs.

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The Heart Protection Study (HPS) results were presented shortly after the National Cholesterol Education Program released the third report of clinical practice guidelines for the evaluation and management of elevated cholesterol in adults. Both the guidelines and the HPS results support an aggressive approach to managing high-risk individuals. The HPS showed that cardiovascular events and mortality were reduced in high-risk patients taking simvastatin regardless of baseline low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels.

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We show that differential localization and/or activation of two cysteine protease activities occur at the onset of dipteran midgut metamorphosis. A 26 kDa cysteine protease activity was associated specifically with midgut tissues of late third instar larvae. Starvation of mid third instar larvae simulated the onset of prepupation and resulted in loss of the 26 kDa protease activity.

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The human complement 5a (C5a) anaphylatoxin receptor (CD88) is a G protein-coupled receptor involved in innate host defense and inflammation. Upon agonist binding, C5a receptor (C5aR) undergoes rapid phosphorylation on the six serine residues present in the C-terminal region followed by desensitization and internalization. Using confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and green fluorescent protein-tagged beta-arrestins (beta-arr 1- and beta-arr 2-EGFP) we show a persistent complex between C5aR and beta-arrestins to endosomal compartments.

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Previous studies of HLA-E allelic polymorphism have indicated that balancing selection may be acting to maintain two major alleles in most populations, indicating that a functional difference may exist between the alleles. The alleles differ at only one amino acid position, where an arginine at position 107 in HLA-E*0101 (E(R)) is replaced by a glycine in HLA-E*0103 (E(G)). To investigate possible functional differences, we have undertaken a study of the physical and biochemical properties of these two proteins.

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Long-term maintenance of behavioral change to reduce health risk factors is essential to producing a positive effect on medical outcomes. This study examines whether an ongoing, long-term relationship can be used to help patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease adhere to a risk-reducing behavioral intervention and maintain healthy behavioral changes. One hundred and sixty patients with diagnosed coronary artery disease will be randomized to a standard behavioral treatment group or to a standard behavioral treatment group including a couples intervention and followed for 18 months.

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A tetracycline-controlled expression system was adapted to the human promyelocytic HL-60 cell line by placement of the transactivator (tTA-off) sequence under the control of the human EF-1alpha promoter region. Constitutively active and dominant-inhibitory forms of Cdc42 (Cdc42V12 and Cdc42N17, respectively) were conditionally expressed in this system. The expression of Cdc42V12 had no marked effect on chemoattractant-mediated superoxide production, corroborating previous results indicating that the guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP)-bound form of Cdc42 is ineffective in directly activating nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase in a cell-free system.

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