While an increasing number of studies are adopting molecular and chemical methods for dietary characterization, these studies often employ only one of these laboratory-based techniques; this approach may yield an incomplete, or even biased, understanding of diet due to each method's inherent limitations. To explore the utility of coupling molecular and chemical techniques for dietary characterizations, we applied DNA metabarcoding alongside stable isotope analysis to characterize the dietary niche of breeding Louisiana waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla), a migratory songbird hypothesized to preferentially provision its offspring with pollution-intolerant, aquatic arthropod prey. While DNA metabarcoding was unable to determine if waterthrush provision aquatic and terrestrial prey in different abundances, we found that specific aquatic taxa were more likely to be detected in successive seasons than their terrestrial counterparts, thus supporting the aquatic specialization hypothesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe introduction of laboratory methods to animal dietary studies has allowed researchers to obtain results with accuracy and precision, not possible with observational techniques. For example, DNA barcoding, or the identification of prey with taxon-specific DNA sequences, allows researchers to classify digested prey tissues to the species-level, while stable isotope analysis paired with Bayesian mixing models can quantify dietary contributions by comparing a consumer's isotopic values to those derived from their prey. However, DNA-based methods are currently only able to classify, but not quantify, the taxa present in a diet sample, while stable isotope analysis can only quantify dietary taxa that are identified a priori as prey isotopic values are a result of life history traits, not phylogenetic relatedness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStreams and their surrounding riparian habitats are linked by reciprocal exchanges of insect prey essential to both aquatic and terrestrial consumers. Aquatic insects comprise a large proportion of total prey in riparian habitats and are opportunistically exploited by terrestrial insectivores; however, several species of songbirds are known to preferentially target aquatic prey via specialized foraging strategies. For these songbirds, reduced availability of aquatic insects via stream acidification may result in compensatory changes in provisioning during the nesting period, thereby influencing both adult and nestling diet composition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRiparian habitats are characterized by substantial flows of emergent aquatic insects that cross the stream-forest interface and provide an important source of prey for insectivorous birds. The increased availability of prey arising from aquatic subsidies attracts high densities of Neotropical migratory songbirds that are thought to exploit emergent aquatic insects as a nestling food resource; however, the prey preferences and diets of birds in these communities are only broadly understood. In this study, we utilized DNA metabarcoding to investigate the extent to which three syntopic species of migratory songbirds-Acadian Flycatcher, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Wood Thrush-breeding in Appalachian riparian habitats (Pennsylvania, USA) exploit and partition aquatic prey subsidies as a nestling food resource.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe erosion of species boundaries can involve rapid evolutionary change. Consequently, many aspects of the process remain poorly understood, including the formation, expansion, and evolution of hybrid swarms. Biological invasions involving hybridization present exceptional opportunities to study the erosion of species boundaries because timelines of interactions and outcomes are frequently well known.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Cherokee darter Etheostoma scotti is a federally threatened fish endemic to the Etowah River system of northwest Georgia. In order to analyse the population structure and genetic diversity of this fish, eight tetranucleotide microsatellite genetic markers were developed. The marker set was applied to 13 additional darter species to test cross-species amplification and polymorphism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnderstanding how variation in reproductive success is related to demography is a critical component in understanding the life history of an organism. Parentage analysis using molecular markers can be used to estimate the reproductive success of different groups of individuals in natural populations. Previous models have been developed for cases where offspring are random samples from the population but these models do not account for the presence of full- and half-sibs commonly found in large clutches of many organisms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMost genetic surveys of parentage in nature sample only a small fraction of the breeding population. Here we apply microsatellite markers to deduce the genetic mating system and assess the reproductive success of females and males in an extensively collected, semi-closed stream population of the mottled sculpin fish, Cottus bairdi. In this species, males guard nest rocks where females deposit the eggs for fertilization.
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