Publications by authors named "Bradley Willis"

We describe a feasibility study in which the Microsoft Kinect is used for a game-based exercise to strengthen posterior chain muscles which are often weak in those at high risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. In the game, subjects perform a single posterior chain strengthening exercise. The game uses a side-scrolling video display driven by a hip abduction exercise while a player lies down on the floor.

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Pianists who practice hours per day may have a risk for developing playing-related musculoskeletal injuries if they do not play with proper hand alignment. In order to detect the harmful, misaligned hand postures (such as wrist flexion and extension, knuckle collapse, and ulnar and radial deviation) and analyze the injury risk, a motion capture system was developed using the Microsoft Kinect depth camera. Data were captured on professional pianists and student pianists from the School of Music, University of Missouri.

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The impressive specific capacitance and high-rate performance reported for many nanometric charge-storing films on planar substrates cannot impact a technology space beyond microdevices unless such performance translates into a macroscale form factor. In this report, we explore how the nanoscale-to-macroscale properties of the electrode architecture (pore size/distribution, void volume, thickness) define energy and power performance when scaled to technologically relevant dimensions. Our test bed is a device-ready electrode architecture in which scalable, manufacturable carbon nanofoam papers with tunable pore sizes (5-200 nm) and thickness (100-300 μm) are painted with ~10 nm coatings of manganese oxide (MnOx).

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