In this call for transparency, we aim to disseminate knowledge about recent CONSORT-Surrogate and SPIRIT-Surrogate checklists. SPIRIT-Surrogate is an extension of the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) checklist, developed as a consensus document and designed as a reporting guideline for randomized controlled trial (RCT) protocols using surrogate end points as the primary end points. CONSORT-Surrogate is an extension of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) checklist, a consensus-driven reporting guideline for RCTs using surrogate end points as the primary end points.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Respiratory syncytial virus is associated with significant neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality. Maternal bivalent respiratory syncytial virus prefusion F respiratory syncytial virus vaccination to protect neonates and infants was approved in September 2023 for administration between 32+0 and 36+6 weeks to protect neonates and infants. This approved timeframe is narrower than the 24 to 36 week window evaluated in the clinical trial, due to the possible association between preterm birth and vaccine administration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Palladin is an actin binding protein that accelerates actin polymerization and is linked to metastasis of several types of cancer. Previously, three lysine residues in an immunoglobulin-like domain of palladin have been identified as essential for actin binding. However, it is still unknown where palladin binds to F-actin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Objectives: The burden of disease for Australian children from non-acute conditions is growing; however, little is known about how well prevocational training experiences prepare trainee doctors. This study examines the confidence of general practice registrars in managing paediatric consultations in primary care and whether confidence varies by prevocational training type.
Method: This was a cross-sectional national survey of Australian general practice registrars that measured confidence in managing paediatric primary care presentations.
Shigellosis is a gastrointestinal infection caused by species of . A large outbreak of serotype 2a occurred in Albuquerque, New Mexico (NM) between May 2021 and November 2023 that involved humans and nonhuman primates (NHP) from a local zoo. We analyzed the genomes of 202 New Mexico isolates as well as 15 closely related isolates from other states, and four from NHP.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: Women account for only 28% of current US medical school deans. Studying the differences between women and men in their preparation to becoming deans might help to explain this discrepancy.
Objective: To identify differences in the leadership development experiences between women and men in their ascent to the medical school deanship.
Background: Individuals with low health literacy struggle to manage long-term conditions. Addressing pain-related health competencies is important in the management of chronic pain. Virtual reality may be a useful tool for empowering sustainable health-related stratgies due to its unique ability to engage users in artificial environments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSchool closures in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic precipitated losses of critical student resources as physical, mental, emotional, and social needs escalated. Identifying the challenges, strategies, and changes in school nurse (SN) practice in Massachusetts during this pandemic is fundamental to understanding how to manage future anticipated pandemics while protecting children, communities, and SNs. The purpose of this mixed-methods descriptive study in the second year of the global pandemic was to (a) listen to SN voices through a novel online survey including the prompts of challenges, strategies, and practice changes and (b) describe the SN experience of COVID-19 response in Massachusetts schools, including identification of intent to leave school nursing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn January 2021, we assessed the implications of temporary regulations in the United Kingdom allowing pubs and restaurants to operate on a takeaway basis without instigating a change of use. Local authorities (LAs) across the North-East of England were unaware of any data regarding the take-up of these regulations, partially due to ongoing capacity issues; participants also raised health concerns around takeaway use increasing significantly. One year on, we repeated the study aiming to understand the impact of these regulations on the policy and practice of key professional groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Locoregionally advanced HPV+ oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) has excellent cure rates, although current treatment regimens are accompanied by acute and long-term toxicities. We designed a phase II deescalation trial for patients with HPV+ OPSCC to evaluate the feasibility of an upfront neck dissection to individualize definitive treatment selection to improve the quality of life without compromising survival.
Patients And Methods: Patients with T1-3, N0-2 HPV+ OPSCC underwent an upfront neck dissection with primary tumor biopsy.
J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther
February 2024
Sialorrhea, defined as an excess flow of saliva or excessive secretions, is common in patients with cerebral palsy and other neurologic disorders and is associated with clinical complications such as increased risk of local skin reactions, infections, aspiration, pneumonia, and dehydration. Upon failure of non-pharmacologic measures, clinicians have several noninvasive pharmacologic options available to manage sialorrhea. This review of the literature provides detailed descriptions of medications used, efficacy, safety, and practical considerations for use of non-injectable pharmacologic agents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFfl is a nonmotile gram-negative bacillus that affects humans and nonhuman primates. In August 2021, 15 primates at the ABQ BioPark demonstrated clinical signs of infection: 3 out of 4 Sumatran and hybrid orangutans (), 6 out of 8 gorillas (), 2 out of 9 chimpanzees (), and 4 out of 4 siamangs (). Three siamangs and one gorilla succumbed to complications of shigellosis during the initial outbreak and a chimpanzee died 10 mon later.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The purpose of this study was to describe overall screening, prevention, and treatments for pediatric delirium at various neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), cardiac intensive care units (CICUs), and pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) from the Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA) membership. The primary objective was to identify the number of respondents that had a defined delirium-based protocol. The secondary objectives included identification of delirium assessment tools used, first- and second-line delirium treatment options, and monitoring practices for antipsychotics for delirium management.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Sleep deprivation is a risk factor for delirium development, which is a frequent complication of intensive care unit admission. Melatonin has been used for both delirium prevention and treatment. Melatonin safety, efficacy, and dosing information in neonates and infants is lacking.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The work environment is an important determinant of health and health inequalities. Workplaces have a key role in preventing ill health. The WHO and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities encourage implementing employer-led workplace health award schemes tailored to specific contexts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAgeing results in lower exercise tolerance, manifested as decreased critical power (CP). We examined whether the age-related decrease in CP occurs independently of changes in muscle mass and whether it is related to impaired vascular function. Ten older (63.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM) represents an emergent mechanism of carbapenem resistance associated with high mortality and limited antimicrobial treatment options. Because the resistance gene is often carried on plasmids, traditional infection prevention and control (IP&C) surveillance methods like speciation, antimicrobial resistance testing, and reactive whole genome sequencing (WGS) may not detect plasmid transfer in multispecies outbreaks.
Methods: Initial outbreak detection of NDM-producing Enterobacterales identified at an acute care hospital occurred via traditional IP&C methods and was supplemented by real-time WGS surveillance, which was performed weekly using the Illumina platform.
Perspect Public Health
November 2023
Aims: To explore existing regulatory mechanisms to restrict hot food takeaway (HFT) outlets through further understanding processes at local and national levels.
Methods: The Planning Appeals Portal was utilised to identify recent HFT appeal cases across England between December 2016 and March 2020. Eight case study sites were identified using a purposive sampling technique and interviews carried out with 12 professionals involved in planning and health to explore perceptions of and including factors that may impact on the HFT appeal process.
JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
November 2023
Importance: Historical data reveal that, compared with women, men are more likely to pursue a head and neck surgical oncology fellowship, but little is known about possible gender differences in academic productivity.
Objective: To assess demographic trends and academic productivity among American Head & Neck Society (AHNS) fellowship graduates.
Design, Setting, And Participants: This cross-sectional study used electronically published data from the AHNS on fellowship graduates in the US and Canada from July 1, 1997, to June 30, 2022.
Objective: Sport participation may have quality-of-life benefits for people with chronic breathlessness; however, its feasibility and impact on health are unknown. We aimed to synthesise the scientific literature concerning the impact of sport for people with chronic breathlessness.
Data Sources: Searches of MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase, SPORTDiscus and Google Scholar were conducted (May 2023).
JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
June 2023
Importance: Sponsorship, distinct from mentorship or coaching, involves advancing the careers of individuals by nominating them for roles, increasing the visibility of their work, or facilitating opportunities. Sponsorship can open doors and enhance diversity; however, achieving desirable outcomes requires equitable approaches to cultivating potential in sponsees and promoting their success. The evidence on equitable sponsorship practices has not been critically examined, and this special communication reviews the literature, highlighting best practices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol
April 2023
Objective: To evaluate the impact of a diagnostic stewardship intervention on healthcare-associated infections (HAI).
Design: Quality improvement study.
Setting: Two urban acute care hospitals.