Lutembacher syndrome has been reported primarily in children and adults, but no prenatal cases have been reported. Our results indicated that lutembacher syndrome could be diagnosed by using prenatal ultrasound diagnosis. Accurate prenatal diagnosis of lutembacher syndrome is beneficial to neonatal prognosis and treatment options; it is very necessary to make a clear diagnosis in utero.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSinglet fission (SF) materials used in light-harvesting devices must not only efficiently produce spin-triplet excitons but also transport them to an energy acceptor. ,'-Bis(2-phenylethyl)-3,4,9,10-perylenedicarboximide (EP-PDI) is a promising SF chromophore due to its photostability, large extinction coefficient, and high triplet yield, but the energy transport mechanisms in EP-PDI solids are minimally understood. Herein, we use transient absorption microscopy to directly characterize exciton transport in EP-PDI crystals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBimetallic metal-organic frameworks (BMOFs) have garnered significant attention in the field of environmental remediation due to their more diverse adsorption sites compared to monometallic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Different energy barriers must be overcome for different metal ions and organic linkers to form MOFs. However, the impact of the synthesis temperature on the crystallization and porosity structure of BMOFs has been rarely studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCyanide extraction dominates the gold smelting industry, which leads to the generation of large amounts of cyanide-containing wastewater. In this study, Aneurinibacillus tyrosinisolvens strain named JK-1 was used for cyanide wastewater biodegradation. First, we tested the performance of JK-1 in degrading cyanide under different conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBattery energy storage systems (BESSs) are generally used as a buffer stage for photovoltaic (PV) power generation to tolerate the output power unpredictability in DC microgrids, in which the State-of-Charge (SoC) balance is a necessary and urgent issue to be solved. To this end, an integral feedforward sliding mode controller (SMC) is adopted to replace the traditionally proportional integral (PI) controller such that the voltage response speed of the converter in each BESS can be significantly enhanced. Further, a novel adaptive droop control strategy for SoC balance with three different working modes is proposed, in which all batteries can be cooperated through three different stages corresponding to their different SoC degrees.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacterial morphology is largely determined by the spatial and temporal regulation of peptidoglycan (PG) biosynthesis. Ovococci possess a unique pattern of PG synthesis different from the well studied Bacillus, and the mechanism of the coordination of PG synthesis remains poorly understood. Several regulatory proteins have been identified to be involved in the regulation of ovococcal morphogenesis, among which DivIVA is an important one to regulate PG synthesis in streptococci, while its mechanism is largely unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMechanically robust and macro-porous hydrogels are urgently required for the dynamic removal of heavy metals in wastewater purification field. Herein, a novel microfibrillated cellulose/polyethyleneimine hydrogel (MFC/PEI-CD) with high compressibility and macro-porous structures was fabricated via the synergy of cryogelation and double-network for Cr(VI) adsorption from wastewater. MFCs were pre-cross-linked by bis(vinyl sulfonyl)methane (BVSM) and then formed double-network hydrogels with PEIs and glutaraldehyde below freezing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSolvated electrons are powerful reducing agents capable of driving some of the most energetically expensive reduction reactions. Their generation under mild and sustainable conditions remains challenging though. Using near-ultraviolet irradiation under low-intensity one-photon conditions coupled with electrochemical and optical detection, we show that the yield of solvated electrons in water is increased more than 10 times for nanoparticle-decorated electrodes compared to smooth silver electrodes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study examines the relationship between chief executive officers (CEOs)' collectivistic cultural background and corporate pollution abatement behavior among industrial firms in China. Using hand-collected data on birthplaces of CEOs of the industrial firms, we provided robust evidence that CEOs born in provinces with a higher level of collectivistic culture promote corporate pollution abatement performance. This study further shows that firms exhibit significant differences in their emission reduction behavior when firms are subjected to environmental regulation shocks: firms with collectivistic CEOs tend to reduce more pollution than firms with individualistic CEOs without sacrificing their firms' production.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the past few decades, biosensors have been gradually developed for the rapid detection and monitoring of human diseases. Recently, functional nucleic-acid (FNA) biosensors have attracted the attention of scholars due to a series of advantages such as high stability and strong specificity, as well as the significant progress they have made in terms of biomedical applications. However, there are few reports that systematically and comprehensively summarize its working principles, classification and application.
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