Publications by authors named "Botha C"

The mol-ecular structure of CHO, (+)-diplodiatoxin, is described, whereby the absolute configuration of the structure of diplodiatoxin has been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Diplodiatoxin crystallizes in the chiral 422 space group with one mol-ecule in the asymmetric unit.

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Carboxylic ionophores are polyether antibiotics used in production animals as feed additives, with a wide range of benefits. However, ionophore toxicosis often occurs as a result of food mixing errors or extra-label use and primarily targets the cardiac and skeletal muscles of livestock. The ultrastructural changes induced by 48 hours of exposure to 0.

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The onflow hyphenation of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in adsorption mode with a benchtop H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer is described for the first time. Protonated solvents and isocratic conditions are used. The sensitivity was increased by choosing suitable NMR acquisition parameter as well as optimizing injection parameters and postacquisition data processing methods.

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Exposure to the neonicotinoid insecticide, imidacloprid (IMI), causes reproductive toxicity in mammals and reptiles. However, reports on the effects of IMI on the gonads in birds are grossly lacking. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of pubertal exposure to IMI on the histology, ultrastructure, as well as the cytoskeletal proteins, desmin, smooth muscle actin and vimentin, of the gonads of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica).

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African spitting cobra, Naja nigricincta nigricincta (Zebra snake), envenomation is an important cause of snakebite morbidity and mortality in Namibia. The snake is endemic to central and northern Namibia as well as southern Angola. The venom is mainly cytotoxic, resulting in aggressive dermo-necrosis and often accompanied by severe systemic complications.

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Two field cases of reddish-black pigmenturia occurred where cattle grazed on an established Cenchrus ciliaris (blue buffalo grass) pasture in South Africa. The pasture was noticeably invaded by Indigofera cryptantha, which was heavily grazed. Apart from the discolored urine, no other clinical abnormalities were detected.

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Imidacloprid is a systemic neonicotinoid insecticide widely used to combat agricultural pests and flea infestations in dogs and cats. Despite its low toxicity to mammals, imidacloprid is reported to cause male reproductive toxicity. This study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of 75-800 μM imidacloprid on a rat Leydig cell line (LC-540).

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The immunolocalization of the cytoskeletal and the extracellular matrix proteins was investigated in the testicular excurrent duct system of healthy Japanese quail at 4, 6−7, 12 and 52 weeks of age. TdT dUTP Nick End Labeling (TUNEL) assay was used to assess apoptotic cell formation. The epithelia of the testicular excurrent duct system in birds of all age groups displayed various immunolabeling intensities and localization of cytokeratin 5 and beta-tubulin, while α-SMA was observed in epithelia only of 4-week-old birds.

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The recent pandemic has seen unprecedented demand for respiratory support of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, stretching services and clinicians. Yet despite the global numbers of patients treated, guidance is not clear on the correct choice of modality or the timing of escalation of therapy for an individual patient. This narrative review assesses the available literature on the best use of different modalities of respiratory support for an individual patient, and discusses benefits and risks of each, coupled with practical advice to improve outcomes.

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Changes over the past five decades in the scientific names of some potentially poisonous plants and toxigenic fungi in South Africa are briefly reviewed. Some of the reasons why taxonomists change names are highlighted. In recent years, DNA sequencing data have contributed considerably towards establishing phylogenetic relationships among plants, often resulting in changes in generic circumscription and, consequently, the names of species.

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Carboxylic ionophores, such as monensin, salinomycin and lasalocid, are polyether antibiotics used widely in production animals for the control of coccidiosis, as well as for the promotion of growth and feed efficiency. Although the benefits of using ionophores are undisputed, cases of ionophore toxicosis do occur, primarily targeting the cardiac and skeletal muscles of affected animals. The 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) viability assay was used to determine the cytotoxicity of monensin, salinomycin and lasalocid on mouse skeletal myoblasts (C2C12).

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Methods that increase sensitivity are a constant topic in research. To increase the sensitivity for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) a continuous injection method with a sinusoidal analyte concentration profile was developed. The sinusoidal analyte concentration profile is obtained by a sinusoidal variation of the relative volume contents between two solvent reservoirs, one containing a pure solvent and the other an analyte stock solution prepared with the same solvent.

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The burden and impact of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are well documented, accounting for 70% of premature deaths globally. In Sub-Saharan Africa, rising NCDs are estimated to account for 27% of mortality by 2020, a 4% increase from 2005. This increase will inevitably lead to a higher demand for NCD treatment services, exerting pressure on limited public financial resources.

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Repetitive upper-quarter limb movements imposed by freestyle swimming may lead to muscle length and tension changes, predisposing adolescent swimmers to postural malalignment. The study aimed to quantify the static upper-quarter postural alignment of competitive female adolescent freestyle swimmers, and compare their results to non-swimming peers and angles of spinal sagittal posture available in the literature. A cross-sectional study design was employed.

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The testicular excurrent duct system undergoes several physiological and morphological changes during the reproductive stage or breeding season in mammals, birds, and reptiles. Studies on normal age-related histomorphological changes in the excurrent duct system of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica) remain unreported, despite the extensive use of this bird as an avian model in research studies. The current study investigated the histological, ultrastructural, and histometric changes in the testicular excurrent duct system of the Japanese quail during three reproductive stages, namely prepubertal, pubertal, and adult.

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This article presents a fast, straightforward synthesis approach to polymerize alternating multiblock copolymers, ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) (homo)polymers as well as precursors for complex macromolecular topologies such as comb or barbwire architectures. The one-pot synthesis strategy proposed in this work is based on anionic polymerization via a bifunctional initiator and the subsequent linking of macro dianions with a bifunctional linker, additionally overcoming the limitations associated with the monomer reactivity. Thus, the synthetic route guarantees the repeating size of polymer blocks and an equal distribution of functional groups in precursors for complex topologies.

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Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) is widely used as a plasticizer in personal care and medical products and is known to induce toxicity in the male reproductive organs in both mammals and birds. In this study, there was investigation of the effects of DBP on the epithelium of the rete testis, proximal, and distal efferent ductules and epididymal duct of adult Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) following treatment with varying doses during the pre-pubertal and peri-pubertal periods. Pre-pubertal quail (n = 25) 4 weeks post-hatching were dosed orally with 10, 50, 200 and 400 mg DBP/kg/d, for 30 days and control birds were administered corn-oil only (n = 5 per group).

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The characterisation of polymeric materials in their full complexity of chain length, monomeric composition, branching and functionalization is a tremendous challenge and is best tackled by tailored multi-dimensional coupled analytical and detection techniques. Herein, we focus on the improvement of an affordable but information rich 2D-method for polymer analysis: the online hyphenation of benchtop H NMR spectroscopy with size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The main benefit of this approach is correlated information of chain length (SEC) to chemical composition (H NMR).

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevalence among South African youth is high, yet HIV testing remains suboptimal. We explored how perceptions of HIV risk and behaviours informed decisions to test for HIV. This study was conducted from April 2018 to March 2019 in Ekurhuleni district, Gauteng Province with males and females aged between 15-24 years.

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Vermeersiekte or "vomiting disease" is an economically important disease of ruminants following ingestion of () species in South Africa. Sheep are more susceptible, and poisoning is characterized by stiffness, regurgitation, bloat, paresis, and paralysis. Various sesquiterpene lactones have been implicated as the cause of poisoning.

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We conducted a discrete choice experiment (DCE) and quantified preferences for HIV testing among South African youth (Nov 2018 to Mar 2019). Six attributes and levels were identified through qualitative methods: source of HIV information; incentive amount and type; social support; testing method; and location. Each participant chose one of two options that comprised six attributes across 18 questions.

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Diplodiosis is an important neuromycotoxicosis of ruminants in South Africa when grazing on harvested maize fields in winter. It is believed to be caused by mycotoxin(s) synthesised by Stenocarpella (Diplodia) maydis. Although several metabolites have been isolated from S.

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poisoning, referred to as 'vermeersiekte' is an important plant poisoning in southern Africa. Three sesquiterpene lactones, isogeigerin acetate () ivalin () and geigerin () were isolated and purified from Harv. (Asteraceae).

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Article Synopsis
  • Moraea pallida Bak. (yellow tulp) causes significant heart-related toxicity in South Africa, primarily due to a compound called epoxyscillirosidine.
  • Researchers are exploring a vaccine development against this toxin, successfully conjugating it with various proteins to enhance immune response in rabbits.
  • While initial trials showed low immunity, subsequent adjustments in dosage and adjuvant improved results, particularly with epoxyscillirosidine-KLH, showing promise for future studies on preventing yellow tulp poisoning and understanding cross-reactivity with related compounds.
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