Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a rare disease characterized by the formation of blisters and vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes. There are 4 types: simple, junctional, dystrophic, and Kindler syndrome. They can have serious complications such as difficult airway, syndactyly, wound superinfection, or squamous cell carcinoma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt Wound J
September 2024
Objective: To calculate the prevalence of physical restraint (PR) use in Spanish PICUs and (2) to analyze the correlation between the prevalence of PR use and the sociodemographic, clinical variables of the patients and the PICU structural and organizational variables.
Methods: We conducted a multicenter prevalence study from January 2022 to January 2023 in Spanish PICUs. The method of data collection was by direct observation, review of the patient's medical history, and asking the professionals involved in the patient's care.
Objectives: To determine the intention to use physical restraint (PR) and the relationship with sociodemographic and professional variables of the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) nurses.
Research Methodology/design And Setting: A multicentre and correlational study was carried out from October 2021 to December 2023 in five paediatric intensive care units from five maternal and child hospitals in Spain. The Paediatric Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire was provided.
Background: Physical restraint is applied in pediatric intensive care units to carry out certain painful procedures and to ensure the maintenance and continuity of life support devices. There is a need to analyse the factors that influence the behaviour or intention to use physical restraint.
Aim: To create and test psychometrically a paediatric version of the Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire to assess paediatric critical care nurses' intention to use physical restraint.
Introduction: Pediatric patients with cognitive dysfunction are at greater risk of pain than typically developing children. Pain assessment in these patients is complex and could generate uncertainty in health professionals about what the key aspects are.
Aim: To determine the training needs perceived by nursing professionals regarding acute pain assessment in pediatric patients with cognitive dysfunction.
Introduction: Purpura fulminans (PF) is a serious complication of sepsis resulting from a set of alterations characterised by the development of ecchymotic haemorrhagic lesions and skin necrosis.
Aim: To analyse the efficacy and safety of the topical application of HOFA compound, in the cutaneous microcirculation of PF lesions in paediatric patients affected by sepsis.
Material And Methods: A prospective quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test single-group conducted in a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit of a third level hospital was performed.
Aims And Objectives: To determine which factors can be considered protective of ethical conflicts in intensive care unit healthcare professionals during a pandemic.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic gave rise to new ethical concerns in relation to the management of public health and the limitations on personal freedom. Continued exposure to ethical conflict can have a range of psychological consequences.
Background: Music therapy as a nonpharmacological means of managing patient pain, anxiety, and discomfort is a recognised technique, although it is not widely used in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU).
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the clinical effect of a live music therapy intervention on vital signs and levels of discomfort and pain for paediatric patients in the PICU.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest study.
Aim And Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the sources of ethical conflict and the decision-making processes of ICU nurses and physicians during the first and subsequent waves of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Background: Depside several studies exploring ethical conflicts during COVID-19 pandemic, few studies have explored in depth the perceptions and experiences of critical care professionals regarding these conflicts, the decision-making process or which have analysed the complexity of actually implementing the recommendations of scientific societies and professional/healthcare institutions in interdisciplinary samples.
Design: A descriptive phenomenological study.
Aims: (1) to design a training programme for newly hired nursing personnel and (2) to determine self-perception and perceived stress before and after the theoretical and practical parts of the programme with high fidelity simulation activities.
Methods: A pilot quasi-experimental pretest-posttest study without control group conducted in a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit from October 2018 to April 2019 was conducted. A newly hired nursing personnel training programme was first designed and delivered.
Background: Chronic wounds are susceptible to colonization with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that may be resistant to antimicrobial dressings and systemic antibiotics. In January 2004, the US Food and Drugs Administration approved use of medicinal larvae for use in humans and animals for resistant organisms. Despite use in adults, there is a paucity of evidence evaluating its efficacy and safety in the pediatric population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: The main aim of this investigation was to analyse the specificity and sensibility of the COMFORT Behaviour Scale (CBS-S) in assessing grade of pain, sedation, and withdrawal syndrome in paediatric critical care patients.
Method: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional and multicentre study conducted in Level III Intensive Care Areas of 5 children's university hospitals. Grade of sedation was assessed using the Spanish version of the CBS-S and the Bispectral Index on sedation, once per shift over one day.
Aim: To investigate factors that influence the assessment of postoperative pain in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) and the tools available to determine pain intensity.
Method: The search was performed in January 2022 using six databases. Articles focused on paediatric patients with CP; we included instruments for postsurgical pain assessment in this population published in the last 11 years.
An Pediatr (Engl Ed)
December 2021
Introduction: There are clinical and sociodemographic factors that have an impact on the comfort of the critically ill paediatric patient. The main aim of this study was to determine the level of discomfort of paediatric patients admitted to different national hospitals, and to analyse its correlation with sociodemographic and clinical variables, analgosedation, and withdrawal syndrome.
Methods: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional, and multicentre study was conducted in five Spanish hospitals.
Aims: To determine the grade of sedation in the critically ill paediatric patient using Biespectral Index Sensor (BIS) and to analyse its relationship with sociodemographic and clinical patient variables.
Methods: Observational, analytical, cross-sectional and multicentre study performed from May 2018 to January 2020 in 5 Spanish paediatric critical care units. Sex, age, reason for admission, presence of a chronic pathology, type and number of drugs and length of stay were the sociodemographic and clinical variables registered.
Background: Advance care planning (ACP) refers to a process of discussions between professionals, patients, and their families, which allows the patient to define and communicate their care and treatment preferences. Understanding the barriers to advance care planning is the first step on the way to overcoming them and to improving person-centred care and attention.
Aims: To identify the barriers perceived by professionals, patients, and family members when implementing ACP in a clinical context and to analyse the methodological quality of the evidence.
Enferm Intensiva (Engl Ed)
October 2021
Aim: The main aim of this investigation was to analyse the specificity and sensibility of the COMFORT Behaviour Scale (CBS-S) in assessing grade of pain, sedation, and withdrawal syndrome in paediatric critical care patients.
Method: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional and multicentre study conducted in Level III Intensive Care Areas of 5 children's university hospitals. Grade of sedation was assessed using the Spanish version of the CBS-S and the Bispectral Index on sedation, once per shift over one day.
Aims: To determine the grade of sedation in the critically ill paediatric patient using Biespectral Index Sensor (BIS) and to analyse its relationship with sociodemographic and clinical patient variables.
Methods: Observational, analytical, cross-sectional and multicentre study performed from May 2018 to January 2020 in 5 Spanish paediatric critical care units. Sex, age, reason for admission, presence of a chronic pathology, type and number of drugs and length of stay were the sociodemographic and clinical variables registered.
Aim: To identify factors underlying ethical conflict occurring during the current COVID-19 pandemic in the critical care setting.
Background: During the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak, Spanish and Italian intensive care units were overwhelmed by the demand for admissions. This fact revealed a crucial problem of shortage of health resources and rendered that decision-making was highly complex.
An Pediatr (Engl Ed)
December 2020
Introduction: There are clinical and sociodemographic factors that have an impact on the comfort of the critically ill paediatric patient. The main aim of this study was to determine the level of discomfort of paediatric patients admitted to different national hospitals, and to analyse its correlation with sociodemographic and clinical variables, analgosedation, and withdrawal syndrome.
Methods: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional, and multicentre study was conducted in five Spanish hospitals.
Introduction: The care of critically ill children is usually invasive and aggressive, requiring numerous traumatic procedures that may cause fear, pain, and discomfort.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the level of discomfort of patients admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit of a specialist children's hospital and to determine the sociodemographic and clinical variables that influence the degree of discomfort experienced by critically ill paediatric patients.
Methods: We performed a descriptive observational cross-sectional study that included a total of 311 children with a median age of 5.
Enferm Intensiva (Engl Ed)
October 2021
Aims: 1) To determine noise levels in two paediatric intensive care units (PICU) of a tertiary hospital and 2) to analyse whether these values comply with the current standards.
Method: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study carried out in two PICU with different infrastructure: bays separated by curtains and individual bedrooms. A PCE-999 sound level meter was used to determine noise levels, which were registered in decibels (dB).
Aims: To explore the meaning of comfort and know the factors that contribute to it from the point of view of the young adults who received care in a paediatric intensive care unit, the family of the patient and the interdisciplinary team attending the patient.
Findings: A total of 30 people were invited to participate in the focus groups; 24 did so. Thematic analysis yielded the following common categories: meaning of comfort, environmental factors in paediatric intensive care unit, family accompaniment during paediatric intensive care unit stay, management of information in the paediatric intensive care unit and, finally, the intimacy and privacy of the critically ill paediatric patient and their family.