Objective: To determine access to traditional and indigenous foods (TIF) and the association with household food security, dietary diversity and women's BMI in low socio-economic households.
Design: Sequential explanatory mixed-methods design, including a random household cross-sectional survey on household food insecurity access (HFIA), household dietary diversity (HDD) and women's BMI, followed by focus group discussions.
Setting: Two rural and two urban areas of Botswana.
Background: Micronutrient deficiencies are common and compound the effects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Africa. Nutritional interventions, particularly vitamin A supplementation, may improve immune functioning and delay disease progression.
Aim: To investigate the effect of fortified sorghum meal provided for 12 months on the immune status of adults with HIV.
Objective: To evaluate the validity and reproducibility of a 122-item interviewer administered quantitative FFQ developed to determine food and nutrient intakes of adults in Botswana.
Design: Relative validity of the FFQ was evaluated by comparing nutrient and food group intakes against four non-consecutive 24 h recalls administered over 12 months. The FFQ was repeated after 1 year to assess reproducibility.