Publications by authors named "Boissier A"

The combination of “local culture and community participation” as implementation support for health programmes is an effective approach to reduce cultural barriers of access to health services. These events have reduced the negative impact of perceptions, erroneous beliefs and misinformation about modern contraceptive methods commonly observed in target populations..

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A mixed hamartoma of the liver in a 39 year old man is reported. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a 4 cm inhomogeneous echogenic mass with acoustic shadowing. MRI T1 weighted images showed a inhomogeneous low intensity mass with lower gadolinium enhancement than normal liver, a moderate low signal intensity on proton density weighted images, and heterogeneous isosignal intensity on T2 weighted images.

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Objective: To comparatively evaluate CT scan and MRI in the preoperative staging of renal tumours.

Methods: 46 patients with a solid renal tumour were investigated preoperatively by CT scan (n = 43) and MRI (n = 46), the results of which were compared with pathological data.

Results: MRI assessed capsular effraction with a sensitivity of 95.

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Purpose: Percutaneous recanalization of renal artery occlusion was attempted in 10 patients.

Methods: All patients were hypertensive; before the procedure, the serum creatinine level was 80 mumol/L in one patient, ranged from 130-250 mumol/L in four patients, and was greater than 350 mumol/L in five, three of whom had anuria. Nine occlusions were thrombotic, one due to bilateral renal artery embolism.

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A 66-year-old man with atrial fibrillation was referred soon after developing left lower limb and abdominal pain with rectal bleeding. An immediate flush aortogram showed embolic occlusion of the left distal superficial femoral artery and superior mesenteric artery (SMA), 3 cm from its ostium. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) 40 mg was selectively instilled in the SMA in two boluses.

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Ninety-one infertile men with oligospermia and normal FSH serum level have been explored by transrectal ultrasound, biochemical sperm study and spermoculture. Ultrasound data concerning ejaculatory ducts, seminal vesicles and prostate distinguished images evocative of constitutive abnormalities (18 patients, whom sperm fructosis level was low in only one among 12) and images evocative of inflammatory processes (44 patients, whom limited correlations with biological datas were found). Transrectal ultrasound appears as a complement of biological data in infertile man evaluation, offering a better approach of vesiculo-deferentography's indication.

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The infratemporal fossa and its contents (particularly the pterygoid muscles) is a region difficult to explore, in spite of its importance in odontostomatological pathology. In order to reduce the indications that justify examination by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, for reasons of economy of health, the authors describe by application of orientated anatomical slices the way in which ultrasonography can be performed. Only the posterior approach between the mandible laterally and the mastoid process medially provided consistently adequate exploration of the infratemporal fossa and the pterygoid muscles.

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Long term effects on creatinine serum level of successful percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty were retrospectively studied in 140 patients. 3 groups were distinguished: the first one (80 patients) included unilateral renal angioplasties, with normal contralateral kidney and renal artery; the second group (35 patients) included bilateral renal angioplasties; the third group (25 patients) included solitary kidney renal artery angioplasties. In each group, subgroups were defined whether creatinine serum level was upper or lower than 130 mumol/l.

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After recent treatment with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, a 62-year old woman with diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypertension was admitted for oliguric acute renal failure due to bilateral renal artery lesions (right stenosis and left thrombosis). Hemodialysis was instituted. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the right renal artery did not improve the patient's condition, whereas left renal PTA, three weeks after admission, restored diuresis and renal function, allowing hemodialysis to be discontinued.

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Percutaneous recanalization of a left occluded renal artery has been performed 10 days after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of a controlateral renal stenosis. Improvement of the renal function is keeping normal 8 months after, although hypertension control is not very well. 26 case-reports have been found.

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