Attitude toward nature and environmental attitude are two distinct propensities that both further learning about the environment. The present study builds upon prior research by investigating the role of attitude toward nature in learning about environmental issues. In a sample of 1,486 university, middle and high school students ( = 15.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Psychol
September 2022
As Cuba achieves one of the lowest per capita ecological footprints in the world, the country's overshoot day was on 1 December 2019, while some European countries already reach this limit in February (e.g., Luxembourg), monitoring the environmental preferences of the Cuban younger generation may offer valuable behavioral or pedagogical insights into such a society.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnvironmental education aims to affect environmental knowledge and attitude to ultimately induce pro-environmental behavior. Based on 247 upper elementary school students, we tested the impact of an outdoor-based earth education program on environmental knowledge and attitude with a pre-post design. Both outcome measures were Rasch scales.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicroplastics are a global challenge and a frequently studied environmental issue. Hence, the knowledge body about microplastics within the scientific community is growing fast and challenges an elaborated knowledge transfer from science to the general public. Just as well-informed people are the basis for reducing microplastics' impact on the environment, knowledge of the audience's conceptions is the basis for an accurate and successful dissemination of scientific findings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPromoting sustainable lifestyles through Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is part of the UN's . Earlier empirical studies proved direct interactions with and in natural environments to be effective ESD methods. Pandemic-related lockdowns rendered such courses nearly impossible, which raised concerns about achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBosniak 2F renal cystic lesions feature morphologic characteristics between Bosniak I and III categories, the majority of which remain benign. However, a minor part of Bosniak 2F lesions may progress to malignancy. The purpose of this study was to assess Bosniak 2F cystic lesions during follow-up examinations by CEUS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Global Earth Overshoot Day, the date when all annually available natural resources are consumed, is set for July this year. For densely populated European countries like Germany or Switzerland, that specific day is due even earlier (May). To overcome such an unsustainable lifestyle, immediate actions are required, which includes substantial educational efforts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Microbiol Biol Educ
May 2020
Innovative 21st-century methods for teaching biology should provide both content knowledge and diverse scientific competencies. The Curriculum Guidelines of the American Society for Microbiology highlight the importance of developing scientific thinking skills, which include the abilities to formulate hypotheses, to communicate fundamental concepts effectively, and to analyze and interpret experimental results. Additionally, contemporary science education should enhance creativity and collaboration as key student assets in its bid to overcome negative perceptions and learning difficulties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConcepts of 464 university freshmen towards Environmental Education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) were analyzed. Responses were classified into seven main categories: 'ecological aspects', 'ecological problems', 'economical aspects', 'social aspects', 'environmental attitudes', 'environmental behavior' and 'education'. Analyses of sustainability concepts show a large discrepancy between EE and ESD, whereby the latter includes an additional sub-group: 'the next generation aspect'.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe concepts of 340 university freshmen concerning urban water cycles include various misconceptions (or intuitive conceptions) which severely contrast with correct scientific ones. Almost no student knew the correct urban water cycle in total, including cycle steps in the appropriate sequence: consumer (given), sewage-plant, nature and waterworks. Concepts mainly omit nature and waterworks, only the sewage plant is included in almost all concepts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe current loss of biodiversity has found its way into the media. Especially the loss of bees as pollinators has recently received much attention aiming to increase public awareness about the consequence of pollinator loss and strategies for protection. However, pollinating insects like bees often prompt considerable anxiety.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndovascular aortic repair (EVAR) has become established in the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms and shows potential benefits such as a low perioperative morbidity and a short hospitalization duration. The follow-up after EVAR primarily consists of lifelong postinterventional imaging of the aneurysm size in order to detect complications such as endoleaks or stent dislocation. Computed tomography angiography, an imaging modality that uses ionizing radiation and that relies on a contrast medium which is dependent on thyroid and renal function, is widely used for follow-up.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrasound is the most used interdisciplinary non-ionizing imaging technique in clinical routine. Therefore, ultrasound has a special value in the diagnosis and monitoring of cystic renal lesions, which can be classified as non-complicated or complicated and by means of occurrence as solitary or multifocal lesions. The Bosniak classification (I-IV) classifies renal cysts in 5 different categories with the help of ultrasound and computed tomography image criteria and is used for decisions of further clinical treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSuccessful learning is the integration of new knowledge into existing schemes, leading to an integrated and correct scientific conception. By contrast, the co-existence of scientific and alternative conceptions may indicate a fragmented knowledge profile. Every learner is unique and thus carries an individual set of preconceptions before classroom engagement due to prior experiences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs non-scientific conceptions interfere with learning processes, teachers need both, to know about them and to address them in their classrooms. For our study, based on 182 eleventh graders, we analyzed the level of conceptual understanding by implementing the "draw and write" technique during a computer-supported gene technology module. To give participants the hierarchical organizational level which they have to draw, was a specific feature of our study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe goose barnacle Dosima fascicularis produces an excessive amount of adhesive (cement), which has a double function, being used for attachment to various substrata and also as a float (buoy). This paper focuses on the chemical composition of the cement, which has a water content of 92%. Scanning electron microscopy with EDX was used to measure the organic elements C, O and N in the foam-like cement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOur study focused on strengthening the individual self-efficacy of low achieving 8th graders reducing drug-specific peer pressure through theoretical and practical training. The subject of the intervention was based on a substance-specific life skills program offering both teacher-centered and student-centered teaching approaches. A cluster analysis identified four consumption groups in our pre-test setting: (1) A "potentially curious" sample; (2) an "actually curious" sample; (3) an "experimenter" sample; and (4) a "consumer" sample.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn an effort to overcome deficiencies in teaching molecular biology at school, a workshop in an out-of-school laboratory including only authentic experiments was developed. Evaluation of 337 A-level 12th graders followed a quasi-experimental design, with one hands-on group, two non-experimental control groups (at school/in the laboratory), and one group with no intervention. Their cognitive achievement was monitored by pre-, post-, and retention tests and analyzed for inter-group differences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study suggests that alkaloid deficiency inUtetheisa (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) is a main cause of cannibalism; moreover, cannibalism can be predicted on the basis of alkaloid deficiency and of systemic alkaloid accumulation. This chemical plays a central role in the life of this species, because, first, it provides acquired chemical protection from potential predators, and, second, it determines mating success (as the alkaloid is an essential precursor of the male pheromone). Consequently, losers in the larval sequestering of alkaloids, which would result in a lack of chemical protection and in decreased mating success, tend to target conspecific winners, which are normally substantially protected against a variety of predators; by cannibalizing those accumulated alkaloid sources the losers tend to become the winners of cannibalistic encounters while making up their shortfall of these chemicals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe olfactory receptor neurons in basiconic sensilla on the antennae ofUtetheisa ornatrix, which, in females, had earlier been shown to be responsive to stimulation with hydroxydanaidal (HD), are here shown to be responsive to volatile substances in samples of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). These latter substances are secondary plant metabolites present in the host plant of the larvae. Their sequestration during larval life serves to protect all life stages from predation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe moth Utetheisa ornatrix derives protection against predation from systemic pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) that it sequesters as a larva from its foodplants (Leguminosae, Crotalaria spp.). We here show, in laboratory tests, that Utetheisa deficient in body PA can make up for the chemical shortfall by cannibalizing pupae.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLarvae of the mothUtetheisa ornatrix are shown to cannibalize eggs in the laboratory. They proved most cannibalistic if they were systemically deficient in pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA), the defensive agent that protectsUtetheisa at all stages of development against predation, and whichUtetheisa acquire as larvae from their food plant. In exercising cannibalistic choice,Utetheisa larvae feed preferentially on eggs that are PA-Iaden rather than PA-free.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe tips of the labial palps of Rhodogastria possess a pit housing uniform sensilla, histologically characterized by wall-pores and receptor cells with lamellated outer dendrites. The receptor cell axons project to glomeruli in the deutocerebrum which are not innervated by antennal receptors. From their histology as well as from their central projection these sense organs are identical with palpal pit organs of other Lepidoptera (Lee et al.
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